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Jun 14th 2023
Oh good morning Tweeterverse! I'm in the Lewis & Clark District Courthouse for Day 3 of Held v. Montana, the constitutional climate change lawsuit. Follow for updates.

#heldvsmontana #mtclimatecase #mtnews #mtpol
Starting off with continued testimony from pediatrician Dr. Lori Byron. Attorney Phil Gregory is on direct, currently going through Adverse Childhood Experiences and how they affect individuals later in life. Image
Dr. Byron says some plaintiffs have testified to experiencing "solastalgia," the idea that 'you've lose your home even when you're still living in it."
Read 4 tweets
Jun 13th 2023
Day 2 of the Held v. Montama trial is about to begin in Helena. Today we will here from five witnesses from the plaintiffs: Dr. Cathy Whitlock, Dr. Lori Byron, and Dr. Dan Fagre, and youth plaintiffs Mica Kantor and Badge Busse. #mtclimatecase #mtpol #mtnews
I wrote profiles on Mica and Badge and why they ended up as plaintiffs in this lawsuit. Read them here:……
Starting with Dr. Cathy Whitlock, who co-authored an expert report with Dr. Steven Running, whom we heard from yesterday, about the climate change and specifically the effects of greenhouse gas emissions on climate change in Montana.
Read 68 tweets
Jun 12th 2023
Welp, I'm here in with a veritable media circus to cover Held v. Montana, the constitutional climate change trial. If you need to get up to speed, peruse I'll be tweeting throughout with a recap of today when things wrap up
#mtclimatecase #mtnews #mtpol
Trial doesn't start for 40 minutes but we've got 25 members of the media gossiping, the plaintiffs are seated and maybe 25 members of the public.
Of note, Mae Nan Ellingson is here- she was a delegate to the 1972 Constitutional Convention and helped enshrine the clean and healthful environment provisions.
Read about that here:…
Read 85 tweets
Jun 3rd 2023
Adria Jawort (me) was banned from doing history lecture as Nazi's brag of "campaign of complaints."
Officials also cite drag ban law as applicable to trans ppl.
#MTnews #MTpol Image
At 11:14 am June 1 I received an email from an apologetic library employee who informed me Chief Executive JP Gallagher and County Attorney Eileen Joyce "have decided that it is too much of a legal risk to have a transgendered person in the library. I really regret this.” (sic) Image
16 minutes after this message was sent and at 11:30 am, JP Gallagher had the audacity to do a performative proclamation in alleged support of Pride Month. Image
Read 15 tweets
May 1st 2023
House Judiciary Chair Amy Regier limited press from being able to take notes in the public area of the meeting room today.

They have limited the number of press allowed in the media area all session, that's the chair's prerogative.

#mtpol #mtleg
But today press was not allowed to take notes from the public area of the room. Credentials not needed for this space, it's for the public that comes to speak on bills.

Lobbyists, etc, are on laptops all the time in this space. Regier said no laptops today was specific to press.
Recording from the audience has happened throughout the session. Image
Read 7 tweets
Apr 29th 2023
oooo we bringing back HB 8, or tryin to #mtpol #mtleg
this is from yesterday's story

Lang advocating for it now. Flowers (minority leader) says he didn't know this was coming, wants a recess to discuss. #mtpol #mtleg Image
Read 4 tweets
Apr 26th 2023
🧵 House Minority Leader Kim Abbott statement:

“Both the US and Montana Constitutions protect the freedom of speech and the freedom to protest peacefully for citizens. Those rights do not stop at the doors of the Montana House for anybody, and they..”
“certainly don’t for a duly elected Member of this body whose constituents sent her here to be a voice on their behalf.”
"Earlier this week, the Speaker made a wrong decision to silence an elected member of this body. Speaker Regier has a choice: to be a real leader and get the House back on track doing the work the people sent us here to do…”
Read 6 tweets
Apr 26th 2023
🧵 How could expelling a member of the Montana House of Representatives work?

Well- again. We find ourselves in uncharted territory.

#Mtpol #Mtnews Image
Some believe that expulsion is only a right protected under the constitution for the votes— meaning (vote someone out of office.)

