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We are live at the @TCEQ Permit Request Meeting (No. 78606) for Yellowjacket Concrete Batch Plant at the East Aldine District Town Center.

#aldinetx #SayNOtoPollution #PeopleOverProfit
Yellowjacket is just a few blocks away from Keith-Weiss Park, Worsham Elementary School, and several clinics including HOPE clinic at Baker Ripley.

There are 9 concrete plants in the Aldine area.
Yellowjacket has shown that it has no intention of being a good neighbor and operating within the limits of its permit.
Read 20 tweets
Ich werde die Partei der @die_gruenen verlassen.
Dies hat mehrere Gründe und diese möchte ich Euch erklären, falls es von Interesse ist. Falls Ihr Euch diese Gründe durchlesen wollt, gerne. Falls nicht, ist das auch in Ordnung, ist ja nur das Internet. (1/11)
Seit meinem 16. Lebensjahr habe ich in jeder möglichen Wahl die Grünen gewählt und war auch immer stolz schon vor der größeren Klimabewegung den Ernst der Lage erkannt zu haben.
Was aktuell in #Luetzerathbleibt passiert, (2/11)
ist aber so eine Farce und ein so tragischer Vertrauensmissbrauch, dass ich diesen Euch niemals verzeihen kann, will und werde.
Die öffentliche Kommunikation der Parteispitze und der Grünen in NRW beschränkt sich fast ausschließlich auf Nebelkerzen zünden. (3/11)
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Vorbereitung der weltweit ersten Klimaklage gegen eine Stadt

Gibt es ein ganz einfaches Beispiel für Klimaungerechtigkeit gegenüber den nachfolgenden Generationen und dem globalen Süden?

JA: In Krefeld wird ein energiefressender Surfpark geplant, für den… 🧵
- circa 600 Bäume gefällt werden sollen

- der circa 50.000m³ Wasser im Jahr verbrauchen soll

- und 2,6 Gigawattstunden Energie (so viel wie der Stromverbrauch von 2.000 Bürger:innen im Jahr) aus den Netzen verbrauchen soll. 🧵
Er verbraucht damit deutlich mehr Strom, als die Photovoltaikanlagen, die in unserer Stadt auf 21 städtischen Gebäuden für 5,8 Mio€ für die Energiewende installiert werden!

Das energieintensive Wellenreiten können sich aber nur diejenigen leisten, 🧵
Read 11 tweets
🤬 This is what EHS regularly does to our unhoused neighbors...check out both @MFBlakey & @IAmAHumanCO for extensive threads with more info & how to help:
(the FINAL vote is TOMORROW--take action now!)
What more do we need to show you @DenCityCouncil? What will it take for you to help stop the torture?

We vote. And we will in 2023...

...if you vote in favor of this tmrw, you can no longer pretend you care about the thousands of people experiencing homelessness in our city.
Read 4 tweets
THREAD: Today we launched our first report on what happens when a government privatizes a vital service. We investigated the deregulated UK bus system and found it expensive and dysfunctional—with severe impacts on people's rights.… #PeopleOverProfit
The report finds that many people have lost jobs and benefits, faced barriers to healthcare, been forced to give up on education, sacrificed food and utilities, and been cut off from friends and family because of a costly, fragmented, and inadequate service that has failed them.
Why buses? They're an essential service, accounting for some 4.5 billion journeys per year in Britain. They boost economic growth, alleviate poverty, realize many rights, and reduce greenhouse gases. People depend on them to get to work, healthcare, and see loved ones.
Read 22 tweets
Independent Pandemic Response Observatory.
This is a body that is referred to to justify the public health measures.
The public's adherence to public health rules would increase
Evidence needs to be made public.

"We haven't seen modelling since the spring."- @ehyshka

The data will help people buy in to the measures that are being

Shay wonders - What are they hiding? Who benefits from this censorship?
#RedAlert @ryanjespersen #RealTalkRJ
Double Bunking in an ICU is absurd.

Yes, warm bunking is normal in Oil & Gas but double bunking is a huge flag for the capacity of #abpoli health system.
Read 52 tweets
It is one of those things to think about that someone whose community suffered the worst holocaust of the last century, built a platform like Facebook which is being used by states to build the socio-political ground for holocausts in other places.
People at the very top of FB should know what happens when hate speech is unchecked. And they should keep their country office leaders in check from pushing their own personal political agendas through official business practices.

Has Facebook learned nothing from Myanmar?
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Geld darf nicht über die Gesundheit und Genesung der Menschen entscheiden. Niemand würde auf die Idee kommen, von z.B. Feuerwehr oder Polizei zu verlangen, Profite erwirtschaften zu müssen.
Zum Weltgesundheitstag möchten wir an die Wurzel des Problems unseres Gesundheitssystems und meinen damit die Vergütung in den Krankenhäusern über die DRG-Fallpauschalen.
Die Kritik an den Fallpauschalen wird seit ihrer Einführung immer lauter. Die Anzahl der Eingriffe und Untersuchungen und damit die Kosten für das Gesundheitswesen steigen seit ihrer Einführung massiv und belasten die Kassen.
Read 11 tweets
My name is Chrysty and this is Sherlock, my medical alert dog. We want to share with you why we choose @TulsiGabbard for president. #WhyTulsi

I belong to a military family and I have waited at home while my loved ones have been deployed to the Middle East too many times!(1/10)
Do you realize that later this year people who were born after 9/11 will put their lives on the line in a war that started before they were born? Tulsi pledges to put an end to regime change wars! She is a combat veteran herself and proud of her service since 9/11.She knows(2/10)
about this war!

Her commitment to prosperity through peace gives us a direction to move toward. One of the things I love the most about Tulsi is her integrity and hope! She is running a positive campaign toward a better future for us and for our children. My nieces and (3/10)
Read 10 tweets
Bad enough @POLITICOMag publishes @SykesCharlie's fallacious article, but failure to label it OPINION is malpractice. After decades leading GOP off a cliff by peddling voodoo economics & corporate-rigged trade, anti-choice/anti-union Sykes is now determined to ruin Dem party. 1/7
“Annoyingly out of touch” @SykesCharlie fails to grasp Trumpism as a symptom of the deeper rot he helped create: decades of #Establishment in both parties abandoning workers & families in favor of corporate socialism for their donor-owners. 2/7
Best antidote to Trump’s fake right-wing populism is true progressive economic populism—policies that directly benefit workers & families by prioritizing #PeopleOverProfit and #PeopleOverParty. 2016 should have taught us that chasing the mythic “center” is a losing strategy. 3/7
Read 7 tweets

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