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Apr 25th 2023
Aich Surname Wikipedia

#Aich #Aitch #Aech #Surname #Kayastha #Kshatriya #Brahmin #Muslim #Hindu #Islam #Wiki #Austria #BadenWürttemberg #Germany #Bangladesh #Bikrampur #Dhaka

The following article requires a number of citations. The content has been collected & collaged from
the history of edits contributed by different people on the ‘Aich Surname’ page in Wikipedia. The link to the Aich Surname Wikipedia page is as follows.….

Aich (also spelled as Aitch) is a Hindu #Bengali surname belonging to the Maulika Kayastha
Aguri (agro) caste mainly found in Burdwan or Birbhuma and Hoogly.

Kayasthas are a sub-caste of Hindus, found across both historical and modern India. The #Kayasthas emerged as a sub-caste or Caste of the #Kshatriyas in Bengal during
Read 14 tweets
Mar 25th 2023
1. I’m one of those people who believes in going to the source. This book is a must read for all, irrespective of the political affiliation, ideology, religion or region 1 is from. This is well researched as vouched by its Index of references.
#MyFrozenTurbulance #Kashmir #India Image
2. Recurrent famines, floods, incompetent n lazy rulers from within, exploitative rulers from outside, n the regular changes in the state religion moving b/w #Buddhism, #Hinduism, #Sunni Islam & #Shia Islam make Kashmir a hotbed of unrest over centuries with millions of deaths!
3. Here are few kings who contributed to the glorious periods in Kashmir.
Lalitaditya (724-761) was a great admin n a builder. He reorganised the admin machinery, added new functionaries including chief minister, Sr Chamberlain keeper of treasury. #GoodRulers #KashmirHistory Image
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Mar 21st 2023

Richness of cultures, languages & traditions in #SouthAsia also translated into a rich landscape of poetry; giving birth to some of the most renowned & celebrated #poets of the world.

A 🧵


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Names like Iqbal, Ghalib, Krishan Chandar, Rehman Baba, Khushal Khan, Amir Khusro, Amjad Islam Amjad, Jalib, Parveen Shakir, Noon Meem Rashid, Abdul Latif Bhitai, Hali, Abul Kalam Azad, Mir Taqi Mir, Rabindranath Tagore, Bhupi Sherchan, Kamila Bhasin; hail from this region.

Perhaps the one who sits high on the throne of poetry in the region is no other but the legend #Iqbal.

The subcontinent, Afg, as well as Middle Eastern & Central Asian poetic traditions hold Allama Iqbal in high esteem, while he is the acclaimed national poet of 🇵🇰.

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Mar 9th 2023
#SAT History✨

Alongside the busiest Mathura Road in Delhi, the newly-renovated garden tomb overlooks the Yamuna river.

But do you know of the poet this monument houses?

Discover in this 🧵

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This massive square edifice with a central dome is the tomb of Abdul Rahim Khan-e-khanan – one of the nine jewels of Mughal Emperor Akbar.

The structure is one among an almost 100 historic mausoleums in this vicinity of #Delhi.

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What is even more interesting is the fact that two other timeless poets are buried within hardly a kilometer of stretch.

The legends being Mirza Ghalib & Amir Khusro. But history could not accord a similar stature to Abdul Rahim & the neglect his tomb faced speaks of it.

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Jan 3rd 2023
The population of #SikhEmpire during the time of Ranjit Singh’s rule was estimated to be around 12 million people.
There were
8.4 million Muslims,
2.88 million Hindus and 722,000 Sikhs.
#Islam (70%)
#Hinduism (24%)
#Sikhism (6%)
Total Area in 1839 was
520,000 km2 (200,000 sq mi) Sikh Kingdom of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Ji
Capital was
#Gujranwala (1799–1802)
#Lahore LahoreFort(1802–1849)

Court language
Spoken #languages in #SikhKingdom #SikhEmpire

Punjabi (dynastic)Punjabi dialects (Saraiki, Hindko, Pahari-Pothwari),Kangri,Dogri,
Read 32 tweets
Oct 17th 2022
#Thread on British plan to 'CIVILIZE' 'Uncivilized-Indians'
Src:Richard Hey 1811 ImageImage
Britishers carried out research on Indian people, literature, scripture behaviour and presented their report to 'The House of Commons, UK' in 1813 April.

