"Climate change is a health emergency based on scientific evidence"..."any number of extreme threats to health have been managed"

"...with an evidence base".
"This is hard and unglamorous work but its exactly what health communities" have done
"We are Drs telling you climate change is a health emergency based on science"
"It is about health & survival"
~ Aust Med Assoc
"We are growing everyday..
they come from a political of spectrum beliefs... what we are seeing is worse than the scientific evidence and predictions...so we're in"
"I've been fighting fires since 1971.."
"39 year vareer, 13 years as Fire Commissioner, back at the frontlines as a volunteer..." Seeing things he's never seen before
"Canary in the coalmine is Tasmania"

"Queensland was not a bushfire state, it is now a bushfire state"
"Places that have never seen fires are...
Greenland, Arctic Circle..."
"I hate this thing the "New Normal"...it's not right"
- Greg Mullens

Security communities globally see climate change as a security issue, Australia govts have had a narrow conception of security.
"Climate change undermines ecological security..."

"I'm part of Farmers for Climate Action"

The frontline of #climatechange in Australia
@AnikaMolesworth #GregMullens

@gpaddymanning: "They bully the media too..they bully the ABC. I have the view that if you tell the truth, & the truth is alarming, is that activism? No."
Mythbusting: "burning everthing will just put more carbon in the air".. these fires burnt across lawns,..low fuel load areas.."These were weather related events, not fuel related events"..
"Fuel management part of mix".. "cultural burning..slow, cool"
#GregMullens "We've got to stop the minority bullying the majority who want to get on with it. This is where we need this bipartisan approach"
Questions of democracy, action, justice, rights, responsibilities, governance, legals, liberty...


"We won't survive the existential crisis of the climate change emergency...there will be no politics..."
"Economic security requires human security and ecological ecurity..."
"poor illiterate farmers all knew about Australia's fires...we are now the poster child for Climate change"
"We have to have an emergency focus in solving this problem"
strategist Philip Sutton
"The Great Derangement: Climate Change and the Unthinkable" by Amitav Ghosh
Point raised by Prof #NicoleRogers
What can we do *right now* to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions & decarbonise the economy?
Starting with food & ag..speaker is Thomas King of Food Frontier

"10 years or even less"
"That's how fast we can decarbonise"
"We need a grand coalition"
"Tech is available right now"
Working with coal/manufacturing communities to use skills already in place..plan for deployment renewable infrastructure
"We have to work together"
"We underestimate the capacity of the community"
"Its all about people..we need to come together around ambition & hope"
Vanessa Petrie
"no one is left behind"
Creating ambitious large scale solar power projects
"We don't have an excuse about the technology or you're we do these things"
"..developing a large portfolio of energy storage projects in NSW/Vic"
@_Oliver_Yates – Former CEO, Clean Energy Finance Corporation...pointing to the fact that we are sending talent & opportunities offshore rather than building capacity & economic opportunities locally