With that said—- we will have to watch what happens on the floor, and then ultimately probably what happens in the rules committee.
Now if it were to happen- how would the seat be filled?

If a member is expelled:
Read 11 tweets
Apr 24th 2023
BREAKING: @Kim_AbbottMT (D) has released a statement-

“Today we saw Montanans show up and engage in the democratic process, and some of those Montanans were arrested. To me, it’s an incredible statement in support of the trans, nonbinary, and Two Spirit community,” (1/2)
“and against the Republican agenda that would strip our neighbors of their basic rights, dignity, and humanity.” (2/2)

Minority Leader, Kim Abbott (D)
House GOP leadership has released a statement:

“House Republicans condemn violence and will always stand for civil debate and respect for our processes of government. Today’s riot by far-left agitators damages our discourse and endangered legislators and staff,” (1/3)

Read 6 tweets
Apr 24th 2023
Gallery shouting to let Rep. Zephyr speak after she was not recognized. Reps cleared to side. @daily_montanan #mtleg #mtpol…
People getting detained in the House gallery after Zephyr not allowed to speak. #mtleg #mtpol
More from the Montana House floor #mtleg #mtpol
Read 17 tweets
Apr 21st 2023
Molnar amendment to HB 2 #mtpol #mtleg Image
Going to drop some other HB 2 proposed amendments here Image
R. Lynch proposing this: Image
Read 6 tweets
Apr 20th 2023
Rep. Zephyr punched in to speak on this and wasn't recognized by Speaker Reger. Minority Leader Abbott rising in proest. Regier tells Abbott he denied her over rules/decorum. #mtpol #mtleg Image
Reiger says its because of this:…
Abbott disagrees with how Regier handles this. Wants interpretation from Regier. Abbott asks about why Reiger didn't call Zephyr to order when she spoke previously.

Abbott appeals interpretation. This triggers House Rules meeting right now.
Read 34 tweets
Oct 17th 2022
NEW: We map where people in #Montana prisons come from, going (where possible) down to the neighborhood level. This is the 12th installment in our series of reports about the geography of mass incarceration. #MTNews #MTPol /1
ICYMI, we also have reports about:
New Jersey
New York

See them here:
Our reports include download-able data tables of incarceration data by city, county, zip code, Census tract, state legislative district, and more.

The reports give researchers the data they need to study how incarceration tracks with other indicators of community health.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 12th 2022
If you’re trying to wrap your head around the connection between Eugene Yu, Konnech, and Montana, please check out my appearance on the local Fighting Back With Faith podcast from Monday #mtnews #mtpol…
The Montana Electronic Absentee System (EAS) is an online voting portal which allows for online voter registration, ballot marking and submission. It is used by Uniformed and Overseas Citizens to allow them to vote remotely in elections #mtpol #mtnews ImageImage
The software was developed by Konnech for the State of Montana through a Department of Defense grant award for “research and development for online wizard providing absentee voting capability for the State of Montana." #mtpol #mtnews… ImageImageImageImage
Read 14 tweets
Aug 3rd 2022
Yesterday @GovGianforte made a big splash in the news by asking the MT Supreme Court to reconsider its privacy protections in light of the Dobbs decision. The Governor’s attorneys, in filing this brief, stampede over the MT Rules of Appellate Procedure. A thread. #mtpol 1/
Amicus briefs are controlled by M. R. App. P. 12(7). “A brief of an amicus curiae may be filed only upon invitation or leave of the supreme court granted on motion.” Motions must provide a date when the amicus brief can be filed. 2/
Amicus briefs are almost always filed while a case is being briefed, that is, when the lawyers are making their legal arguments, but before the Court starts deliberating. Filing motions after a case has been fully briefed is something pro se litigants do, not State attorneys. 3/
Read 14 tweets
Aug 3rd 2022
Montanans waking up to the news about Kansas:

State government control of your reproductive health care is *also* on the ballot here in November.

In at least three separate ways, actually. 🧵

#mtpol #mtnews
First: if Rs pick up two seats in the legislature, they'd have a supermajority.

A supermajority can place initiatives on the ballot to directly amend our Constitution and exclude abortion care from the right to privacy. They could even call a new constitutional convention.
Second: our Supreme Court affirmed in 1999 (Armstrong) that Montana's constitutional right to privacy includes abortion care.

