🚨#Russia's🇷🇺Internet Research Agency trolls posed as a fake media group–Newsroom for American and European Based Citizens (#NAEBC): a #Hungary-based “free and independent” outlet that pushes "conservative and right-wing voices."
#NAEBC focused on US politics & current events, republishing articles from conservative media & paying Americans to write about politically-sensitive issues. A network of accounts posing as editors & journalists then promoted the articles on right-wing social media sites.
A senior US security official said #Russian🇷🇺operatives were increasingly recruiting “unwitting Americans” to write articles. Reuters identified 3 writers in the US who contributed articles—2 of whom are "established authors who had written for a number of right-wing outlets."🧐
One of the writers, who asked not to be named publicly, said they had been working for NAEBC for the last month with "no knowledge" of its #Russian🇷🇺backing.
Writers were paid from $50 to $75 per an article, and money was sent promptly via online transfer.🧐
#NAEBC gave detailed instructions on how to frame articles.
An email from "Nora Berka" asked 1 writer for a story about calls to defund the US police: “Here we should mention that a lot of democrats support de-funding the police. And in case if they win 2020, it can happen.”🙄
Kremlin🇷🇺spokesman Dmitry Peskov claimed he did not know anything about #NAEBC or a similarly fake left-wing news site, Peace Data. “The #Russian state does not engage in such activity."🤣
This LIE comes from the same people who helped throw the 2016 election to Trump.🤬
Bottom line: #Russia's🇷🇺attacks on our democracy are getting more and more sophisticated, using actual (seemingly unwitting) Americans as cutouts.
Russia is targeting *both* right- and left-wing political groups, with the goal of DIVIDING US.🤬
Reliable pollsters try to poll a “representative” population of “likely” voters, including factors such as party affiliation, age, gender, ethnicity...
BUT some groups are more difficult to poll & data reliability can differ, based on methodology (call, text, online). 2/
Despite even best efforts, raw polling data (the ACTUAL data from “likely” voters) differs from the final poll “results.”
Why? Data from a sample size of hundreds is used to project “results” for MILLIONS. 3/
🚨BREAKING: the @CIA believed Trump ILLEGALLY took $10 million from #Egypt days before his inauguration.
Investigators thought this was why Trump gave $10 million of his own cash late in his campaign but were BLOCKED from probing by Trump appointees.🤬 washingtonpost.com/investigations…
In 2017, classified intel indicated Egyptian President El-Sisi sought to give Trump $10 million.
in Jan 2017, a Cairo bank got an unusual letter from an group linked to Egyptian intelligence asking the bank to withdraw ~$10 million from the organization’s account—ALL IN CASH.🧐
Employees at the state-run National Bank of #Egypt stuffed $100 bills into 2 large bags, weighing a combined 200 pounds & containing what was then a sizable share of Egypt’s reserve of US currency. Four men arrived and carried away the bags.🤔
🚨BREAKING: nearly 2 years after the January 6 #Insurrection, the @FBI increased its reward by 5-fold to $500,000 for info leading to the arrest of the #terrorist who left 2 pipe bombs near the @DNC & @GOP HQs the day before the assault.
The January 6th pipe bomb #terrorist wore a face mask, glasses, gloves and a grey-hooded sweatshirt and **#Nike Air Max Speed Turf shoes** (photo below).
Someone knows this #terrorist—PLEASE SHARE lFAR AND WIDE.
‼️Images and video of the #terrorist, the suspect’s backpack & shoes, the pipe bombs, and a map of the route the terrorist walked are here👉🏼fbi.gov/wanted/seeking…
Many innocent people could have been killed or harmed.
Oleg Eremenko is a former officer in the GRU (🇷🇺military intelligence) who served inside #Russia: “I served, and that’s it,” he said. “I’m now in #Germany in, let’s say, a civilian status,” promoting Russian culture and memorialising WW2 dead.
Cool story, bro.🙄
Max Schlund—Rostislav Teslyuk in #Russia—is a former officer in the Russian Air Force. He traveled w/Elena Kolbasnikova to Donbas to give aid. In a video, they thanked the People's Front—headed by Putin—for help organizing the trip.
🚨BREAKING: George Santos admits to using cash from his firm—#Devolder Organization—to fund his campaign with an allegedly ILLEGAL $700,000 corporate contribution.
It’s legal to use personal cash, but corporate cash is ILLEGAL.🧵
⚠️Santos admits he took money from his #Devolder to bankroll his campaign & the $700,000 in loans “was the money I paid myself through the Devolder Organization”👉🏼ILLEGAL
His financial disclosure shows a $750,000 salary from Devolder + dividends between $1-5 million.🧐
‼️Previous financial disclosures show Santos & his #Devolder firm didn’t have very much money—so what are the origins of his $700,000?
‼️Right-wing judicial activist Leonard Leo (then-EVP of the Federalist Society) helped facilitate the sale of Kellyanne Conway’s polling company in 2017 **while she was advising Trump** on Leo’s handpicked list of SCOTUS candidates.
The sale came at a critical moment for Kellyanne▶️her ownership had come under Congressional scrutiny for potential “conflicts of interest,” likely creating pressure to unload it even though its value was unclear and she was its biggest asset but committed to her WH job.🙄
Leo—via one of his dark money groups—helped finance the transaction between Kellyanne and Creative Response Concepts Inc (CRC) *worth between $1 million and $5 million*.
At the time, CRC was also bringing in millions of dollars from dark money groups to promote Leo’s picks.🤬