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Dec 20th 2021
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 12/20/2021…
Intranasal priming induces local lung-resident B cell populations that secrete protective mucosal antiviral IgA…

#ImmunoGlobulinA, #AntiviralImmunity, #RespiratorySystem, #VaccineEfficacy, #ResearchReport
Bizarre tail weaponry in a transitional ankylosaur from subantarctic Chile | Nature Portfolio Ecology & Evolution Community…

#paleontology, #ChileanPatagonia, #FossilDiscovery, #ankylosaur, #PublicationBackground
Read 20 tweets
Jun 19th 2021
(1) The 4th stage of the Program by the Min of #Fisheries to build #ArtificialReefs and #FishSpawning habitats with old busses and concrete structures is been successfully conducted in the seas off the #Jaffna peninsula. Earlier stages were conducted in Trinco, Galle and Matara.
(2) The protest by the #TamilNadu #Fishermen against the program stating it as an irresponsible move has been rejected by the #GOSL and will be continued. Similar programs are conducted globally, it has been recommended by the #MarineResearch Institute in SL, #NARA as well.
(3) While it will boost Fish Spawning, #Marine Habitats and #environment damaged over the years by human factors and #illegal fishing methods such as #BottomLineTrawling, it will also act as an shield against bottom line trawling conducted illegally by the #Indian Fishermen.
Read 4 tweets

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