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Nov 18th 2018
Hi tweeps! Remember back in March, I made a mega-thread of amazing #WomenInSTEM that you should follow, especially for #IWD2018? If not, here's the 'moment' I made from it…
Well, today (19 Nov) is #InternationalMensDay #IMD2018, and I wanted to mark the occasion. So here are SIXTY men working in STEM who also happen to be some of my favourite tweeps. This is by no means an exhaustive list - please don't be offended if you're not on it!
PS: I have some actual (paid) work to do today, so I'll update the list when I can, in between all my other commitments. Please be patient 😊
Read 68 tweets
May 18th 2018
During his life Edward Lovett (1852-1933) amassed a huge collection of objects mostly relating to his passion for folklore, charms, amulets and superstitions. #InternationalMuseumDay #IMD2018 #welovett #wehaveacharmforthat [THREAD]
Lovett worked for much of his life at the Bank of Scotland in London, rising to the rank of Chief Cashier, but in his leisure time he took great pleasure in his collecting trips to the working-class areas of London. #InternationalMuseumDay #IMD2018 #welovett #wehaveacharmforthat
Lovett searched all over London for these amuletic necklaces and drew this map charting were he had found them being sold. #InternationalMuseumDay #IMD2018 #welovett #wehaveacharmforthat
Read 12 tweets

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