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Apr 8th 2023
Day 409 of the war and here's the daily thread for Saturday.

A quiet start to the weekend, but #Russia's aggression continues as they try to claim the small #Donetsk towns of #Bakhmut #Mariinka and #Avdiivka.

All the news here, throughout the day in one handy place⬇️
Quite a lot of news again yesterday from "leaked" NATO docs, #Russia land-mining, the weakening of the ruble, Russians sabotaging jets for #Ukraine, Occupiers eating endangered animals and loads of #RussiaOnFire incidents

Click and scroll here to catch up
I think I was one of the first western journalists to report this, the last entry on yesterday's thread, so worth a retweet again this morning.

The worry is #Russia often accuses others of what it does itself.

#ChemicalWeapons #WarCrimes

Read 36 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
#Ukraine: Today's news from #UkraineWar: 1. UA forces yesterday pushed back RU troops on Korsunskogo Street in #Bakhmut using a charge fired from UR-77 Meteorit mine clearing vehicle, at least 13 of which have been captured from RU. Devastating! #tweet100
#Ukraine: 2. UA came under 70 attacks by RU yesterday, 32 of them in #Bakhmut. UA E Command said "building" #Prigozhin "installed" his flag on had long been destroyed. The flag was "dedicated" "Good Memory to Vladlen Tatarsky," the mil-blogger killed in St. Petersburg. #tweet100 Image
#Ukraine: 3. Brutal battles taking place on N & S edges of #Bakhmut & fighting nr stadium. RU assaults repelled at #Ivanivske & #OrikhovoVasylivka. Intense at #Bohdanivka. #tweet100 (Map: @ChuckPfarrer) Image
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