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Mar 25th 2023
1. I’m one of those people who believes in going to the source. This book is a must read for all, irrespective of the political affiliation, ideology, religion or region 1 is from. This is well researched as vouched by its Index of references.
#MyFrozenTurbulance #Kashmir #India Image
2. Recurrent famines, floods, incompetent n lazy rulers from within, exploitative rulers from outside, n the regular changes in the state religion moving b/w #Buddhism, #Hinduism, #Sunni Islam & #Shia Islam make Kashmir a hotbed of unrest over centuries with millions of deaths!
3. Here are few kings who contributed to the glorious periods in Kashmir.
Lalitaditya (724-761) was a great admin n a builder. He reorganised the admin machinery, added new functionaries including chief minister, Sr Chamberlain keeper of treasury. #GoodRulers #KashmirHistory Image
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