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Mar 4th 2023
#GuerreEnUkraine D+374 (04/03) PdS1 - Théâtre du #Donbass

La moitié orientale de #Bakhmut est passée sous contrôle 🇷🇺

C'est bien tout ce que l'offensive russe, qui culmine partout ailleurs, aura produit

L'arbre qui cache la forêt

Read 26 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
1/ !! #GUR @ServiceSsu just posted a photo of its soldiers coupled with (in the background) of a US Army UH-60 #BLACKHAWK with #Ukrainian tactical insignia

The deliveries of any "Black Hawks" to #Ukraine were not previously reported. (From US?) if this Image
2/ has occurred, it then certainly a one & unique delivery (for now) for special units...
very interesting... & really really nice gift.

-Original post on Unian site, not directly on the one of SBU
3/ some people saying diff thing right now about this.
as it could have been before invasion? (but then why we never saw it? and why the release now?)
i don't know right now.
if it's only an old pic, and it's not reprensative or means anything related to actual news, i'll delete
Read 4 tweets
Oct 24th 2022
More on this noise. Realize it would not shock me if they carry it out, but I don’t think they will actually do it…short thread

‼️Rashists are planning a series of terrorist attacks in the Kherson region - GUR The invaders anticipate the quick liberation of the right-bank part of the Kherson region by the Ukrainian Defense Forces. and are preparing a series of terrorist attacks on this territory. Back in
April, they mined the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station, now they are mining locks and supports. The dam of the Kakhovka reservoir and the units of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station were under the threat of destruction. On the dam there are 2 military
Read 5 tweets
Jun 11th 2022
1/ Really interesting report here! have a look.
Just released - directly from Vadym Skibitky.
lots to unfold here.
Mil #intelligence of #Ukraine #GUR
Ru Plans are updated and still focused on East (we kne about that) but the rest of plan would depend on this success or failure
2/ We knew from Gerasimov himself that they claimed to have 187 Bataillons just before the war (maybe not all complete and same level of readiness etc) also at one point we had confirmation (April) that about 126 BTGs were in Ukraine (before the retreat from #Kyiv area) and we
3/ have counted about 22 to 26 BTGs that would have been destroyed. (some with 85% attrition)
I also reported that (info was given several time by Gen staff etc) that 20 BTGs were "rebuild" near #Belgorod and 8 more in the area of #Koursk and 3/5 more near #Briansk and we have
Read 23 tweets
Jul 1st 2016
Reportage bouleversant de @news10 sur le calvaire d'Esti Weinstein, qui a fui la secte Gur. Son histoire:…
La secte hassidique #Gur est sans doute la plus conservatrice de toutes, contrôle les relations entre membres, aliène l'individu
1 ex-Gur révèle 104 règles:
ne pas se regarder dans le miroir;
ne pas dire "femme", "fille";
marcher tête baissée...…
Read 3 tweets

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