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Oct 1st 2020
🚨#Russia's🇷🇺Internet Research Agency trolls posed as a fake media group–Newsroom for American and European Based Citizens (#NAEBC): a #Hungary-based “free and independent” outlet that pushes "conservative and right-wing voices."

#TrumpRussia @thespybrief…
The #Hungary-based “free and independent" #NAEBC's website warns its readers: “Don’t get yourself fooled.”

Yet the #Russian🇷🇺troll **website’s own name** is a pun on a Russian expletive meaning to deceive or “screw over.”💥 Image
#NAEBC's strategy: energize Trump supporters, depress support for Biden, and target both sides with divisive and polarizing messages.

"The accounts failed to attract any significant following...but got more traction on Gab and Parler."🙄

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