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Apr 10th 2021
'Men are three times more emotional than women at work.' Any woman could have told you that. Also in politics, government, in fact everywhere. @JessRapana @StylistMagazine…
'According to the findings, men are twice as likely to get emotional when their “ideas weren’t heard” or because they “were criticised”.' @JessRapana @StylistMagazine… #GenderEquality #DiversityAndInclusion #ChangeTheRatio
'What’s more, men were three times more likely to feel emotional if a project went over budget, missed a deadline or got cancelled.' @JessRapana @StylistMagazine… #GenderEquality #DiversityAndInclusion #ChangeTheRatio
Read 9 tweets
May 6th 2019
At the Canadian Consortium for Research meeting today w/ @MitacsCanada #CSPF and @NSERC_CRSNG colleagues, where @VB_Lisa opens by discussing #SupportTheReport efforts, asking how can we foster next steps for fundamental research and the #NextGenCanSci in Canada?

#scipol #thread
James Compton, prev prez @CAUT_ACPPU shows that there was a massive increase in student population, but this has slowed over the last 3 years. It would have slowed more, were it not for international students. Yet, #PSE funding from fed has been flat, has decreased at prov level
... Tuition has also increased over time. Faculty wages are not the culprit though, the % #PSE expenditures on wages has diminished over time. There is also more reliance on contract staff ➡️ and academic staff are not being renewed
Read 55 tweets

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