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Sep 15th 2019
#Kuwait is mobilizing its defense and security systems after drones originating from #Iraq, crossed its airspace into #SaudiArabia airspace. It's not a #Houthi affair. It is an Iranian pincer movement.

I have warned months ago that the region was to witness a mass #GameofDrones
I've underlined many times including in OpEds & on FoxNews that #Iran will open a northern front on #Saudi & the Gulf from #Iraq & backed by its presence in #Syria. It's happening. Iranian missiles in Iraq are now the "northern threat to the Gulf
الجبهة الشمالية... سوريا والعراق
ينظر المراقبون في واشنطن إلى ما يُسمى بالجبهة الشمالية لخط التماس بين التحالف الدولي بقيادة الولايات المتحدة والمحور الإيراني، بقيادة الباسدران أو الحرس الثوري الإيراني. الجبهة الشمالية... سوريا والعراق
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