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Oct 31st 2022
Well, well. Over 1 million views for our OZ TRUTH BOMBS. Cleary people want to know more about #MehmetOz .

So, in tonight's thread (#5, for those keeping score at home like Oz during a Cowboy's game)...

Oz: awful things, from his own mouth.

A thread.

#Oz #PaSenate #PASen

Let's start with just creepy, shall we? On Kimmel, he admitted sticking a needle into his sister's skull.


Who the heck DOES that?

More creepy Oz: when he said sex with 2nd cousins isn't a problem.

Worse, he volunteered (WASN'T ASKED) that his daughters wouldn't want to have sex with him.

Good to know.

This.... as public comments.... from a (checks notes) ... physician??
Read 16 tweets
Aug 4th 2022
🗳Atten. All Dems., GenZ, Millennials, & Independents!
We need to #ExpandTheSenate & Protect what seats we have & there's work to do before Nov. 8. I will be adding info on Seats we are needing to support so U may want to bookmark😉

#ONEV1 #DemVoice1 #ResistanceUnited
💫AZ, you must make sure @SenMarkKelly keeps his seat in Nov. His opponent is a ChristoFascist & against everything Democracy stands for. He has also done great things for your state & listens to your needs. Stand with Capt. Kelly. He stands for you.
#OneV1 #Dems4USA #DemVoice1
⚡️Hey Ohio, @TimRyan fights for Women, Seniors, & the working man. He fights for your rights & Democracy. Fight for him by making him your next Senator on November 8th.
#ONEV1 #ResistanceUnited #Dems4USA
Read 16 tweets
May 18th 2022
The #PASenate primary was a good one for Democrats. Fetterman has a unified party and electorate behind him, plus statewide appeal. Trump's random Oz hug showed the limits of Trumpism. Even with Trump's endorsement he got less than a third of the vote.
Also Trump's favorite Madison Cawthorn not just lost the race, but also conceded!! Who knew MAGA folks could actually concede elections? 🤭🤭

Remember I'd said a couple of months ago how primaries are going to show the limits to Trumpmania, even if media inflates it constantly.
If you look past the media narratives & compulsive right wing gazing of the beltway folks, it's been evident since 2020 the America is just not that into Trump anymore. Nor is the GOP electorate, beyond a point. Not that he ever won 50% of the vote in either.
Read 21 tweets
May 16th 2022
.@Kathy4Truth responds to @SiriusXMPatriot question about 2015 tweet, stating "Pedophilia is a cornerstone of Islam." Why is tweet still up? #PASenate #PASen
If you look at tweet, it's 'Not even a full sentence.' There's more to follow. It was put in my face, tell us what you meant 8 years ago. It's not a full thought. Media has taken an incomplete thought and taken out of context and provided their "own context." #PASenate #PASen
"Today, I believe that God has created us equal. And that everyone has value and dignity. As a Christian I believe the word of God to be true." #PASenate #PASen
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May 14th 2022
@TheOfficerTatum @Kathy4Truth 13 months ago she declared her run for Senate, not 100% sure but I believe even earlier than McCormick and Dr Oz whom were the front runners.

@TheOfficerTatum @Kathy4Truth March 2022

The 5 candidates from 50,000 feet all look and sound decent. People have been distracted by COVID, Fauci, Biden, lockdowns, masks, Rona stuff, Ukraine, Inflation etc.

McCormick leads.
@TheOfficerTatum @Kathy4Truth McCormick gets backing by Ted Cruz, Pompeo, Sean Parnell others.

As a businessman and Military Veteran pretty solid.
Read 57 tweets
Apr 26th 2022
So I am covering the GOP PA Senate debate and the candidates are being asked to define America First and OMG.
Oz is claiming that the reason Trump was so successful is because --wait for it--RESPECT. Oz says Trump respected everyone.
Now they are all talking about the 2020 election being stolen.
Read 24 tweets
Jan 6th 2021
What the @PASenateGOP did yesterday in not seating @SenatorBrewster is a miscarriage of justice and democracy - and yesterday was just our FIRST day of the 2021-22 session.

We should be alarmed about what they plan next. Here's why ⬇️
Legislative Republicans have shown no regard for the other branches of government.

They ignored court rulings, including the PA SUPREME COURT's ruling that affirmed @SenatorBrewster's victory. The judiciary doesn't matter to them.
When @JohnFetterman disagreed with their management of the #PASenate floor, they stripped him of his authority to preside over the body. The executive branch doesn't matter to them.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 6th 2021
I don’t think that yesterday’s fracas in the #PASenate is quite as straightforward as either side would make it out to be (shocker, I know). The politics are for others to analyze, but just a few points on the law. (THREAD 1/29)
Off the bat, it’s worth noting that what distinguishes this from the Trump mayhem is that there is a pending legal challenge that deals with enough votes to be dispositive of the election result depending how the court rules. That was not the case in any state for Trump. (2/29)
That doesn’t necessarily justify the GOP’s actions yesterday, but it is not an apples-to-apples comparison to say this is mere Trumpianism. (3/29)
Read 30 tweets
Jan 5th 2021
Today, I opposed the nomination of Senator Jake Corman to President Pro Tempore.

I do not do this lightly, but I feel very passionately that he is not suited to this role.
The President Pro Tempore is to be a leader for the entire body – not of one party.

No where in the Constitution does it say that the leader should be beholden to the partisan whims of his own party.
However, in his short time in this pinnacle leadership role, he has shown an unwillingness to recognize that there are more members of this chamber than just those with an R behind their name.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 5th 2021
It is turning ugly very quickly in the #PaSenate. The Republican majority trying to remove Lt. Gov. Fetterman from the rostrum, presiding over the chamber.
At the hear of the dispute is the GOP majority's decision to refuse to seat a Dem senator. Read story here:…
Republicans are voting to replace Lt. Governor Fetterman because they believe he is not recognizing the Republicans.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 4th 2020
“To have this kind of stuff going on at the 11th hour is unconscionable. So we have a totally lack of faith in her ability to do her job and to do it fairly.” - #PASenate Majority Leader @JakeCorman calling for the resignation of PA Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar.
“There wasn’t anything new with the issue of ‘naked ballots.' To send out new guidance at 10:30 at night on the eve of the election is because clearly the secretary was concerned about the results that were coming and she needed to tip the scale in a different direction.”
“Never before in my time in the legislature have I seen a Department of State act in this way. Acting contrary to Democrat Supreme Court Justice Max Baer, who wrote the majority opinion that this was an issue of the legislature.” @JakeCorman
Read 8 tweets
Apr 14th 2020
What’s happening on #PAHouse floor right now is crazy. Speaker runs SB613 to override Gov & force open virtually all businesses right now. All Ds vote no. We file amendments to give all essential workers hazard pay, PPE & paid sick leave if they are infected. Rs block those votes
Watch the debate for yourself right here:…
This debate on SB613 is a matter of life and death: @SecretaryLevine announced 1,146 new coronavirus cases in PA today alone. 25,345 Pennsylvanians have tested positive for COVID-19. 2,228 have been or are currently hospitalized. 584 people have died in our state.
Read 11 tweets

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