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May 23rd 2023
Well, He got the subscribe button he was complaining about! Now if all 1.1M followers were to subscribe he would rake in 10M per month!

Evidently you can change the amount you charge for monthly subscriptions!

Elon’s is $4
Flynn’s is $10

$10 x 1.1 m = 11M monthly
#Paytriot ImageImageImageImage
Be careful who you are following.
Some are profiting off this movement.
Some are building a big following off this movement only then to retreat and go mainstream.
Patriots make sacrifices.
Some, the ultimate sacrifice.
Patriots are SELFLESS. ImageImage
Do they ask for monTHLY payments to remain Patri-ots?
Think logically.
To some, it's only about the money.
Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda.
Read 6 tweets
May 15th 2023
Are you a seeker of truth?
Do you believe that sometimes the truth is shrouded in deception? Are you willing to examine every evidence presented?

I hope you said yes!

Now, let’s ask ourselves some questions about Michael Flynn!
Where did he come from?

What makes him special?

What has he done to merit the elevated status many have given him?

We’re told he’s a good guy, a Patriot who’s served his Country, and lost so much!

Who told us that?

Serving does not always = good guy.
Who started the whole Russia witch-hunt? It was Flynn!

See my thread on the Trump campaign being infiltrated!

Infiltration of the US Government - Plants!
Is Flynn a Keystone?
(143 Tweets)
Read 58 tweets
Nov 21st 2020
Die Vorbereitungen in #Leipzig #le2111 laufen. Der #Gegenprotest der #Antifa sammelt sich bereits und scheint zahlreich Präsenz zu zeigen. 👍

#Querdenkenstoppen #noAfd #Covidioten #Coronazis
Super #Transpi in #Leipzig "Für eine #feministische #Staatskritik mit #Abstand zur rechten #Querfront"
Themen: Zurückdrängen von Frauen ins Private, zunehmende #häuslicheGewalt, #Unterbezahlung im #Pflegesektor. totgespartes #Gesundheitssystem"
#Querdenkenstoppen #noafd #le2111
Super, lautstarker #Antifa #Gegenprotest in #Leipzig auf dem #augustusplatz. Danke euch!
Es wird sich warm gesungen.
#Querdenkenstoppen #Covidioten #noafd #le2111
Read 28 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
👀👇 Romanian news Cancan article and photo gallery from March 22, 2019.…
👀👇 Wow, Brad! What's with the left black eye? Symbolism much? (1st pic Dec. 3, 2016 Trump Tower)
👀👇 How about I keep digging on you, Brad?
You've known Lee Stranahan for 30 years? You're both from Topeka, Kansas too? Wow!
Read 15 tweets
Apr 17th 2019
Are you following big name accounts & wondering how to tell a patriot from a #paytriot? Follow me down this rabbit hole & hopefully gain some insight & power to decide for yourself. Thanks to @MaReQ for farming 8ch & reaching out.
@occulturalism @paulacblades001 @QBlueSkyQ
We know where Praying Medic stands on questions & digs: he blocks the accounts that bring visibility to problematic points of fact, as explored in this thread:
He focuses on accusations rather than the facts being presented & questions being asked, & calls the diggers “trolls.” Real trolls (paid?) boost his credibility. I used to follow him. I drop this to compile some evidence & let you decide for yourself.…
Read 10 tweets

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