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Mar 16th 2023
The money quote from this article on the Georgia grand jury,: “… if every person in America knew every single word of information we knew, this country would not be as divided as it is right now.” (Thread)
The MAGA political movement is built on a foundation of outright lies, suppression of truth, and grievance politics. All of this is meant to help a minority hold power by dividing the majority against itself. It’s how every repressive government works.
This is something different from an ideological divide. In any dialectic moment, ideas collide and combine into a new synthesis. But here, one group is hiding and misrepresenting information, rather than letting light shine on its ideas for scrutiny.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 14th 2023
I wanted to read this article and feel optimistic. But it shows is that most of those who admit there is no solid evidence for election fraud still choose to believe it anyway. (Thread)
The right-wing bubble has taught its inhabitants not just that inconvenient facts aren’t real, but that even when they are, it shouldn’t penetrate their foundation-less belief system.
It’s religious adherence to a political party—only more so. Biblically speaking, faith is being “certain of what you have not yet seen.” It isn’t supposed to require denying what you have seen. But that is what the GOP requires of its true believers.
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Mar 2nd 2023
In 1964 in New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, the Supreme Court adopted an “actual malice” standard for libel lawsuits by public officials. This has always been a difficult standard to reach.
That case involved errors made in a newspaper ad for fundraising support for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. A city commissioner in Alabama won a $500,000 damages award, despite not being named in the ad. The Court reversed—and created a new libel standard for public officials.
Under the Court’s formulation, “actual malice” requires that a false statement be made either with knowledge of or reckless disregard for its falsity. Some conservative organizations, and some Justices they have purchased, have argued that this standard is too high.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
In Tennessee @GovBillLee is joining many other state governors and legislators in posing as leaders while blindly following right-wing screamers into discriminatory culture wars. (Thread)
There is an irony to Lee complaining that questions about his youthful appearance in a cheerleader skirt are “conflating” his boys-will-be-boys fun with “sexualized entertainment in front of children.” So let’s talk conflation.
First, not all drag queens are either gay or trans. Some are one or both, but Tennessee and other states are just lumping them all together into their own imagined den of iniquity.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 16th 2023
1/ Moving to Florida? Think about it! – Part I.
Ron De(ath)Santis, Florida's authoritarian governor for more than four years, expanded and continues to expand his political and prosecutorial authority over Floridians through new laws, committees, and judicial appointments.
2/Here are some examples and facts:
- Office of Elections Crimes and Security (OOECAS): The measure makes it clear that the state prosecutor, who reports to the Florida attorney general, has authority over election and voting-related issues.
3/The move allows the De(ath)Santis administration to steer prosecution of cases identified by the Elections office and not leave it up to local elected district attorneys, who could be Democrats.…
Read 11 tweets
Feb 15th 2023
One of the most significant things in life is reading, which is also an essential component of a good education. It aids in paving the way for upcoming social, professional, and personal development.
These notable quotations about reading and learning are from prominent people:
- A home without a book is darker than one without a lamp. – Henryk Sienkiewicz
- The school library may well be the most important room in any public school building. – Chris Crutcher
- There is no substitute for books in the life of a child. – Mary Ellen Chase
- One of the greatest gifts adults can give – to their offspring and to their society – is to read to children – Carl Sagan
- An hour spent reading is one stolen from paradise.– Thomas Wharton
- You live several lives while reading. – William Styron
Read 7 tweets
Feb 15th 2023
Moving to Florida? Think about it!
Florida has always been a little different.
Well, a lot different. Every day, strange news or new laws, regulations come out of Florida! Image
Florida's fascist governor pushed four new bills through various committees.
All four will becoming law since the the legislature is controlled by a super majority of far-right Republicans. Here are the highlights of those proposed bills:
SB102 - This bill will completely prohibits local governments from implementing rent control! It means that landlords will be able to charge renters as much as they desire.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 14th 2023
INTERESTING FACTS: about the World’s most unusual libraries.
The library is a haven for those who love to escape, and the temple of learning. Reading could provide access to a world of research, creativity, and most importantly can educate. Image
Here are six of the most unusual libraries in the world:
-Biblioburro (Columbia) - Teacher Luis Soriano had two donkeys that he nicknamed Alfa and Beto, which together make the word "alphabet" in Spanish. In order to read stories to pupils, he saddled up the donkeys,
loaded them up with roughly 70 books from his personal bookshelves, and rode them to the neighborhood primary schools. After 25 years, Soriano's library has significantly expanded, and he is still promoting the love of reading.
Read 14 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
The majority of people believe that a good education is crucial because it lays the path for future social, professional, and personal growth.
However, in the past year, the GOP has intensified its comprehensive attack on what teachers are permitted to say or teach Image
in schools about equity and inclusion, racism, gender identity, LGBTQ+ issues, and American history.
