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Aug 21st 2020
They are asking for #FairHearing. What happened to #FairHearing when he:

1. evicted state civil servants from their Government quarters against a court order

2. demolished the house of my classmate, Inuwa Abdulkadir, #LifeBencher, against a court crder

3. demolished Durbar Hotel Kaduna against a court order.

4. demolished ‘Kasuwan Barci’ against a ourt order.

5. demolished the House of Senator Suleiman Hunkuyi against a court order.

6. sacked thousands of Kaduna teachers against a court order.

7. disregarded a court order to conduct LG election at a stipulated time & did it at his time.

8. Disregards fines imposed by the courts against his govt

Read 7 tweets
Feb 14th 2020
The first news says "he was caught during an initiation". And few hours later, we were told that "it was a set up".

We have seen cases where guys were been caught during initiation. And that it's a "set up", it is very possible. @segalink
When you are contesting for a post such as SUG President, there's a motion that a "Jew" can't be a President. A "Jew" is a non cult member. @segalink #IlaroSUG
That notion is very solid and true in most tertiary institutions in Nigeria. But we have seen few guys that became SUG President without been a cult member. I wasn't a cultist and I won my election - though, it was hell but I won. @segalink #IlaroSUG
Read 13 tweets
Jan 21st 2020
I had a follower DM me asking why I was excited and “Celebrating” having the Elite Title IX attorney’s following my story. Not wanting to get in an argument, I thanked her and said I would spend some time thinking about her question & send a message out in the group sharing my
perspective. My reasons are fairly simple! First, this group of attorneys, accused student warriors and their supportive family members following my #twitterfeed are amazing. This group together BLAZED a TRAIL & SHINED a LIGHT on #Colleges & #Universities denial of #DueProcess &
#UnFairHearings. #HigherEd Schools have been denying students #fundamentalfairness for years. So without these attorney’s, brave student warriors & supportive families determined to prove their #innocence there would be very little protections for me now as I take the next step
Read 28 tweets

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