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Jul 23rd 2022
For every #SriLankan who saw protestors at #GGG being assaulted by the #military & said "if they are doing this in #Colombo, can you imagine what happened to #Tamils in the #North & #East?" ENOUGH! There is no need to imagine, we know! 1/8
There are enough videos, films, still photographs, eye witness testimony, survivor testimony #UN reports, & other expert reports to clearly lay out what happened in #Mullivaikkal & before, was #CrimesAgainstHumanity, #WarCrimes & #Genocide. You chose not to believe! 2/8
There are 100's of people who died getting that information of #WarCrimes out of the #WarZone. Too many #journalists & #activists were killed, attacked, jailed, #tortured & exiled trying to disseminate that information, because you chose not to believe. 3/8
Read 8 tweets
May 18th 2022
PEARL welcomes the Canadian Parliament’s official recognition of #May18 as Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day.

#SriLanka #TamilGenocide #TamilGenocideRemembranceDay #Mullivaikkal (1/4)
This historic recognition of the Tamil genocide is a milestone in the Tamil-Canadian community, and the broader Tamil nation’s, efforts to achieve justice and accountability for Tamil victim-survivors. (2/4)
We are grateful for the efforts of the multiple organizations that collaborated to pass this historic motion. We hope this work sets a precedent for other democratic governments to follow. (3/4)

Read 4 tweets
May 18th 2022
The Sri Lankan military has established several checkpoints in the Mullaitivu area, strategically placed at key locations on roads leading towards the #Mullivaikkal memorial site, where Tamils commemorate the #TamilGenocide Remembrance Day on #May18. (1/5)
The checkpoints are manned by heavily armed Sri Lankan soldiers and sometimes by the army and the police together. There are several military bases and cantonments in the area. The barriers and signs are mostly in Sinhala and English only. (2/5)
Tamils driving through the checkpoints are frequently stopped and asked questions, sometimes asked to register with the security officials at the stop and sometimes asked to open their boot and have their belongings searched. Sometimes they are waved through. (3/5)
Read 5 tweets
May 18th 2022
#STATEMENT: Amidst Sri Lanka’s political and economic turmoil, PEARL joins Tamils worldwide in remembering the Tamil victims and survivors of the Mullivaikkal Massacre thirteen years ago, marked annually as Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day.… (1/10)
Since the final stages of the armed conflict, an estimated range of 70,000 to 169,796 Tamils remain unaccounted for. They were either purposefully killed or disappeared by the GoSL, which is credibly accused of committing war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide. (2/10)
The Mullivaikkal memorialization site remains under heavy military surveillance, and police harass and threaten Tamils who have come together to remember their loved ones. (3/10)
Read 10 tweets
May 17th 2022
🧵@GGPonnambalam is a strong witness of the #Tamil #Genocide in #Mullivaaikaal.Below is a summary of one of his testimonies.On 16 May 2009 KP informed me that the LTTE had decided that they wanted to get the civilians out in a safe&accountable way,&wanted GGP to speak to the gov.
I communicated this clearly to Basil Rajapaksa. The initial agreement we hoped the government would agree to was to have the ICRC broker a population exchange to get the civilians out. The government disagreed. They were only willing to have local actors involved.
They suggested lawyers or bishops.
Read 12 tweets
Mar 30th 2022
JOIN US as we mark 31 days of continuous People’s Protest, at Kohuwela junction on Thurs March 31st!💪🏾

It’s heartening to see so many people’s protests not affiliated to political parties over the weekend! It’s time the people realised their power!

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImage
Some captures from the Kandy People’s Protest yesterday (Wed)!

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImageImage
Kollupitiya Peoples Protest continues - some captures from yesterday💪🏾

#takebackourpower✊🏾 #lka ImageImageImageImage
Read 944 tweets
May 18th 2020
Today (May 18) Sri Lankan Tamils commemorate the massacre of tens of thousands of our people by the Sri Lankan army in 2009. #Mullivaikkal #May18Rememberance #May18TamilGenocide @MarioArul @nimmideviarchy @Sujith_Xavier @ficader @dlocokid @tdmanoranjan @jdakwar @sarahlmehta 1/
If this is unfamiliar to you, please consider taking a few mins to learn about it. Human rights group @PEARLaction did this superb history for the 10th anniversary last year:… #Mullivaikkal #May18Rememberance #May18TamilGenocide 2/
Many brave people extensively documented the war crimes of 2009, often at great personal risk. In 2011 a UN Panel of Experts, constituted by the Sec'y General, found credible evidence of war crimes.… #mullivaikkal #May18Rememberance #May18TamilGenocide 3/
Read 9 tweets

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