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Oct 4th 2020
Today’s #Yiakl #SundaySpotlight goes out to Lidiya T @KitchaFitFit1 in acknowledgment of her consistent, creative and pragmatic actions that she undertakes to support #Eritrean refugees in #Libya.

#Yiakl #WeAreComingHome #Eritrea2020 ImageImage
Lidiya is a 21 years old prominent activist & organizer who has been passionately involved with her Eritrean community from a very young age.

Ever since she witnessed the daunting & overwhelming plight of Eritrean refugees in Libya, Lidiya got determined not to sit back & watch.
Instead, she picked up the slack left by the organizations which simply abandoned these refugees, and found a way to provide financial and moral support to these refugees and make meaningful contributions to help ease their suffering.

#Yiakl #SundaySpotlight #WeAreComingHome ImageImage
Read 11 tweets
Dec 16th 2019
Today's #Yiakl #SundaySpotlight goes out to our
@vanessatsehaye in acknowledgment of her exemplary human rights activism that has greatly helped shed light on the gross human rights violation in Eritrea.

#Eritrea2020 #SundaySpotlight
#Yiakl #WeAreComingHome ImageImage
@vanessatsehaye is one of the most prominent Human Rights activists who began protesting #Eritrea’s human rights abuses when she was only 16 years old. Image
After her uncle, photojournalist Seyoum Tsehaye, was imprisoned in September 2001, Vanessa campaigned for his release at her high school and later expanded the campaign to secondary schools and universities around the world.
Read 8 tweets

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