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Aug 25th 2018

Weisselberg, TrumpOrg CFO, has Immunity in Cohen Probe-he knows everything

NYAG criminal probe likely re Cohen's taxes & senior TrumpOrg execs re hush 💰payments.

The illegal acts that may have helped Trump win the presidency:
Hush Money, Hackers, Trolls & psyops

Manafort tried to get the US military kicked out of Central Asia to help RU

WH Criticizes China Over El Salvador Recognition

Sen. John McCain will discontinue medical treatment for his brain cancer.🙏🏽

Omarosa: I’m ready to testify at Trump impeachment trial🔥

Senators are demanding info about Giuliani’s history with opioid maker Purdue Pharma

Cohen wasnt alone: records suggest two senior TrumpOrg execs had role in hush 💰 arrangements.

Trump killed stories about his kids, ex-wives, & Melania—the Pecker & safe knows all
Read 67 tweets
Jun 15th 2018
👿Projection Much?👿

NYS vs Donald J. Trump Foundation. Trump, DonJr, Ivanka, Eric re “persistent illegal conduct...”

Trump directed his Foundation funds to be used to settle a lawsuit related to Mar-A-Lago.

Trump used the foundation funds to bolster his 2016 presidential bid
👿Projection Much?2👿

The Trump Foundation was one big ‘persistently illegal’ scam, What a shock!

Instead of sending 💰 collected on behalf of “Veterans Orgs” Trump & Lewandowski directed the funds sent to a retired Army vet who was Trump’s campaign’s SE Regional Dir. 🙄
👿Projection Much?3👿

Remember how @GOP baselessly attacked Clinton Foundation? PROJECTION!

OIG Rpt confirms Comey broke from FBI Procedures in Clinton Probe, but not politically motivated (helped Trump, harmed HRC) & confirmed FBI is acting appropriately in the investigations
Read 66 tweets

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