We will see how conversion to #CHRISTIANITY is akin to CIVILISING in following thread. Image
The two gentlemen John Malcolm and Dr Buchanan speaks high of #hindus moralities, modalities and vividities. Malcolm calls Hindustan as Great World In Miniature. Image
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Aug 26th 2022
Did you know that the earliest chemical evidence of BARLEY #BEER #BREWING was discovered in the #Zagros mountains of Iran? A big part of why I decided to start @BackHomeBeer was to change the narrative about alcohol in the #MiddleEast. 1/5
Yes, #alcohol was outlawed in Iran in 1980 - but that was just 40 years ago. When my parents & grandparents lived in #Iran, there were #Breweries, #Distilleries and beautiful #Vineyards. 2/5
Before 1980, there was a rich history of #Fermentation that dates back thousands of years in the #MiddleEast. So when people ask me how I can brew a #Persian inspired #Beer….it’s because I want people to know these facts about the history of #Brewing in the region. 3/5
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Aug 12th 2022
💥The Amazing #Ancient Persian Gold and Silver Oxus Treasure👑👀💥

(A thread 1/6)👇

An incredible treasure discovered near the Oxus River is one of the most precious collections of ancient #Persian artifacts known to us today.

#FindsFriday #History #art
Around 180 pieces of #jewelry, metalwork and statuettes, and about 200 coins have survived, but the original cache was much bigger. Comprised of stunning #gold and #silver artifacts, the #treasure is an impressive example of ancient #wealth. (2/6)

#FindsFriday #art #Archaeology
The Oxus #Treasure was discovered about 1877-1880. The exact place and date of the find remains a mystery. Kobadiyan has been suggested as most likely place. (3/6)

#FindsFriday #History #Art

Gold & Silver statuettes of bearded men (British Museum)
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May 13th 2022
For over 400 years, history has been haunted by Anarkali, the beautiful court dancer who was buried alive by Emperor Akbar, for her love affair with Prince Salim (Akbar’s son and the future Emperor Jahangir). But is the story fact or #fiction? The truth will surprise you! 1/11 Image
This tragic love story has many modern retellings, including the 1960s classic Hindi film Mughal-e-Azam. But if Anarkali is just #folklore, whose grave lies in the magnificent ‘Tomb of Anarkali’ in the heart of #Lahore, the former Mughal capital? 2/11 Image
The grave bears the couplet in #Persian: ‘Ah! If I could behold the face of my beloved once more, I would thank God until the day of resurrection’. It is signed by ‘Majnun Salim Akbar’ ('Enamoured Son of Akbar'). It’s the only clue we have. 3/11
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May 7th 2022
I teach a course on #Pakistani #Literature at @binghamtonu. This time around I started every class with playing a song on @YouTube.

This served various pedagogical purposes and also helped latecomers 😂

Here's the list of songs we listened to this semester
1. #Punjabi folk + West coast rap

Kandyaari-ae haey tere do nain...
Chakwal Group and @iambohemia @cokestudio
2. #Punjabi Tappe by one of the most beautiful Punjabi couples: Veena and Anant @anantkiveena

When it comes to tappe, national borders don't mean shit
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Apr 24th 2022
Starting a 'Historical places to visit in India' thread! 😊❤️
Buland Darwaza (Door of victory) at Fatehpur Sikri, UP, India. Built by Emperor Akbar in 1601 to commemorate his victory over Gujarat #india #historicalplaces #BulandDarwaza #sightseeing #Akbar Image
Taj Mahal, Agra, India. Built by Emperor Shah Jahan for his late wife Mumtaz Mahal in 1632. ❤️😊 It took around 22 years to build this magnificent structure. Made of white marble. #TajMahal #Agra #India #ShahJahan #MumtazMahal #historicalplaces Image
Agra Fort, Agra, India 😍 Built by Emperor Akbar in 1565. Fun fact- it is built entirely of red sandstone.😊 #Agra #AgraFort #India #UNESCO #historicalplaces Image
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Mar 3rd 2022
Our newest release is coming your way next week!! Over the next few days I'm going to tell you all about the beer, the story behind it and why it's so symbolic. Let's start here. What is Nowruz? It's the #Persian New Year! #Nowruz falls on the first day of Spring (March 20th) 1/3 Image
It's the largest celebration and the traditions extend for several weeks. More than 300M people celebrate #Norwuz - including select populations from #Afghanistan, #Iraq, #Albania, #Uzbekistan, #Azerbaijan, #India, #Kazakstan, #Pakistan, #Turkey & #Turkmenistan (among others) 2/3
The word "#Nowruz" translates to "New Day", as it marks a celebration of new beginnings. so it only made sense to name our beer NEW DAY IPA. That's it for now! If you got to this point, thanks for reading. Any questions, comment below! 3/3 Image
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Feb 23rd 2022
#Singapore, #Japan, and #Taiwan joining the Western effort to sanction #Russia for the assault on #Ukraine…
Details on the #NATO (re)deployments to cope with the fallout from #Russia's invasion of #Ukraine
Details on #Ukraine's reservist mobilisation: far from complete (since that would require martial law), but still of a scale that it will take weeks to complete ... and the assault on the capital is days away at most
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Feb 18th 2022
Made a mess of these threads. Integrating them here
#Ukraine's President Zelensky said a few hours ago he is still going to Germany tomorrow for the Munich Security Conference. Whether this is supposed to promote calm or what is unclear; it's a hell of a time for him to leave his capital.
President #Biden just said in his White House address that the US believes the #Russians will invade #Ukraine in the next few days and "they will target Ukraine's capital, Kiev". Image
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Jan 16th 2022
Now Out in Paperback! “#China Goes to #Sea: #Maritime Transformation in Comparative Historical Perspective”…

