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Feb 15th 2023
1/ Energy Fuels $UUUU closed the sale of Alta Mesa today for $120M ($60M cash + $60M conv. note). We now believe our current #uranium & #RareEarths plans are fully-funded thru 2024, including Energy Fuels' investing in 4 mines to boost uranium production.…
2/ You may have missed it, but $UUUU also resumed #uranium production in Q4-2022. 162,000 lbs. of U3O8, or over 90% of US production. We're hiring/investing at our mines/mill to boost production & we plan to keep our position as the #1 US #uranium miner. #nuclear #carbonfree
3/ Today's sale also provides the CAPEX needed to install 'light' #rareerths separation at our mill in #Utah. We plan to be in production of refined #NdPr oxide by the end of this year or early next. In high demand by #ElectricVehicles, #RenewableEnergy & #defense companies.
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Feb 27th 2020
It was strange that @NITDANigeria required immediate compliance with its #NDPR, whereas EU had a 2yr period for #GDPR. Not surprising, many organisations aren't compliant and citizens aren't aware of their rights under NDPR- @SolomonOkedara

Private citizens whose privacy and other info-related rights could be violated ate a critical factor in enforcement. This is a key reason for a period of sensitization prior to implementation of #NDPR - @SolomonOkedara
From experience, citizens tend to sleep on their online-related rights. There was scepticism about our firm's strategic litigation on the Cybercrime Act a few years ago, before govt began using it to persecute opponents- @SolomonOkedara
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