PSC chair Jim Brown is running against current justice Ingrid Gustafson for the Supreme Court, and if elected would choose not to uphold that precedent.
Read 9 tweets
May 13th 2022
I might’ve been on to something here 😆
Since the Zinke’s Whitefish BnB isn’t designated as their primary residence that means they would have qualified for my rich out of stater’s second home property tax (0.25%) that would have cut taxes for middle class actual Montanans.

Sorry for trying to tax you, Ryan ;) #mtpol
Read 4 tweets
May 12th 2022
Excited to speak to some Missoula voters at tonight’s forum! #mtpol

You can check it out on MCAT here:… Image
Also, this new Missoula Public Library still amazes me. We are all so lucky for this public space.
My parents’ activism on behalf of our community to ensure that everyone had a right to an abortion colored my path to public service. I will pick up that fight in Congress for Montana.
Read 18 tweets
Dec 6th 2021
Stopped by the place that full-time Californian Ryan Zinke is claiming as his residence so he can run for Congress in Montana...and it’s a hotel.

The king of the grift & most corrupt politician of my lifetime #mtpol #mtnews #mt01
How in the world does someone enter politics with $2 million net worth and leave it with $36 million?

Corruption of course. Zinke made almost $1 million alone this year in consulting fees to the oil, gas, and mining industries.
Hope you’re enjoying your tan over there in Santa Barbara, Ryan!

Us full-time Montanans really appreciate out of state millionaires trying to divide our communities and buy our political offices :) #mtpol
Read 9 tweets
Nov 9th 2021
Wild thing happening in Montana:

MT GOP is refusing to allow retention bonuses to be sent to Montana nurses and instead only wants them sent to out of state recruits.

Why? A blatant attempt to harm union workers & pay to bus in new voters who are anti-vax & anti-mask.
MT GOP policies have been consistently harming Montana’s frontline healthcare workers.

From prohibiting hospitals from enacting vaccine requirements to preventing communities to enforce mask usage to using the highway patrol to intimidate hospital’s medical decisions...
The goal has been clear: divide our communities and turn them against public health workers - all for a zealot political ideology.

This has led to massive amounts of healthcare staff exodus from the profession and the state.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 8th 2021
Today, MT House Dems & @MTSenateDems tried again to send retention bonuses to MT's frontline health care workers. Once again, Republicans blocked this common-sense proposal. #priorities #mtleg #mtpol
"If we fail to invest resources in keeping the health care workers we have here in Montana, we are going to lose them and further exacerbate our health care workforce shortage,” said @marycaferro.
“Republicans are so focused on out-of-state workers that they are leaving Montana workers--and the communities they serve--hanging out to dry.”
Read 3 tweets
Nov 6th 2021
We owe a big thanks to @SenatorTester for a transformative investment in our nation’s infrastructure - w/ perhaps no bigger winner than Montana 👏 #mtpol
Politics isn’t pretty - but we got there. And now that this bill is passed it deserves to be viewed in it’s own light...

The fact is that this is a big win for the American people.
The other fact is: both @SteveDaines and @RepRosendale voted against this big win for Montanans.

They consistently put themselves (and their corrupt donors) ahead of the people of this state. Shame on them. #mtpol #mtnews…
Read 7 tweets
Nov 6th 2021
Idk, Dave...I’ve flipped a Trump +11 district in Western MT before. +7 sounds winnable to me. But I guess I’m a not your traditional Democrat #mtpol
Western Montanans have a deep sense of identity. This is my home. These are my neighbors.

And they’re tired of corrupt politicians like Ryan Zinke that fly in from their California homes when the weather’s nice. #mtpol
We used to vote for the person - not the Party here. Problem is that both parties have let us down with their corruption and false promises.

It’s the politicians that have failed us. But I still believe in Western Montana and it’s people. #mtpol
Read 12 tweets
Oct 7th 2021
#BREAKING: @umontana @umontanalaw dean Paul Kirgis has resigned.
Here's a statement from Kirgis:
Story TK from @zoe_buchli and I
#mtnews #mtedu
More information from @umontana regarding the transition including a statement from @umtpresident @SethBodnar:
Read 9 tweets

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