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Jan 11th 2021
1/3: If the below and similar news from Crimea are true, the peninsula is turning into a time bomb. If the fresh water supply on #Crimea declines further, the #Kremlin may, at some point, see no other way out than to also invade southern mainland #Ukraine.…
2/3: Russian troops could enter Ukrainian dryland to conquer the #NorthCrimeaCanal up to the #Dnipro. Moscow would be justifying such new occupation with a need to bring fresh water from #Ukraine's river down to the peninsula. Dnipro water may as a result never arrive on Crimea.
3/3: Yet, a war in southern #Ukraine could serve the #Kremlin as a distraction of #Russia's populations from Moscow's post-2014 infrastructural failures on #Crimea. Such a new war would be happening a few dozen miles away from Europe's largest #nuclearpowerplant in #Zaporizhzhia.
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