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The more I read, the more I'm amazed about Charlie Munger. Today, I'd like to write about the mental model of "Thought Experiment". Charlie Munger is the right-hand man of Warren Buffet and he's known for his practical and straightforward approach to investing. thought experiment mental model
2/15: Thought experiments involve imagining a situation and then examining the possible consequences of that situation. Munger believes that doing this can help us make better decisions and avoid costly mistakes.
3/15: For example, let's say you're considering investing in a new technology startup. A thought experiment would involve imagining the best-case and worst-case scenarios for that investment.
Read 19 tweets
Today I'd like to discuss about the mental model "Map is not the territory."

As Charlie Munger says, "The map is not the territory, and if you start thinking that the map is the territory, you will pay a big price for that."

#MentalModel #CharlieMunger Map Is Not the Territory - Charlie Munger
2/ This means that the way we perceive and interpret the world may not always match reality. A map is just a representation of reality and it's important to keep that in mind when making decisions.

3/ Charlie Munger and Warren Buffet used this mental model to evaluate their investments. They would always look beyond the numbers and do a deep dive into the company's culture, management, and future prospects.

Read 17 tweets
#Thread I Beaucoup me demandent mon parcours alors je vais en parler rapidement ici.
J'ai un parcours relativement atypique, celui d'un passionné par le monde de la finance depuis l'âge de 15/16 ans. ⏬
J'ai commencé par m'intéresser au parcours de #WarrenBuffet et j'ai rapidement dévoré quelques bouquins en rentrant du lycée le soir et des cours d'économie que je suivais déjà et qui me passionnaient profondément.
Pour moi la finance c'était une manière de prendre l'ascenseur social à grande vitesse et également de comprendre le monde qui nous entoure.
La finance est aujourd'hui indispensable dans notre monde actuel bien que décriée pour ses diverses dérives.
Read 32 tweets
1⃣ Ahora que estamos todos con lo de los tipos de interés es un buen momento para recordar una de las explicaciones más lúcidas sobre su influencia en los mercados bursátiles. Se publicó el siglo pasado, en 1999, en la revista Fortune. Su autor, ni más ni menos que #WarrenBuffet.
2⃣ El artículo de Buffett se titulaba “Mr. Buffett en el mercado de acciones” y se trata de una pieza extraordinario porque Buffett rara vez hace comentarios sobre el estado del mercado y prefiere centrarse en las empresas individuales que lo conforman. Decía lo siguiente:
3⃣ "Nos centramos casi exclusivamente en las valoraciones de las empresas individuales, y solo de manera muy limitada nos fijamos en la valoración del mercado en su conjunto. VALORAR EL MERCADO NO TIENE NADA QUE VER EN CÓMO SE VA A COMPORTAR EN EL FUTURO."
Read 12 tweets
Hoy el abuelito de #somosCDI cumple 92 años, vamos con un 🧵 donde haremos mención a las mejores frases y enseñanzas que nos ha dejado. @HyenukChu @AndrehernndzSTA

🎂 🎉🥳 Feliz Cumpleaños #WarrenBuffet !!!

"Hay que ser codicioso cuando los demás son miedosos y miedoso cuando los demás tienen los ojos inyectados de codicia"
"El mercado de valores no es como el béisbol, donde hay strikes. No tienes que intentar batear todo, puedes esperar el lanzamiento ideal"
Read 10 tweets

💰Scandales politico-financiers
💰Détournements de fonds
💰Délits d'initiés
🤑Crise des subprimes
🤑Scandale de la dette grecque 🇬🇷

Tout savoir sur la #banque que l'on appelle communément : "Government Sachs" 👇
Dans le monde très discret et feutré des #banques d’affaires, il en est une qui domine la planète, forte de son histoire, de sa taille et du niveau d’expertise qu’elle est parvenue à atteindre.

Depuis 150 ans, #@GoldmanSachs façonne le monde financier.
C’est la plus grosse banque d’affaires au monde et pour elle, la discrétion est une religion. Une banque d’affaires propose plusieurs types de services :

✅Conseil financier
✅Introduction en bourse
✅Haut de bilan
✅Financement à effet de leviers
Read 22 tweets
1- İkinci çeyrek bilançolar öncesinde değerli @ergun_unutmaz hocamızın kaliteli çevirisi ile dilimize kazandırdığı, Warren Buffett ve Finansal Tabloların Yorumlanması kitabını ikinci kez okuyarak notlarımızı alalım.📝🗒

#temelanaliz #finansalokuryazarlık #yatırım #kitap Image
2- Warren Buffett’ın şirket arayışına her zaman şirketin Gelir Tablosu ile başladığı ve Warren’ın gelir tablosu madenciliğinin önemli bir adımının da şu olduğu vurgulanıyor.

