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War on the Kinahan cartel: ‘Fear of financing terrorism spurred US to join forces with gardaí’

Former top garda John O’Driscoll reveals concerns that #moneylaundering by Daniel Kinahan’s gang could fund terror groups.

#Ireland #OrganizedCrime…
Daniel Kinahan: The cartel boss is believed to have moved to #Iran - a place where 'organised crime groups are going to launder money'
Kinahan cartel used tiny Iranian island to launder dirty money and for holidays

It is understood that Christy Kinahan discovered Kish when he was first travelling in the Gulf.

#KinahanCartel #Iran…
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Today, the #Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs published an evaluation report of its contribution to the Resolute Support mission in #Afghanistan that *pulls no punches.*

I'll string together its primary findings in this THREAD. 1/n Image
(You can find the full report and an executive summary here:…) 2/N
Before the findings, a quick comment: the Dutch MFA produced this report b/c "Dutch contributions to missions under Article 100 of the Dutch Constitution are subject to an obligation to evaluate the deployment after it's been completed"

Wish the US had a similar requirement. 3/n
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How to Research Western "Soft Power" Media Influence

A 🪡

Western governments, corporations, and NGOs devote a lot of resources to "research," "experts," and narrative control.

Of course, other governments do it too, but at this point others are pretty clearly labeled, and those governments being bad is drilled into our minds.

In some instances, someone may seem like a "#glowie" [fed] but it is impossible to prove.

However, ours is not a subtle age, and the Western soft power machine considers themselves the "good guys," so they commonly don't even obscure their activities; they boast of them

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1.❗️ #Russia bypassing sanctions receives key technologies for the war in #Ukraine through third countries, #Bloomberg.

According to the publication, Russian imports in general have largely returned to pre-war levels in 2020, and an analysis of trade⬇️…
2. data suggests that modern chips and integrated circuits produced in the #EU and other allied countries are being supplied to #Russia via third countries such as #Turkey, #UAE and #Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan is a key example. In 2022, the country exported⬇️…
3. $3.7 million worth of advanced semiconductors to #Russia, up from just $12,000 the year before the war.

In the period from 2017 to 2021, the #RussianFederation annually bought advanced chips and integrated circuits for an average of 163 million dollars from the #EU,⬇️ Image
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Mar. 1:
1/ ♦️Large #Earthquke #Activity #Predicted

#Dutch seismologist, #FrankHougerbits, who predicted the #Earthquake in #Turkey & #Syria,🔸#Warned of a large-scale #Earthquake that could occur in Mar. 2023.🔸..continued

#Earthquake #Quake #Seismic…
Mar. 1:
2/ ♦️Large #Earthquke #Activity #Predicted

A report released by the #SSGEOS (#SolarSystemGeometrySurvey) scientific institute, where #Hougerbits works, says the approach of the #Planets on Mar. 2 & 5 can..continued

#Earthquake #Quake #Seismic…
Mar. 1:
3/ ♦️Large #Earthquke #Activity #Predicted

..can lead to 🔸very large #Seismic #Activity in the period from Mar. 3 to 7.🔸

So, according to scientists, #Tremors are likely in 12 points of the #Planet ..continued

#Earthquake #Quake #Seismic…
Read 13 tweets
Netherlands 🇳🇱: 70-years-old dutch woman Fenny was brutally stabbed to death by a 30-year-old Asylum Seeker at her home in Groningen, the refugee shelter is close to the victim's home + #Netherlands
Fenny was stabbed in the abdomen on January 31 and died of her injuries a few days ago.

A number of local residents had expressed concern about the number of new arrivals to the area after two asylum centers were established nearby: the canal boat and another location for +
daytime activities for asylum seekers located on the Eemskanaal Noordzijde.

“Our neighborhood has become a drain,” one resident of De Holtstek told DVNH who claimed he and his neighbors had told local authorities they +
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Foreign Ministry : Revealing Dutch government’s involvement in supporting terrorism in Syria is political and moral scandal
What is revealed in the report issued on Dec 12th by the so-called “Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic on non-lethal assistance” regarding the involvement of Dutch government in supporting terrorist groups in Syria,
is only one of the legal, political and moral scandals of this state, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said in a statement.
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Italy approved an aid package worth some $14 billion to shield firms and families from surging energy costs;
#Europe's fertilizer production shutdowns as an outcome of high natural gas prices;

