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Feb 21st 2022
Feb 17, 2022, #Mohawk Women, Grand River: "We send love & gratitude to all of the brave men & women who are holding the line uniting together w/ kindness & compassion in their hearts, for freedom, so that #truth & #justice may prevail." #Ottawa

"#Canada is still a crime scene & all will be held on genocide. Grand River Mohawks are alive & well. Mohawks still hold the original 6 int. treaties & we are in the center of the covenant chain. As women we must remind the Cnd Govt of their pledge to the Grand River Mohawks..."
"The announcement today by [] #Trudeau is a breach of this trust. Women are the allodial title holders. Even if the courts wanted to, they cannot provide the Cnd Govt w/ a casa somasos. Univ. laws are supreme law of the land & no legislative acts will ever supersede them."
Read 5 tweets
Nov 19th 2021
A thread on an important symbol: the #maltesecross of the #KnightsHospitaller and it’s use in #definingpower #elite #networks #deepstate #worldgovernment
The #maltesecross of the #KnightsHospitaller are displayed by the Order of St John, Royal Victorian Order & Order of the Bath (GCB) - dynastic orders / orders of chivalry in the UK honours system. ImageImageImageImage
The last 8 Lord Mayor’s of the City of London Corporation, all Knights in the Order of St John - the British branch of the #knightshospitaller

The city brands itself as the oldest continuous municipal ‘democracy’ and serves as the model for the British Parliament. ImageImage
Read 25 tweets

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