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Jan 28th 2023
1. Why does it not matter to pro-Ukraine Twitter that Ukrainian militias started bombing t/f out of Donbass on February 16, 2022, with lethal aid that the U.S. had just sent the Ukrainian government?
2. People who mention these bombings are silenced with accusations of "justifying Russia's brutal invasion". But if Ukraine actually did start bombing t/f out of Donbass, then Russia's SMO, launched in defense of Donbass, actually was justified.
3. There is no good reason to denounce Russia's military assistance to Donbass, only bad ones. Bad ones... like somehow believing that Donbass does not have the right to defend themselves or to be defended by anyone if they are facing a stronger aggressor.
Read 41 tweets
Jan 21st 2023
I agree that we shouldn't give in to "nuclear blackmail". We shouldn't let nuclear threats stop us from doing the right thing. But I'm not convinced that continuing to arm Ukraine to spite a nuclear armed country is "right". Russia is in Ukraine to protect Donbass from Nazis.
This "nuclear blackmail" thing is a line I used to fall for. "We gonna let big bad Russia get away with this? Hell no!" But I now realize - get away with what? Stopping the new Nazi Menace? We should be on Russia's side on this, like we were in WW2. Why aren't we?
I draw a red line at helping the 4th Reich. Realizing that you're on the side of folks who want to start WW3 to "lead the white nations in a final crusade against the semite-led untermenschen" should make any decent person hit the brakes.
Read 23 tweets
May 5th 2020

"If we continue this #jingoism, when #Bitcoin surpasses #fiatmoney, for a large section of #peoples, it will just be one kind of currency they didn't understand replaced by another #currency they don't understand. Was that what #Satoshi would've wanted?"

- @nonnis_luciano

On that note, @d_xone brings to you 10 #Bitcoin proponents that take the pains to explain what goes on behind the curtain in true #feynman style.

Do you follow them all? If not, what are you waiting for?


At #10 is @Bitcoin - Clocking in at 1M #followers, this takes the #10 spot. Been advocating #BTC and exposing shills longer than everybody else, @Bitcoin is the real #OG. When it comes to bitcoin #maximalism, this one takes the cake.

Latest Tweet:
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Jun 10th 2019
It’s #Monday, I’m boozing it up at a 4 seat bar, the #barkeep is a long pourer, and I’m all fucking set if I get something stuck between my teeth.👇🙃 #RandomThoughts #drinking #OutAndAbout
Shooting the shit with a friend, she’s proud to be doing well with her plants - unusual for her.

The key was a #video explaining the benefits of pruning.

She needs REASONS. She got them.

Apparently, pruning in a particular manner stimulates growth hormones.
Of course, this led to me initiating a discussion about the #movie I just watched on Hulu, called “The German Doctor.”

The main character was Josef Mengele. #ThisHappened

People, this is why I’m known in my circles as “The Black Hole Of Conversation.” SMTH
Read 239 tweets
May 23rd 2018
Translation: The new anthem policy was approved by White team owners who literally think they own the Black athletes on their teams.
Be careful what you wish for, @NFL. The game CANNOT be played without the players and you’ll learn it the hard way when they #TakeAKnee on your whole football season.
The irony and unmitigated gall of White conservatives lamenting how “disrespectful” kneeling during the anthem is to America when they voted for a fucking TRAITOR and still wholeheartedly support every corrupt, anti-American, treasonous thing he’s doing. GTFOH.
Read 16 tweets

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