According to a Washington Post investigation, 137 rules affecting what children may study and do in the classroom have been approved by 35 states. Image
Additionally, more than 2,532 individual books are being banned in the United States, affecting 1,835 unique book titles, which represents the highest number of book bans ever.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 7th 2023
1/ Why don't Americans pay close attention to the Republican Party's fascist movements before it's too late?
Why do people not recognize fascism as a serious domestic threat?
Why don't they care that white nationalism is on the rise in the United States?
2/ Can they not see what is going on in America?
The Anti-Defamation League, which tracks anti-Semitic behavior nationwide, found 2,717 incidents in 2021. That's a 34% rise from the year before.
3/People should keep in mind that antisemitic acts were going down in the United States for over 15 years, and then, in 2016, after Trump became president, they started to move up.
The use of violence by Trump's followers, by extreme far-right-wing politicians (like MTG), and by
Read 11 tweets
Feb 6th 2023
1/ Education is one of the most powerful aspects of life. Here are some famous people’s quotes about education and learning:
“The content of a book holds the power of education and it is with this power that we can shape our future and change lives.” – Malala Yousafzai
2/ “The foundation of every state is the education of its youth.” – Diogenes
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela
“Children have to be educated, but they have also to be left to educate themselves.” – Ernest Dimnet
3/ “A person who won’t read has no advantage over one who can’t read.” – Mark Twain
“Never confuse education with intelligence.” - Albert Einstein
“He who opens a school door, closes a prison.” ― Victor Hugo
“Every artist was at first an amateur.” – Ralph W. Emerson
Read 8 tweets
Feb 6th 2023
1/ What is happening in America? Why are politicians dictating what educators can say or not say in their classrooms?
Is it accurate to suggest that most of Hitler's initiatives in Nazi Germany are emulated and followed by Republicans? You decide!
2/ It’s happening not just in Florida, but all over the United States! 35 mainly Republican states have introduced 137 bills limiting what schools can teach with regard to race, American history, politics, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
3/ Similar to what the Nazis did after they arose to power in 1933. Hitler's totalitarian government exercised complete control over the people, infusing Nazi ideology into every institution and infiltrating it with Nazi personnel in key positions.
Schools were no exception.
Read 19 tweets
Feb 6th 2023
1/ The week ahead: - MONDAY - Florida lawmakers will return to the state Capitol to finalize their efforts to strip the Walt Disney Company of its special governing powers, the latest round in a feud between Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis and the entertainment giant.
2/ – TUESDAY - President Joe Biden will deliver the State of the Union address to Congress.The annual address will provide Biden with a chance to highlight key priorities and agenda items.
3/ Following Biden's speech, Arkansas Gov. and former Trump White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders will deliver the Republican response.
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Feb 4th 2023
The Nazis in Germany - just like De(ath)Santis in Florida -, aimed to de-intellectualise education: they did not want education to provoke people to ask questions or think for themselves.…
The Nazis first focused on changing what students learned - just like De(ath)Santis.
Hitler changed the core curriculum to emphasise sports,history & racial science as the most important subjects.
Education in "racial awareness" began at school!
De(ath)Santis "Stop Woke" act, the officially named “Individual Freedom Act”(Sic). sets limits on how issues involving race (CRT) may be taught in classrooms of public universities, what undermines the universities’ academic freedom!
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Feb 3rd 2023
Can people call Florida’ governor, Governor De(ath)Santis Fascist? You decide!
The mainstream media call his governorship ‘authoritarianism’.
Authoritarianism implies the absence of democracy—a dictatorship. Image
In some ways, we can agree with them that De(ath)Santis's governing style fits the definition of dictatorship.
How about to call it Fascism? Or call him Fascist?
Fascism originated from the Latin word "fasces," which denotes a bundle of wooden rods that typically included a protruding axe blade and was carried by leaders to symbolize the ultimate power of the person.
Read 18 tweets
Feb 2nd 2023
Moving to Florida? Think about it!
Florida has always been a little different. Well, a lot different. Every day, strange news comes out of Florida, and the machete is just another example of an alarming trend of crimes committed with that type of weapon.
When you hear about machete attacks, you can't help but think about how they happen more frequently in Florida than in any other state.
There are quite a few machete-related crime stories; here are some short versions some of those incidents:
- Machete-wielding naked man attacked mailboxes; - Man seriously injured in machete, baseball bat attack;
- Naked man wearing cowboy hat attacks woman with machete in Medley;
- Man arrested in brutal machete attack on woman in the Waffle House.
