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Jul 14th 2020
#SriAgenda abt to start 💥 #July14 at 3pm CEST

Parliamentary Report Launch: Financing #climateaction w/ positive #socialimpact: how banks can support a #justtransition in the UK "@APPGSustFin…

#sustainablefinance @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit
@APPGSustFin @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit #SriAgenda just started 💥 #July14

Parliamentary Report Launch: Financing #climateaction w/ positive #socialimpact: how banks can support a #justtransition in the UK "@APPGSustFin…

#SustainableFinance #JustTransition
@APPGSustFin @SRI_Natives @SriEvent_It @andytuit here are the hashtags to join the conversation on Twitter, @PollyBillington just said in her opening remarks

âž¡ #JustTransition
âž¡ #SustainableFinance

(no doubt 😎)
Read 24 tweets

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