#UkraineWar Image
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Finland announced the opening of two back-up power plants - in order to prevent power outages;
European Central Bank announces 75 basis point interest rate hike to tackle soaring inflation;
France could reduce the number of trains this winter to save energy; Image
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The #Dutch government is taking extra steps to ensure security of supply this winter as #Russian piped supplies to #Europe continue to drop.
read my #ICIS latest for more datils and data insights (subs only):…
#natgas #ONGT #energy #gas #Netherlands
An additional €10m would be made available to further fill the #Bergermeer storage facility up to 90%. This adds to a budget left over from a previous subsidy to fill up Bergermeer of approximately €200m.
Further subsidy will be also made available for the #Norg storage facility so that further filling can be done.
The government said it does not intend to boost extraction from the Dutch #Groningen field to meet the new storage target it has set for the upcoming winter.
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#CCP Developed ESG Policies Implemented By The #WEF Will Destroy The World


The #ESG policies the #WEF and #UN are implementing have become visible as of late, more recently with the Canadian and #Dutch #farmers protesting these initiatives.…
[1] It's interesting to note that the CCP is behind the policies that the #WEF and UN are trying to force on the world, and it makes sense as #China is working on having complete control of the UN.
[2] A New World Order could be established this way, not with war, but through ideology that is accepted from the #WEF.

Nearly every single person of power and wealth attends these #WEF yearly meetings including the CEO of Blackrock, Larry Fink,
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1/ 🧵

Land sale begins on 17th June 2022 (Friday) at 6pm CET, and we’re stoked!

The first phase of #Skybreach land sale will be for #kokopelli whitelistees. If you’d like to get into the kokopelli whitelist, please burn your kokopelli with your movr address within the next 24H.

The second phase (#kanaria phase) will be for anyone who has #kanaria land deed voucher credit(s). Vouchers expire in a day, so be sure to burn yours ASAP to get the credits!

To learn how to burn your vouchers, check the link below: 👇…

The third phase will be for whitelisted collections, including:

@10b57e6da0 (lobster DAO)
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The Supreme Court of the #Netherlands rules that #Pfizer residual products enter the human food chain via livestock farming. #Dutch laboratories #RIVM judges that it can do no harm despite independent reports of cancer-causing risks. #farmers #boeren #meat #vlees #HumanResources
in the Netherlands, reports from independent scientists with reporting obligations are set aside by Rivm. Political MPs are required to remain silent. People are aware that they are evading #EU legislation, you can read in WOB documents. Alzo with growth hormone #17betaoestradiol
The #EuropeanCommission has informed the #Netherlands in writing that the risks to human health are irresponsible if the #Eu legislation on public health is not followed. Farmers are fighting to the courtroom that nothing may be made public about the safety of their own products.
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#Hindu Funerary Monuments:
Ordinary Hindus are cremated after their #death except for the saints. According to religious traditions, they are buried, and their shrines are called #Samadhi. The term Samadhi in #Hinduism also refers to an elevated state of mental awareness. 1/ Pic - Rajesh Avhad
Death by Samadhi usually involves inhumation rather than cremation on a pyre. However, samadhi memorials may or may not contain the remains of the deceased. This ritual occurs in 3 stages- taking Samadhi, the burial of the body, and site construction. 2/
The belief is that body of a saint or guru should be preserved as a symbol of sacred power. In this context, the #Hindu memorial is similar to the #Buddhist stupa, where relics of Buddhist teachers are buried and worshipped. 3/
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A thread on an important symbol: the #maltesecross of the #KnightsHospitaller and it’s use in #definingpower #elite #networks #deepstate #worldgovernment
The #maltesecross of the #KnightsHospitaller are displayed by the Order of St John, Royal Victorian Order & Order of the Bath (GCB) - dynastic orders / orders of chivalry in the UK honours system. ImageImageImageImage
The last 8 Lord Mayor’s of the City of London Corporation, all Knights in the Order of St John - the British branch of the #knightshospitaller

The city brands itself as the oldest continuous municipal ‘democracy’ and serves as the model for the British Parliament. ImageImage
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Grand Chamber hearing in C-562/21 PPU at @EUCourtPress commences. The case concerns extradition under the #EAW from NL to Poland in light of the Polish muzzle law. -> Is due process still guaranteed? This case could put an end to the two-step test derived from the #LM judgement.
This was a lively hearing at the @EUCourtPress this morning with the #Dutch, #Irish & #Polish Government intervening in a case with vast significance for the continuance of the system of judicial cooperation within the European Union. (1/n)
The question was whether the two-step test for extradition established in the LM judgement can hold in light of the changes to the judiciary in Poland, and specifically amid the fact that many judges in Poland are appointed by the KRS which is not in accordance with EU law. (2/n)
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Several #interpreters left behind in #AFG who worked for the #Netherlands have received letters from the #Taliban ordering them to appear n court. TB said their families could also be prosecuted if an interpreter does not show up.
#Taliban officially rejected #Dutch media report about #prosecution of former Dutch forces #interpreters by IEA in #Afghanistan:
"According to Dutch national television report, the Islamic Emirate's security forces have summoned interpreters who worked ...
... with Dutch forces for prosecution. We reject this report as untrue and this is just a claim and propaganda.
Some people may be trying to leave the country (Afghanistan) and seek asylum with these kind of claims."
Read 4 tweets

1. Today's The Planet newsletter has pictures of my village, where cyclists mostly have their own roads as you often see in the Netherlands.

