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Apr 30th 2023
@JohnDunlea @appfeed67 @RaymondZino @EdKrassen So what

US has the most legal guns but is only halfway down the gun-murder league table

Serbia & Israel are in the top few countries with the most legal gun ownership per person but are 3/4 way down

Switzerland 2nd most (possibly most per household) & was falling off bottom!🤦‍♂️ ImageImageImageImage
@JohnDunlea @appfeed67 @RaymondZino @EdKrassen So why does US have so many mass shootings such as in schools

When other high gun legal ownership countries don't have mass shootings or even high gun murders


What are "liberals" trying to distract & deflect from with gun control😱 ImageImageImageImage
@JohnDunlea @appfeed67 @RaymondZino @EdKrassen If want to watch a #Triggernometry interview that could well explain why the USA leads the world with #MassShootings

Especially #MassSchoolShootings

Watch this:

⚠️🚨#TriggerWarning: It's because the USA leads the World with "#Liberalism" & #Feminism!
Read 20 tweets
Jan 24th 2023
OK @ElonMusk @Twitter

This beyond a joke


1. How come this @ThreadReader unroll never appeared in my Notifications

I only saw it as revisited the thread😱
#TwitterFiles @TomFitton @Project_Veritas @LHFang @BariWeiss @MTaibbi @GGreenwald @lhfang @ShellenbergerMD @davidzweig
2a How come mystery missing @threadreaderapp unroll contained link to another unroll I never saw in my Notifications

b How come the poll in one of the Tweets was hidden as potentially sensitive content

c When the text in the poll was the same as Tweet🤦‍♂️…
3. FFS Twitter is really taking the P now!

a) Is my poll getting zero votes because Twitter2.0 also wants a #GunBan & HID IT

And @ElonMusk @Twitter doesn't care

b) And why is a @ThreadReader unroll that never appeared in my Notifications

Read 4 tweets
Jan 19th 2023
@CoryPatfield @MrAhmednurAli An "#AssaultWEAPON" is any NON-military spec NON full-auto CIVILIAN SPORTS 😱🤦‍♂️rifle of a "modern" ie post WW2 design specification ergonomics styling materials & manufacture

That "liberals" want to make the sheeple fear is some kind of FULL-military spec FULL-auto #AssaultRIFLE ImageImageImageImage
@CoryPatfield @MrAhmednurAli "#AssaultWEAPON" is a NON-military spec NON full-auto CIVILIAN SPORTS rifle of "modern"=post WW2 design spec ergonomics styling materials & manufacture

That "liberals" want to make people fear is a FULL-military spec FULL-auto #AssaultRIFLE

As excuse to start to ban all rifles! ImageImageImageImage
@CoryPatfield @MrAhmednurAli "#AssaultWEAPONS" are NON-military spec NON full-auto CIVILIAN SPORT rifles of "modern"=post WW2 design spec ergonomics styling materials & manufacture

Which "liberals" want to make people fear are FULL-military spec FULL-auto #AssaultRIFLES

As excuse to start to ban all rifles ImageImageImageImage
Read 14 tweets
Nov 26th 2020
"Silence the Violence and Shun the Guns is a North American initiative to reduce all at-risk youth gangs and gun violence.”


No, it isn’t.

It’s a guy running a scam in Toronto.

Read on…

#canada #cdnpoli #gunban #gunviolence

Communities for Zero Violence (@CZV416) tweeted an article from @BlogTO warning against @STVASTG, questioning their credibility.

In the article, we learn more details about some weird guy harassing people to buy his anti-gun t-shirts, and who is unable to provide any details about, or proof of, the initiatives he claims to be leading to help impoverished / Black youths.…

Read 34 tweets
May 19th 2020
Wow, Interesting. I just noticed that there seems to be a belief that the "illegal gun problem" in Canada is (partly) because of First Nations. 1/ #gunban #cdnpoli
Now, I don't generally travel in the sort of circles that have any knowledge about gun smuggling, So, perhaps, as one <25 follower responder told me, my ignorance is showing. OK. Fair enough. I have always believed if you don't know something, it's good to ask questions... 2/
Apparently, in some people's minds, it is bad to ask questions. I wonder if these are the same people who never asked questions in school when they didn't understand something and, because of that, wound up with a less fulsome education? 3/
Read 16 tweets
Sep 17th 2019
A total #GunBan in the City of Carson?

That's what @MayorRobles is proposing at the city council meeting tomorrow. Gun sales an possession would be effectively banned within city limits. A gun would only be allowed inside a home for home protection.

Full story at 11pm! ImageImageImage
Carson City Council meets tonight at 6pm @ City Hall —>…
Carson City Council meeting is underway. @MayorRobles is presenting a #resolution to effectively ban guns in the city limits. Image
Read 4 tweets

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