@NavalWarCollege @ChinaMaritime is proud to publish this new version w/ @NavalInstitute @USNIBooks!

Come for the #maps, stay for the #history...
Honored to have #JonathanSpence’s endorsement:

“The maritime #history of #China has long been a neglected field..China Goes to Sea bring[s] that knowledge-gap to an end..will be an indispensable companion to those readers seeking to understand where China’s navy may be heading.”
As European #naval powers & even the @USNavy struggle with ship numbers, #China has gone to #sea.

Represents the reversal of a great historical trend that began 600 years ago, when China withdrew from the seas & European naval expansion spread Western influence around the globe.
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Dec 27th 2021
از پست های خوب فیسبوکی ام، به اشتراک گذاری پستی در سال 2016 است
خوبست مطلب را رشته توییت کنم.

گزارشی مجله معتبر #کالچر :
#پارسی در میان ۱۰ زبان ماندگار باستانی
The 10 Oldest Languages Still Spoken In The World Today
نشریه معتبر کالچر مقاله ای درباره برخی #زبان های باستانی دنیا Image
و تعداد گویِشوَران آن منتشر کرده است که #ایران را نیز جزو 10 زبان باستانی زنده و پویا می داند که تا امروز به آن تلکم می شود.
در بخش هایی از مقاله گفته شده که «غیرممکن است که بگوییم زبانی از زبان دیگر قدیمی‌تر است چون همه آن‌ها به اندازه خود بشر قدمت دارند. با گفته شدن این مورد، هر یک از زبان‌هایی که در زیر به آن‌ها اشاره شده چیزی خاص دارند – چیزی باستانی – که آن‌ها را از بقیه متمایز می‌کند.»
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Nov 22nd 2021
A little late for #AncientSiteSunday, but here is a thread on the incredible Temple of Poseidon at Cape Sounion! 🏛️

(1/5) Located at Cape Sounion on the Attic peninsula, this ancient Greek temple holds a commanding view of the Aegean sea.

#Classics #Greece #Archaeology #Athens
(2/5) Originally, an Archaic-period temple sat on the site. Made of tufa, it was destroyed c. 480 BCE during the #Persian invasion of Greece. Despite being destroyed, the Athenians placed a captured Persian trireme on its ruins following the allied Greek victory in 479.
(3/5) The surviving temple was constructed between 444 - 440 BCE, and serves as one of the major monuments of the Athenian golden age.

Later described by Strabo as a "noteworthy settlement", it remained a significant cult centre into the #Roman imperial period.
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Nov 7th 2021
Role of #Hindu Poets in the Evolution of #Urdu #Poetry by Ganpat Sahay Srivastav…
Published in 1929 #Allahabad #UP , #India

@mazdaki @barbarikon @microMAF
متعصب تنگ نظر مسلمان شعراء ، سرسید ، جسٹس امیر علی ، مودودی ، اشرف علی تھانوی نے #اردو زبان کو اسلامی قرار دیا تھا بغیر کسی دلیل کے جبکہ زبان کا کوئی مذہب نہیں ہوتا کتاب پڑھیے “ اردو شاعری کے ارتقاء میں #ہندو شعراء کا حصہ از گنپت سہائے سریواستو | @FShirin…
اردو شاعری کے ارتقاء میں #ہندو شعراء کا حصہ از گنپت سہائے سریواستو…
مطبوعہ : الہ آباد ، ہندوستان ۱۹۶۹

#شاعری #ادب #اردو #صلح_کل

@yusufpore @husainhaqqani @Saimi29 @zarqajaved @ShakirAnsari123
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Oct 11th 2021
Do you know the story of #coffee?