Şirket, rekabet üstünlüğünü korumak için AR-GE ye çok para harcamak zorunda mıdır? +
3- ve para kazanmak için büyük bir kaldıraç kullanmaya ihtiyacı var mıdır?

Bu noktada, Warren Buffett için şirketlerin elde ettiği kazançlarının kaynağının, kazançların kendisinden hep daha önemli olduğu belirtilmektedir. +

#temelanaliz #yatırım #kitap
Read 35 tweets
Focus more on broad patterns, less on specific individuals & case studies.

From the book - #ThePsychologyOfMoney
[A thread on my key learnings from this book]
Doing well with money has little to do with your smartness, a lot to do with how you behave. And behaviour is hard to teach.

#ThePsychologyOfMoney 1/n
The hardest financial skill is getting the goalpost to stop moving.

Modern capitalism is a pro at two things: generating wealth and generating envy.

Life isn’t any fun without a sense of ‘enough’.

#ThePsychologyOfMoney 4/n
Read 5 tweets

En 1971 #WarrenBuffet se enteró de que #SeesCandies estaba en venta e inmediatamente telefoneó a #CharlieMunger para que le hablara de la empresa, pues éste la conocía muy bien.


👇 Image
2/ Candies tenía un nombre incomparable en California y Munger estaba convencido de la imposibilidad de competir con su marca sin gastarse una fortuna.

Buffett estudió las cifras de la compañía y llegó a la conclusión de que estaría dispuesto a comprarla a un “precio razonable.” Image
3/ El problema surgió porque Harry See, el propietario, pedía 30 mill. por una empresa cuyos activos tenían un valor de 8.

Los 22 mill. restantes servían, pues, para comprar la marca, el fondo de comercio y un negocio cuyos beneficios netos sumaban 2 mill.

O sea, un PER 15. Image
Read 18 tweets
💰 De #WarrenBuffet a @JeffBezos | Los 25 multimillonarios más generosos de EE UU…
💰 #1 Warren Buffett
🔸Fuente de riqueza: Berkshire Hathaway
🔸Valor neto: 115,6 mil millones de dólares
🔸Foco de las donaciones: salud, alivio de la pobreza
🔸Total donado en su vida: 46,1 mil millones de dólares…
💰 #2 @BillGates y @melindagates
🔸Fuente de riqueza: @MicrosoftES
🔸Valor neto: 133,3 mil millones de dólares y 6,1 mil millones de dólares
🔸Foco de las donaciones: salud, alivio de la pobreza
🔸Total donado en su vida: 33,4 mil millones de dólares…
Read 5 tweets
Starting the book i received from @GHFieldDayIndia

There are 20 short stories in this book explaining life's important matters including money.
So planning to grow this thread daily, by posting what I learnt that day 😌

Stay tuned and share/retweet if you find it helpful! 🥂 Image
1. No one is crazy- we all make decisions based on our unique experiences that seem to make sense to us in a given moment.
Any investor's willingness to take risk depends on personal history.
Modern financial system is hardly 50 years old, we're newbies and therefore clueless 🥲
2. Luck & risk- are doppelgangers.
There's a very thin line between "inspiringly bold" and "foolishly reckless".
Everything worth pursuing has less than 100% chances of succeeding.
So arrange your finances such that a mistake or a bad investment won't wipe you out.
Read 23 tweets
“With each investment you make, you should have the courage and the conviction to place at least 10% of your net worth in that stock.” - Warren buffett.
Thread on Capital Allocation(1/6)
Lets take a example.If you put 2-3% of your portfolio to a stock you think is multibagger you won't have impact on your portfolio.(2/6)
Scenario 1 :If your networth is 1000 . If u put 10, that is 1% of your networth , in a stock you have researched and have conviction to be a multibagger even if that 10 goes 5X , your networth will be 1050 , nearly just 5% increase in your networth(3/6)
Read 8 tweets
Investors have short memories and wish to dissect market phases based on what suits their sensibilities.

Current hot topic of discussions on Social Media:
How Mid and Small Caps have delivered stupendous returns since March 2020
What they have conveniently forgotten is their recent past experience of investing in Mid & Small Caps from Jan 18 to Dec 19 and till Mar 20

