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Mar 24th 2023
(1/7) #FridayReads #FictionFriday

I highly recommend #LynnKurland's novels, in particular, her #dePiaget and #MacLeod series. Here's the kicker, the two series have a lot of crossovers, too!

What is the genre of the two series? It depends on the novel.

(2/7) 1. The most common is #romance and #romantic (the romantic “genre” isn't necessarily romance per se). Now, we are not talking about romance as most people assume, a girl is head over hills on a hunk guy who is a secret villain or a vampire. (aside: Nothing wrong with it.)
(3/7) 2. #TimeTravel
3. #Historical
4. #Paranormal
5. #Fantasy

There is also a touch of #family and #relationships here and there.

The first book I've read was #DreamsOfStardust. It was so good, I bought every copy of it I saw, and gave away for free to friends and colleagues.
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