Sure you get it from Starbucks or grind it at home but its story was not as simple as farm to pot

The story involves dancing goats, Fatwa, babtization, kings, revolutions, patriotism, Beethoven

Coffee has a rich & troubling history

☕️ Thread
1/ 1st, the legend:

Legend has it that an #Ethiopian goat herder named Kaldi witnessed his goats gamboling after eating coffee shrub’s red fruit. Perplexed, Kaldi tried the fruit himself and realized the same effect on him. A monk witnessed it & took some of the fruit with him.
2/ Now, the history:

The coffee plant and fruit has been used for 1000s of years but it wasn’t until the 13 century when the beans were roasted, which sky rocketed its popularity. Coffee originated in Ethiopia but it was across the Red Sea, in #Yemen, it was first cultivated.
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Sep 17th 2021
Hello #twitterstorians! Sorry about the break for the last two days. There were...uh...technical difficulties...
But we're back! In this thread, I, @StevenMVose, want to give a brief #history of the #Delhi Sultanate and share some facts and recent scholarly takes that may complicate the #narrative of the Sultanate, and of #Islam in So. Asia, that I alluded to in the previous thread. Qubbat al-Islam Mosque, Del...
I will also highlight some #Jain interactions with the Sultans, which suggest a complex set of interactions between #Indian religious communities and the emerging #Islamicate "state" in the late 13th and early 14th c's. CE
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Sep 16th 2021
-#China's Belt and Road Initiative is always bad news for locals
-139 countries are part of BRI because local leaders due to personal greed have disregarded #NationalSecurity
-#Cambodia’s Lower Sesan 2 dam & #Guinea’s Souapiti Dam have resulted in severe #HumanRightsViolations SCMP
-BRi isn't just enormous network of roads, railways, tunnels, dams, airports, ports, energy pipelines, power plants
-It comes bundled with digital glue of telecommunications networks, BeiDou Navigation Satellite System and above all search for food & minrals Fortune
-Iran is another nation which is fast replacing #Pakistan as core BRI country
-China has multiple large-scale BRI projects in #Iran with complete disregard for rights of locals
-Chinese fishing ships are creating havoc in leased out territorial waters of #Persian Gulf
@KlasraRauf France24
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Sep 13th 2021
1/2 What’s happening in Panjshir is reminiscent of carnage carried out by TlPU in Northern Kerala when 10-11 yr old boys wr decap!tated.
Today North Kerala produces #lSlS recruits.

Trivia: #Panjshir ws PANCH-SHER ( 5 lions), named after 5 brothers.
Like Kandahar ws GANDHAR!
2/2 There’s also a famous story of PANJSHIR KE JOGI— apparently a stone. Story goes that a Jogi converted himself into a stone here. Another famous story frm Afg is of the #Asamai Temple, (named after Asha Devi) where the AKHAND jyoti (FIRE) has been burning since 4000 years.
Note: Local legend says Panjshir ws named after 5 brothers who built a dam for Ghazni in 11th century AD. I doubt it though! Ghazni massacred people in Afg and continued to do it till he reached India. Somnath Temple is an example of how brutal this man cld hv bn.
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Jul 20th 2021
#InternationalChessDay 2021: History, Theme, Motto, Key Facts & Significance:
#chess is #strategic #boardgame in which 2 players compete to capture other's king on 64-square checkerboard. One of oldest games in world "Chess".
#Thread #WorldChessDay #chessday @vishy64theking Image
To honor foundation of Federation Internationale des Eches/ International Chess Federation (FIDES @FIDE_chess) created in 1924. Popular activity among adults and children alike.
Created in India around fifth century. Given name “Chaturanga" at first. Without doubt, one of era’s..
Earliest games. Later, moved to #Persian, and when #Arabs invaded #Persians, became important part of #Muslim population’s existence, and spread to Southern #Europe from there. Took on modern shape in Europe during 15th century. By late 15th century, evolved into #Contemporary..
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Apr 12th 2021
At my talk earlier today on the Doha Ramayana, there were some questions we didn't have time to answer. So, a #THREAD of Q and A here.

Image is the opening page of this magnificent manuscript, now at the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha, Qatar. #Ramayana #Mughal #Persian Image
Q: Is there any evidence of struggle in translation from Sanskrit into Farsi. Are there cases when they couldn't find equivalents so used the Sanskrit words in Farsi?
A: There are lots of Sanskrit terms retained and transliterated in the Akbari Ramayan, including the Doha manuscript.

Usually, I think it was an aesthetic choice, to retain something of the flavor of the original (mediated through vernacular Hindi pronunciation).
Read 13 tweets

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