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Mar 24th 2023
(1/7) #FridayReads #FictionFriday

I highly recommend #LynnKurland's novels, in particular, her #dePiaget and #MacLeod series. Here's the kicker, the two series have a lot of crossovers, too!

What is the genre of the two series? It depends on the novel.

(2/7) 1. The most common is #romance and #romantic (the romantic “genre” isn't necessarily romance per se). Now, we are not talking about romance as most people assume, a girl is head over hills on a hunk guy who is a secret villain or a vampire. (aside: Nothing wrong with it.)
(3/7) 2. #TimeTravel
3. #Historical
4. #Paranormal
5. #Fantasy

There is also a touch of #family and #relationships here and there.

The first book I've read was #DreamsOfStardust. It was so good, I bought every copy of it I saw, and gave away for free to friends and colleagues.
Read 8 tweets
Mar 22nd 2023
(1/4) I asked ChatGPT on 2023-03-23 to write a story about an open-source machine that can travel through space, time, parallel worlds, and the multiverse.
(2/4) I also asked it to dedicate its work to the Public Domain through Creative Commons Public Dedication (CC0 / CCzero), and it did.

Here is the story dedicated to the Public Domain.


(3/4) or


… for the story.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 8th 2022
#bkdk #fixit #timetravel PH!Bkdk #temporaryMCD

This idea came to me thank to @happyrainstone and that time jump fic 🥰🥰

It took him months to find the right quirk user and in the end he was actually the easiest one to reach. Time travel quirks were always very restrained
And finding one in the wild was almost impossible in a society where most quirks were registered and monitored. The ones he found only made you live your past or could show you up to 1 day in advance but they were useless to him. His future had been destroyed 10 months ago
already, when Katsuki was killed on a mission by an unknown quirk user. At first he was consumed by the need for revenge, to find that person and make them pay, but he quickly realized that it wouldn’t bring Katsuki’s back, but quirks ? Maybe quirks could.
Read 55 tweets
Oct 22nd 2022
🚀 We are live! Here is the correct streaming link for all of today's discussions and performances, starting with a panel on complex time with David Krakauer, James Gleick, Ted Chiang, and David Wolpert in a few moments (measured linearly...):

"One of the ideas we had with #InterPlanetary was, 'What would it take to make science hedonistic? And instead of telling people to do it, you'd have to tell people to STOP doing it?"

- SFI President David Krakauer sets the tone for this weekend's celebrations
#IPFest Image
David Krakauer: "Do you have a favorite model or metaphor for #time?"

@JamesGleick: "You've already mentioned a river; that's everybody's favorite. Borges said time is a tiger. People talk about it as a thread. We ONLY talk about time in metaphors." Image
Read 141 tweets
Jul 25th 2022
#allcheng #jc #jwy #fixit sort of #timetravel #pregusu #au #canondivergent I'm exploring different alternatives. Bare with me because some of the basic ideas are already out there. What if Jiang-zhongzhu gets somehow back time. Let's say that it would be something like a course +
Or a device that sent him back to LP before they went to Gusu. WWX would have come and eveything would have developed the same until that moment. JWY is around 11 or 12. He has his chore. His shixiong, his chore. And his parents, their quarrels. JWY is surprised and after +
Spending the whole day in his room, pretending his I'll, he comes to the realization that the best he can do is to run away. He doesn't do it out of cowardice or selfishness, but he doesn't know what else to do in order to prevent some events and to avoid enduring so much pain.+
Read 63 tweets
Apr 25th 2022
"#Ritual. #Narrative. #Context. #TemporalStability. In short, everything missing from the connected isolation of #DigitalDisconnectivity is the antidote to its corrosion of community." -- Nathan Gardels…
What pricing the value of a combat death reveals about war - The Blind Spot…
#CombatDeath, #CostOfWar, #CombatantValue
Read 13 tweets
Apr 22nd 2022
➡️ Del 25 de abril al 1 de mayo ⬅️
🎥 Salas de Cine y Plataformas. 📺
Estas son nuestras recomendaciones:

