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Jun 9th 2022
Good morning! We're back at #MetaForum2022. Day 2 is all about European Language Equality. @GeorgRehm now opening proceedings.

Live-stream: Georg Rehm at the rostrum, opening the day.
The project is not about getting to full language equality. It's about setting up a strategy to get there, together with the many partners.
Today's first keynote comes to us from Luxembourg (moien!), courtesy of June Lowery-Kingston (@DigitalEU). June works on #accessibility, #multilingualism and safer internet.
Read 37 tweets
Mar 20th 2021
Pre-pandemic, I had the chance to travel widely across the US, visiting nearly forty of the fifty states. Alongside political, economic & community contacts, I always called into a College, many of which had fantastic Irish studies programs. A thread on US-Irish educational ties.
Having written several books on Irish history & literature, I've enjoyed the chance to speak with students at over 30 🇺🇸 universities, including @GUGlobalIrish & @GIHNYU, that have #IrishStudies programs. They're connected through @ACIrishStudies, a close partner of the Embassy.
At least 2 🇺🇸 universities have campuses in 🇮🇪. @NDIrishStudies has a base @unddublin on #MerrionSquare and in #Connemara @UNDKylemore. @BCDublin is based on #StephensGreen. Both schools also offer opportunities for their students to intern in Ireland.
Read 13 tweets
Sep 29th 2020
👉Gaeilge/Irish-learning thread👈 #gaeilge #agfoghlaim
I've seen a few comments lately about the "caol le caol, leathan le leathan" rule for spelling. (Slender w/ slender, broad w/ broad). Some people have trouble remembering which vowels are slender, and when the rule applies.
In English, most people say the vowels in alphabetical order; AEIOU.
But it's worth breaking it up into slender (IE) and broad (AOU) to get your head around Irish spelling.
I used to just think of Irish websites being .ie to help me remember.
I also think it's good to see if you can let a kind of letter-colour synesthesia build up, so that mistakes stand out a bit more quickly.
(btw, this thread will be pretty annoying for people who actually have letter-colour synesthesia) in irish, the letters i and...
Read 13 tweets
Aug 7th 2020
You know what's cool? Katy Perry "Never Really Over" in Irish #Gaeilge

Because the original song is all about how she CAN'T get over some dude, and the version in Irish is basically you're a trainwreck and I'm over you now

"Grá ag dul chun cinn
Crá ag éadromaigh
Breathnú orm mar gheal go bhfuilim fos ag mothú beomhar"
I mean apart from the Irish cover being IMMENSELY better than the original, the bit above is translated like so:

"Love moving on
Torment getting lighter
Look at me, so bright, that I'm still feeling lively"

I love it, it makes me so happy ^_^
Read 3 tweets
Jul 27th 2020
Okay here's a quick Irish lesson for you: #Gaeilge

"name" in Irish is "ainm"
"soul" in Irish is "anam"

Pronounced ah-nim vs. auh-nmm, so they're VERY similar sounding. (I'm not even describing it right tbh)
So if you want to ask someone's name, you say

"Cad is ainm duit?" -> "what name belongs to you?"

But it sounds very similar to

"Cad is anam duit?" -> "what soul do you have?"
So when you meet someone new in Irish, you can either ask their name or give them an existential crisis, and personally I think that's awesome ^_^
Read 3 tweets
Jun 3rd 2020
In honour of this fecking gobshite, I present to you a better way of saying "Black Lives Matter" as #Gaeilge:

Saoltaí ildaite abú!
What he's got on his shirt translates as "blue living in subject" which is exactly as stupid as it sounds in Irish.

"Saoltaí ildaite abú" means "Colourful lives forever" or "To colourful lives, the victory", and I like to think we can all get behind that #BlackLivesMatter
Sidenote, if anyone is wondering why I didn't use "Saoltaí gorm abú", go put that into Google Translate and then get back to me.
Read 3 tweets
Sep 23rd 2019
If you have a smart phone, you can begin learning #Irish right now with the (completely free) @duolingo app!

Foghlaim linn. Labhair linn.
"Learn with us. Speak with us."

#Irish #Gaeilge #GaeilgeGachLá
#Irish is a living language, but @duolingo hasn't added the 💡feature for teaching concepts like it has for other language programs that it offers (yet..).

Don't sweat it though, there is a 3rd party page that is structured to fill in the gaps. 😎

➡️ ⬅️
If you are struggling to remember a word that you were taught in a previous #Irish lesson, or you just want to explore the words that you will learn in future lessons, @duolingo also has a searchable dictionary. 🙂…

#Irish #Gaeilge #GaeilgeGachLá
Read 7 tweets
Jul 22nd 2019
Ok #IrishTwitter - I met ~a dozen folks in the past 6mos. who want to learn either Irish or Gaelic or both. I've told them I'll pass along what resources I'm aware of, as they all said they weren't finding things, and I've found a good bit - but I bet you know of more #Gaeilge
So please help this Gael-Mheiriceánach spread an focal maith & add what you know. Extra 💕 if you share resources that can be used offline/w/o a smartphone & are free. Everything below has at least a free version, if not all content free.
#IrishLanguage #AsGaeilge #foghlaimeoir
Great Videos/About Learning Irish:
-'Yu Ming is ainm dom' on YouTube
-'In the name of the fada' on YouTube (six part documentary)
-the few basic lessons from 'Seán Mór' on YouTube
-'What the focal' with @MiseCiara on YouTube (Ciara Ní É)
Read 17 tweets

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