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Jul 11th 2020
Thread on Naghlu Dam
Tweets by AF (@TheFahimi): 1/8

Khrushchev and Bulganin welcomed by PM Muhammad Daud Khan in #Kabul in Dec 1955. They agreed to extend a $100 million aid by USSR to #Afghanistan which would build #Naghlu dam, Bagram military airfield and Darunta dam.
Naghlu dam, also #Afghanistan’s largest hydropower plant with a 100 MW generation capacity, is located on Kabul River in Surobi district of #Kabul. Work on the dam started in January 1960 and by 1968 the dam was ready for operation. /AF
When Surobi area was controlled by Hekmatyar's militia (i.e. during #Soviet-#Afghan war and in the years leading to the #Taliban rule), they used the power plant as a tool to pressure Kabul by cutting the electricity connection.
Later, the Taliban would do the same. /AF
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