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Jun 2nd 2019
1. The legacy of US, UK, Australia, Poland and NATO in Iraq

#Iraq #CrimesAgainstHumanity #WarCrimes #CrimesAgainstChildren
In this Thread I present evidence of the 2003 invasion of Iraq 🇮🇶to date, proofs that the invasion of Iraq was based on lies, proofs that since the US invasion of Iraq the atrocities of the war have caused one of the worst human tragedies in the country
In this Thread I present evidence that🇺🇸in order to carry out its wars have continually blatantly lied over many years to the permanent representatives of🇺🇳countries,🇺🇸manipulate the media to spread FakeNews to overthrow of legitimate governments
e.g. 🇮🇶
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