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Feb 22nd 2023
Today I'd like to discuss about the mental model "Map is not the territory."

As Charlie Munger says, "The map is not the territory, and if you start thinking that the map is the territory, you will pay a big price for that."

#MentalModel #CharlieMunger Map Is Not the Territory - Charlie Munger
2/ This means that the way we perceive and interpret the world may not always match reality. A map is just a representation of reality and it's important to keep that in mind when making decisions.

3/ Charlie Munger and Warren Buffet used this mental model to evaluate their investments. They would always look beyond the numbers and do a deep dive into the company's culture, management, and future prospects.

Read 17 tweets
Feb 21st 2023

I've always wondered about the investing success of Charlie Munger. I don't agree with him in everything he says, especially about #bitcoin. But, I try to learn from his life.

In this thread, you will learn more on Circle of Competence, Charlie Munger's Mental Model Image

Circle of Competence is a mental model introduced by Charlie Munger. Circle of Competence is all about focusing on what you know best and avoiding the rest.

According to Charlie Munger, you have to know what you know and what you don't know. Your circle of competence is the area where you have expertise and knowledge. Something you're comfortable explaining to others in plain, simple language.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 2nd 2022
One of the most underrated super power is the ability to 'seek help'!

Seeking 'timely' help from the right people is often not intuitive but most needed! #MentalModel

A 🧵 on why it's hard to 'seek help' and what should you do to 'seek help' easily & more effectively:
'Seeking help' makes us look vulnerable. That's the widely held 'assumption'.

Rather the reframe should be "Seeking help means I have tried or I am trying, AND seeking help now will ensure what I want will be achieved more effectively &/or effectively."
There is 'heroic' associated with NOT seeking help and instead 'struggling'.

The struggle makes the story worthwhile but at the cost of the result u want to achieve.

But every great story must have great supporting characters.

'Allow those supporting characters in ur story'.
Read 10 tweets
Sep 22nd 2021
My #MentalModel for assessing India's Market Size
Inspired to share in view of discussion on Ford's exit.…

@andymukherjee70 @SahilKapoor @ramakumarr @CafeEconomics @sritara @rishikesha

1. India is low middle-income country with large inequality: Chart Data Source: WID.World, accessed on Sep 14, 2021
2. Urban India generates 70-75% of GDP.….
3. If I create population-income groups, I get to know that Top 1% of earners have developed country per capita.
4. Middle India's Per Capita is < USD 1,500 or ~100K pa - HH income of < 500K pa
5. Bottom half earns < USD 500 per annum.

6. Cost of living in India metros (Mumbai, NCR, Bangalore) is close to upper-income countries, adjusted for purchasing power.
Read 17 tweets
Apr 5th 2019…. I want to be an enabler to spread #comic culture. I want to build a platform that enable people socially to produce and consume comics. There are plenty of arts graduate those who don't know to connect various step from.. Image
I am thinking about establishing #Comic pipeline. Demand for Content is increasing. Comics are the foundation of content because they are used as #storyboard for #movies, #advertising and #series. So I am thinking of a way to ease the #story #writing by usage of template and #AI
based #softwares. Something that speed up the concepting of #MentalModel of #protagonist and antagonist #characters. With lower in broadband price, establishment of home grown content channels like #Hotstar, #Zee5, #Voot, #Sonyliv, #Jio #TV, #AmazonPrime etc, the demand of
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