🟣 Alcarràs
🟣 X
🟣 El asedio de Silverton
🟣 Las 7 vidas de Léa
🟣 Ozark
🟣 Undone
🟣 Bang Bang Baby
🟣 Clarice
⬇️ (1/2) ⬇️
🟣 James Bond Sin Tiempo para Morir
🟣 Mayans M.C.
🟣 Barry
🟣 El bebé
🟣 Made for love
🟣 Pares y Nones
🟣 Las luminosas
⬇️ ¡Tráileres y Sinopsis! ⬇️
🟣 Alcarràs
➡️ [Cine]
➡️ 2h
Después de ochenta años cultivando la misma tierra, la familia Solé se reúne para realizar juntos su última cosecha. #vidarural #Familia #drama #alcarras
Read 17 tweets
Jan 30th 2022
For historians w/ a medical bent, if you could take one medicine (but not antibiotic) back in time, which one, to when, and why?

#historians #history #timetravel #medicine @KevinMKruse @HarvardHistMed @jgreene2 @AnneBlaschke @simon_schama @ihmjhu @petewastaken @threadablebooks
For example, H1N1 flu vaccine back to about 1910, allow a few years to convince the world it’s legit (though vaccination was known then, so that should help), and spare tens of millions around the world ravages of Spanish Flu in 1918.
Or consider the madness of King George III, rumored to have been due to porphyria, for which there is now an RNAi-based treatment. That diagnosis is now considered in error, but if were true and he had been treated, how would world history have changed?…
Read 4 tweets
May 8th 2020
Time Travel (Part 2)

போன பதிவோட தொடர்ச்சினாலும் இது ஒரு புது கோணத்துல Time Travelளை approach பண்ணுவோம். 

சென்ற பதிவை படிக்காதவங்களும் தொடர்ந்து படிக்கலாம், ஒரே ஒரு விஷயத்தை மட்டும் மனதில்கொள்ளணும். அதாவது Einsteinனிற்கு முன் வாழ்ந்த விஞ்ஞானிகள் Timeஐ ஒரு மாற்றவேமுடியாத entityயா பாத்தாங்க. அதெல்லாம் இல்ல, Timeமும் Tasmac மாதிரி தான், இஷ்டத்துக்கு காலெக்ஷன் கட்டலாம்ங்கறார் Einstein.
போக, Einsteinக்கு முன்னாடி இருந்தவங்க Space மற்றும் Time ரெண்டையும் வேவ்வேறயா பாத்தாங்க. Einstein ரெண்டையும் அள்ளிப்போட்டு ஒன்னாக்கி Spacetimeங்கிற கலந்தசாதமாக்கிட்டார். இவ்ளோ தான் முன்கதை சுருக்கம்.
Read 25 tweets
May 6th 2020
Time Travel (Part 1)

கேக்கும்போதே ஜிவ்வுன்னு இல்ல? அந்த ஜிலீர் உணர்வோட பதிவுக்குள்ள போயிடுவோம்.

Time அப்படிங்கிற வார்த்தை நாம அன்றாட வாழ்க்கைல நிறைய பயன்படுத்துறனாலயோ என்னவோ மனசு அதை ரொம்ப சாதாரணமா எடுத்துக்குது. ஆனா Physicsல Light மாதிரியே Time க்கும் ஒரு மிகப்பெரிய வரலாறு உண்டு. அதை முதல்ல என்னனு சுருக்கமா பாத்துடலாம்.
இப்போ 2020ல Time பத்தின உங்க புரிதல் என்ன? நேரம் யாருக்காகவும் நிக்காது, ஓடிக்கிட்டே இருக்கும், முன்னோக்கி மட்டுமே நகரக்கூடிய entity, நேரத்தை once இழந்துட்டா திரும்ப கிடைக்காது. இது தானே? இதே புரிதல் தான் 200 வருசத்துக்கு முன்னாடி முக்காவாசி சயின்டிஸ்ட்களுக்கு இருந்தது.
Read 12 tweets
Feb 3rd 2017
Nocturnal Animals 2016 #Thriller #MustWatch
The Ninth Gate 1999 #Thriller #Mystery
The Silence of the Lambs 1991 #Crime #Thriller #SerialKiller #MustWatch
Read 124 tweets

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