Above table shows entire journey of same Indices over different time periods vs 2 popular DAAF schemes and vs Smart Solution of MisterBond
Many have questioned our exit from Equity in July 2020(after entries in March 2020):
As @morganhousel has mentioned in his book:
It is not being conservative but creating Margin of Safety. This raises odds of success at a given level of risk by raising your chance of survival
Read 7 tweets
A small thread on Mindset of a successful trader. What differentiates best traders from the bad ones? Why 95% of the traders don’t make money? Trading is an unpredictable game, how could one win in that? 1/n
Many people think some magical strategy or indicators is all they need to be successful at Trading. But what really goes in the minds of a successful trader? Professor Hichman Benjelloun did a research on this.
Successful traders have poker face. If you talk to successful traders or chat with them, you can’t figure out if they are happy or sad. Having good time or bad time.
Read 10 tweets
Bugün sizlere geçen hafta ikinci kez okuduğum #PeterLynch reisin #Borsayıyenmek kitabını @InvestorSwedish'in hazırladığı infografiklerle ve karikatürler yardımıyla özetleyeceğim. @Scala_Kitapci Güzel çeviri için teşekkürler.
Soğuk iklimde yaşayanların çok iyi bildiği gibi kış elbet bir gün gelecek. Dondurucu soğuklara her zaman hazırlıklı olmak gerekecektir. #winteriscoming
Borsada da aynı şekilde her zaman hayat günlük gülistanlık olmayacaktır. Ayı piyasalarının her zaman geleceğini bilmemiz, ona göre hazırlıklarımızı yapmamız gerekiyor.

Günlük fiyat hareketlerinden daha çok büyük resme odaklanmamız gerektiğini bize hatırlatıyor Peter.
Read 19 tweets
"...a growing share of “high-end” donations never ends up in organizations that do any kind of altruistic work. Rather, they go to tax-privileged private foundations designed to serve as #tax shelters for the very #wealthy..."
by @hijodelcuervo… #BillGates
#Microsoft has swooped in to hoover up #TikTok after it received “personal assurances” from the president himself that he would back such a move.
by @AlanRMacLeod… #Trump #BillGates
"The coalition of companies that form part of the “broad coalition” include tech giants like #Facebook and #Microsoft, transnational behemoths like #Philips, as well as U.S. #pharmaceutical retail chain #CVS #Health."
by @hijodelcuervo… #BillGates #corona
Read 4 tweets
Berhubung rame ttg investasi, sy mau bagi materi yg bs kalian cerna sblm kalian investasi

Disclaimer: materi dr pengalaman n basis keilmuan sy emang ini. Trus sy ga jualan produk investasi jg, jd beneran mau share ilmu doang 😁

Ini ilmu2 dasar klo mau invest

RT klo guna ya 😁
Jd klo kalian mau invest (khususnya long term), tentunya hrus bisa analisa laporan keuangan.

Salah satunya lewat rasio.

Nah ini yg menurut byk ahli, ratio2 yg minimal dianalisa

#rasio #Jouska #investasi #analisisfundamental #pret
Sebenernya tiap org punya strategi sendiri. Jd ya suka2 kita aja 😁

Tp baikny kta blajar dr yg terbaik kan yah. Nah ini adalah bbrp strategi yg dipake Om Warren Buffet. Siapa tau ada yg bs dicontek

#investasi #saham #warrenbuffet
Read 13 tweets
I have started #trading in the year 2008, back then just like every beginner, the only person I know related to Stock Market was #WarrenBuffet No one else, I used to read about his quotes, his investment styles. I wanted to start with reading some book, so was searching 1/n
In every online forum people were recommending one book. It was The Intelligent Investor. I just started it and though this is one of the finest Investing book out there, I couldn't even complete 10 pages. Its been more than 10 years, still this book is there left untouched. 😀 Image
I realized fundamental analysis is not my cup of tea. All i was looking for was not a book that consists of tons of information, rather I was just looking for a success story. Written detail blog post about 5 best books for #Trading n #Investing here…
Read 3 tweets
Charlie Munger, nor I believe that rule to be sensible. Rather, both of us have
consistently thought that at Berkshire this mark-to-market change would produce what I described as “wild and
capricious swings in our bottom line.”

#WarrenBuffet 2018 Letter
Our advice? Focus on operating earnings, paying little attention to gains or losses of any variety. My saying
that in no way diminishes the importance of our investments to Berkshire.
#WarrenBuffet 2018 Letter
Over time, Charlie and I expect them to
deliver substantial gains, albeit with highly irregular timing.

#WarrenBuffet 2018 Letter
Read 28 tweets
How does one Make Wealth out of Trading ?

As for an my understanding goes, Trading is less 10% Technical and 90% Psychological.

Why Less Technical ?
Remember, Price is the Only Variable which keeps changing. The Change occurs due to change in the Human Behaviour.
Why Does Price Change ?
The Price changes, as the Fear and Greed of Humans change at Different Price Points. Some one buys for Rs.10 Profit and Some One Sells as He is loosing Rs. 5.

So when Greed and Fear hits its ceiling, the Price starts moving up and down.

This is SAR.
When Greed over takes, the Price Moves Up or Buyers Come in and thats SUPPORT and When Fear Increases, the Resistance comes in and People start selling, hence it becomes resistance.

In Stock Markets Nothing New Happens. One makes Money by looking at the Past behaviour at a Price
Read 15 tweets

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