NYS vs Donald J. Trump Foundation. Trump, DonJr, Ivanka, Eric re “persistent illegal conduct...”
Trump directed his Foundation funds to be used to settle a lawsuit related to Mar-A-Lago.
Trump used the foundation funds to bolster his 2016 presidential bid
The Trump Foundation was one big ‘persistently illegal’ scam, What a shock!
Instead of sending 💰 collected on behalf of “Veterans Orgs” Trump & Lewandowski directed the funds sent to a retired Army vet who was Trump’s campaign’s SE Regional Dir. 🙄
Remember how @GOP baselessly attacked Clinton Foundation? PROJECTION!
OIG Rpt confirms Comey broke from FBI Procedures in Clinton Probe, but not politically motivated (helped Trump, harmed HRC) & confirmed FBI is acting appropriately in the investigations
OIG Report destroys ALL of @GOPs false narratives. 🤗
OIG find no bias in FBI Investigation of Clinton, faults Comey for Anti-Clinton action
Comey used personal Gmail acct to conduct official business too
Weiner’s laptop was not exam’d earlier b/c FBI was scrambling to handle the issue RU was attempting to install Trump as Pres.
Sessions authorized Rosenstein to remain in charge of the RU inv’n
Sessions said HE advised Trump to fire Comey, not Rosenstein
Ergo Rosenstein isn't disqualified from his role in the Russia investigation, which destroys GOP talking point. 🤗
Manafort & Kilimnik sent witness tampering/influencing emails in Feb, two days post the superseding indictment against Manafort
PSY, the private intel grp that met with DonJr. & Erik Prince Aug 2016 has RU 💰intertwined with Psy Group’s affiliates.
Leonard Leo, EVP of the Federalist Society has hand picked 1/3 of our seated SCOTUS😱
Rudy says Cohen will not flip & cut a deal
Prosecutors are scrutinizing Cohen re likely Illegal lobbying re AT&T, Novartis, etc.
Judge ok’d Summer Zervos defamation case to go forward thus it bars Trump from SCOTUS appeal & affirms propriety of the NYS AG’s Trump Foundation suit.
RU & Syrian Nat’l indicted for 💰washing Millions of $$ for a RU Co that shipped jet fuel to Syria in violation of U.S. Sanctions
We will be hearing more about Billionaire Trump pal Tom Barrack & his shenanigans w/ Saudi princes and so much more.
Trump told G7 the Crimea belongs to RU b/c everyone speaks Russian = Putin’s narrative.
DeVos & co are dismantling regs designed to protect students defrauded by predatory colleges.
GOP put forth two bills to address Immigration issues
Banks & Wigmore (Vote.Leave) hearing ongoing re proposal to build a clone of Cambridge Analytica for Ole Miss😱
US DHS warns of North Korea cyber campaign, days after historic summit
A former Walmart is now housing abt 1,500 Migrant Children😱😱
To handle the horrific incarceration of immigrants Trump admin is awarding profitable contracts to third party contractors w/ ?? histories. It’s all about the 💰💰💰.
YO Sessions the Bible does not advocate ripping families apart.
An analysis of the Matryoshka doll-like company structure of the private intelligence group that met with Donald Trump Jr. and Erik Prince during the 2016 campaign has revealed the presence of Russian money intertwined with Psy Group’s affiliates.
Remember how @GOP baselessly attacked Clinton Foundation? PROJECTION!
NYS vs Donald J. Trump Foundation. Trump, DonJr, Ivanka, Eric re “persistent illegal conduct...”
NYS AG sued:
Donald J. Trump Foundation,
@RealDonaldTrump, DonJr, Ivanka, and Eric for extensive and
persistent violations of state and federal law.
🔥Trump Rips Off Veterans
Trump & Lewandowski directed that the donations collected on behalf of “Veterans Organizations” be sent instead to:
Stuart Jolly, (LTC, US Army, Ret), Regional Political Director. Southeast, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.🙄

“Donald Trump personally directed his Foundation funds to be used to settle a lawsuit related to Mar A Lago. Here is the receipt”
“Trump ran the Foundation on a whim rather than the law”
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is taking responsibility for authorizing Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to remain in charge of the Russia investigation, and detailed the process by which former FBI Director James Comey was fired.
Sessions said in an interview released Thursday that he was the one who made the decision to recommend to Trump that he fire Comey, not Rosenstein -- and that therefore Rosenstein isn't disqualified from his role in the Russia investigation.
By @DrDenaGrayson
DOJ - OIG Report McCabe
Department of Justice
Office of Inspector General
April 13, 2018
Report Former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe
Remember Horowitz & CPAC
Folks, you will need to sit down for this...
Comey used His Gmail acct to conduct official business.
The irony is rich. 😱🤷♀️😱
The financier Tom Barrack told the 2016 Republican National Convention that Donald J. Trump “played me like a Steinway piano” in the 1988 deal that began their friendship.
Trump told world leaders Crimea Is Russian because everyone there speaks Russian, which is straight up Putin’s narrative.
Trump made the remarks over dinner with other world leaders at the G7 summit in Canada.
I can’t wait for Mueller’s next move. Mikey? Most definitely...then Javanka? Parscal? Stone? #TraitorTots DonJr & FlynnJr? Petten, Clovis, Page, Lewandoski? So many to choose from. 🤗🤗🤗
Arron Banks & Andy Wigmore the bad boys of Vote.Leave re proposal to build a clone of Cambridge Analytica for Ole Miss😱
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
H/T @BelievnTheDream
The Secret Behind Trump’s Comically Bad Digital Campaign?
H/T @911
@maggieNYT & @EricLiptonNYT’s PR puff piece covering for Eric, interesting, no? 🙄
H/T @911CORLEBRA777 @JamesFourM @ericgarland
YO Sessions the Bible does not advocate ripping families asunder.👿👿👿
The $750 million data center coming to Huntsville, approved two weeks ago by the Huntsville City Council under the guise of a masking name.
As @Ericgarland asked, why would FSB want to set up shop next to NASA buildings? 👿😱👿
In 2012 GOP Congressmen successfully lifted Propaganda Ban which is why we are where we are today 😱
Propaganda that was supposed to target foreigners could now be aimed at Americans, reversing a longstanding policy.
A senior Education official, hired straight out of the for-profit college sector, helped dismantle regulations designed to protect students defrauded by predatory colleges.
SHS deflected and it appeared to viewers of the exchange, she did not care about the plight & inhumanity of separating innocent children from immigrant parents & blamed Trump’s law on DEMs. 😱
by the German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas:
Company owned by Chinese government awarded another contract at Trump development
Trump is MCGA & MRGA🙄🙄🙄🙄
💣#TeamTrumpMobFamily are soooo #FinCENFuqqd!
💣#MoneyLaundering, fraud & so much more!
💣Hang in there friends!
💣I know the wait for Mueller is excruciating & exhausting, but Mueller is moving like an uber ninja about to pounce on #TeamTrumpTraitors.
🌿Once Mueller indicts the traitors, subversives & co-conspirators, etc. we can civilly discuss our varying ideologies.
🌿I am looking forward to #TheRestoration.
Friends please forgive me if I don’t respond as my mentions are swamped by the time I finish, so pls @ me later if important.
I think tomorrow will be lit as well, so buckle up, ignore the hair on fire distractions & laugh at #TeamTreason’s wild assertions & buffoonery. #DesperateMeasures
Yikes! Ghouliani opined the NYFbiO replace fbi mgmt, the ones re Weiner laptop mischief?