Read 9 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
I had the opportunity last night to attend a local school board emergency session to discuss how to respond to a highly-respected curriculum director recorded and used on a “school choice” propaganda video. (Thread)
The video was created by an organization called “Accuracy in Media.” In these Orwellian times, you may surmise what that means. They lied to the school to get a chance to sit with the curriculum director, then sliced and spliced footage into a video.
The closest things they caught to damning information were (1) a statement that if a CRT law were passed, they may have to change the way they label discussion topics; and (2) she used staff development grant funds to purchase “White Fragility” for teachers to read if they chose.
Read 12 tweets
Jan 24th 2023
1/ Moving to Florida? Think about it! Every scam, every indecent plot against God and man has originated or been perfected in Florida. As one cop put it: Florida is “The Deadbeat Capital of the World”! Here are some weird/funny(?) stories about Floridians:
2/ - Losing money in a poker game can get anyone heated. But setting the winner’s car on fire is never an appropriate reaction, unless, of course, you live in Florida. It all started when Michael Psilakis Jr., 21, lost $3,500 to a close friend(?).
3/ The situation erupted when Psilakis shot his friend in the back and set his rental car on fire with him inside.
- If your car hasn’t been stolen by a naked man, do you even live in Florida?
Read 11 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
1/ Moving to Florida? Think about it! The Sunshine State seems to consistently provide the most bizarre yet hilarious news. Here are some weird/funny(?) things to laugh on or not! Yes! All incidents happened in Florida!
2/ Florida Man hanging from a traffic light and pooping on cars. Yes, in a surprise to nobody, a Florida man named Roy Stern climbed a Miami traffic light, and defecated on cars passing below.
3/ A Dog named “Max” in Port St. Lucie hijacked his owner’s car and did donuts for over an hour! “He wiped out my mailbox,” the neighbor said. “How could he know that I wanted a new mailbox?
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Jan 22nd 2023
1/ Don’t call it ‘extremism’, called it what it is: Fascism! Don’t call them ‘extremists’, call them what are they: Fascists! Don’t call it ‘freedom’ when it's Fascism! You CANNOT call it ‘freedom’ when it’s put a ban on abortion, taking away women' bodily autonomy, Image
2/ when it's put women in jail for what they didn’t do, when induce a “barbaric” labor of pregnant prisoners without consent, when it's don’t have adequate and affordable health and childcare, when it’s don’t take care or want to take care of its elderly or its veterans,
3/ when its ban and burn popular and famous books, when put a muzzle on educators, when its ban picketing or demonstrations, when you cannot say ‘gay’ or ‘black’, when ban W.O.K.E., CRT, discriminating transgenders, and the LGBT community, when your
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Jan 22nd 2023
1/ THE WEEK AHEAD: Monday - Tax season officially gets underway on January 23. That's the first day the IRS will start accepting 2022 federal income tax returns. Before you start to panic, that is not the day your return is due, its April 18!
2/ Tuesday - The judge overseeing the Atlanta-area special grand jury that has been investigating whether then-President Donald Trump and his allies violated the law in their efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia has scheduled a hearing for January 24!
3/ ALSO - on Tuesday, we'll learn just how close we are to the end of the world. For the past 75 years, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has published a new Doomsday Clock -- the hands of which indicate how close humanity is to midnight and the apocalypse.
Read 4 tweets
Jan 17th 2023
America’s political right is the home of the chest-thumpingest brand of “patriotism” on the planet. But it’s also where you find the highest concentration of people telling you what this country can’t do. (Thread)
“This is the greatest country in the world,” they say. But they deem it incapable of managing to provide health care for everyone—something most developed countries now do in some fashion.
“This is the greatest country in the world,” they say. But in the face of ever-mounting gun deaths, they also believe we are the only country in the world incapable of regulating guns.
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Jan 16th 2023
1/ Democrats or Republicans? Which political party is better for the country? Here are some facts to help you decide:
1. Since 1948, ten of the eleven recessions have occurred under Republican Presidents - about one recession every six years.
2/ 2. Democratic presidents create more than twice as many jobs per year as Republican Presidents. As of 2022, former President Bill Clinton was the president who created the most jobs in the United States, at 18.6 million jobs created during his eight year term in office
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Jan 16th 2023
Today’s GOP process: the right wing media outrage mavens throw out an accusation or attack. The politicians amplify it and say it’s what Americans care about. They then tweet nonsense and offer no solutions to the problem. (Thread)
It’s like a game of buzzword bingo. The winner gets to run over to the Fox studio and regurgitate the lines that Fox fed them in the first place. Instead of working to help Americans, they are dancing like marionettes on right wing strings.
Right-wing media companies do it because it makes them money to foment outrage and then collect ad revenue. The politicians do it because appearing on these outlets gets them more donations.
Read 9 tweets

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