Here they are warned to slow down at a crossing.

A short thread 🧵

#cycling #Zeeland #Netherlands #biking #nature

2. If you share a fascination for nature, please join the community of thousands of readers that start their day with inspiration from The Planet newsletter.

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3. In the main street of the village, there are horse chestnuts everywhere.

Do you pick them up or leave them on the ground?


#chestnuts #autumn #autumnwalks #outdoors #nature
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#DelightReview : #Borgman 2013 🔞🔞 #Dutch
#OTT- 👎🏻
#Genre - #Mystery #Thriller #Crime

It is the first Dutch language film to participate in the Cannes Film Festival in 2013 after 38 years.After watched this movie we will surely get shock about Will this ever happen
1/8 Image
An outstanding #Dutch thriller written and directed by #AlexvanWarmerdam will make you think like never before.mainly to understand what actually happened. But, even if you don't, it is worth to watch for the artistic value, unbelievable storytelling,
#Borgman Image
unpredictable mystery and acting!

Since it's a Dutch movie very tough to understand their concepts & even names . Why they are called as #Borgman? That's the only thing keep on asking myself. Then with help of some the reviews I came to knew what was that exactly..
#Borgman Image
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#ADDER in #IndoEuropean: #Latin natrix, gen. sg. natrĭcis f. ‘water snake’, #OldIrish nathair, gen. sg. nathrach, #Welsh neidr, pl. nadredd, #OldCornish nader ‘snake’, #OldBreton natrolion pl. ‘basilisks’, #MiddleBreton nazr, azr, #ModernBreton naer ‘snake’, …
1/14 https://commons.wikimedia.o...
#ProtoGermanic *nadraz m. (#Gothic nadrs, #OldNorse naðr, #Icelandic naður), *nēdrōn- f. (#OldEnglish nǣdre, #OldHighGerman nātara, #WestFrisian njirre), *nadrōn- f. (#MiddleEnglish nadder, adder, #OldNorse naðra, #MiddleDutch nadre, adre, #Dutch adder, #German Natter, Otter)
2 https://commons.wikimedia.o...
What do an adder, an apron, and an orange have in common?

If it weren’t for the phenomenon of “rebracketing”, they would all three still be known as nadder, napron (cf. #French napperon), and norange (cf. #Spanish naranja).
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VIP escort arranged by #Netherlands govt for female #ISIS #Daesh terrorist's return home from #Syria. Female ISIS members committed horrific crimes and provided material support for genocide + terrorism. #Yezidi #Yazidi

video via @HaraldDoornbos

@telegraaf @ADnl @volkskrant
Some may wonder why female #ISIS #Daesh members are given protection by their home governments, considering the literal GENOCIDE the Islamic State perpetrated against #Yezidi #Yazidi . Partly, it is because European states wrongly assess female ISIS members as not culpable.
Meanwhile, as these #ISIS #Daesh member is being brought home through the funding and protection of the Netherlands government, more than 2800 #Yezidi #Yazidi women and children remain unaccounted for in aftermath of ISIS's brutality and genocide
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Personal health update: Got results back. All clear on the Xray and bloodtests. Nothing.

Got a referral for the stomach, gut and liver specialist to look at my gut next.

But i wanted to tell a story about #Healthcare in the Netherlands #WSS #Wallstreetsilver @WallStreetSLVR
First of all: Pain is no reason for expediency. I'm not even gonna list the empirical evidence for that i'll be here all day.

But, what i wanted to talk about is the conversations i *just* had with my GP and my father.

Ysee, the doctor asked me what i wanted to look at next.
And i said my gut, because if there's nothing wrong with my blood/stomach, then maybe that's the reason why *i can't eat anything*.

I'm on a diet of eating nearly only french fries cause it's the most i can handle.

She said she was worried about that, saying i should vary it up
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#Hydronomastics is the study of #hydronyms, the proper names of bodies of water.

It's a branch of #toponomastics, the study of #toponyms (the proper names of places), which in turn is a branch of #onomastics, the study of #orthonyms (proper names).

French / Luxembourghish sign: The River Sauer in Martelan...
#Hydronym and #hydronomastics both derive from Ancient #Greek ὕδωρ / húdōr (water) + ὄνομα / ónoma (name). The Greek island of Skiatho...
#Hydronyms tend to outlast other #toponyms, even when new #languages and cultures displace earlier ones.

#England, #EastAnglia, #Essex, and #Sussex are named for the #Angles and #Saxons; but #Trent, #Ouse, #Thames, #Severn, and #Avon are older #Celtic and #RomanoBritish names. A map showing the main rive...
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