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Jan 6th 2023
On this #January6th, let's review the last two years. First, we should thank those officers who put themselves between the insurrectionists and American democracy. We should take an extra moment for those who gave their last full measure of devotion...1/
Never forget that #January6th was a conspiracy begun and driven by Donald Trump and his cronies. @MaryLTrump told us he'd never leave peacefully and she was correct. He was aided and abetted by dozens, if not hundreds who were happy to see democracy fall for their own gain...2/
At the Capitol that day, the likes of @HawleyMO and @tedcruz objected to an election they knew was free and fair because they believed it was good for their 'brands' and would help them win #MAGA support down the road. Both are cynics who don't belong in office...3/
Read 9 tweets
Sep 23rd 2022
Quick 🧵on why @GOPLeader is scrambling around like a raccoon on an overturned garbage can.

Sometime last month, he got a poll back showing that suburban white voters were either staying home or voting blue. They freaked out and called in Gingrich and Frank Luntz 1/
They went into overdrive, probably spending a shit-ton of money on more polling and focus groups and came up with their half-baked “commitment” to America. Problem, though: all the messages are so thin as to be meaningless. “Better economy” - good one, Kev. 2/
On the other side, though, they found that #UltraMAGA voters don’t really love anyone, either. Enter the racist bullhorn brigade. When all else fails, scare the white people. 3/
Read 6 tweets
Aug 29th 2022
Quick 🧵 on the return of violence in Trumpland messaging. First, it's not for you, me, or anyone in the pro-democracy movement. It's for the #UltraMAGA - conditioning them for the day when violence occurs and it will seem normal. This is all on ONE side. 1/
Trump's threats represent a rare failure of his lies to give him an escape route with his supporters. Since the Mar-A-Lago search broke the lies have evolved: illegal, they planted evidence, he declassified docs, they're his, have failed to keep the outer rings in line. 2/
As Trump's grip loosens, even slightly, he and his circle will make the idea of prosecution more and more egregious to the #UltraMAGA faithful. It's also a dare to DOJ to move ahead with a prosecution: whatever happens post-indictment will be Biden's fault. Trump warned them. 3/
Read 10 tweets
Aug 29th 2022
Charles Schwab, founder of @CharlesSchwab donated $36,500 to the Republican National Committee in July. Chuck gave $1 million to GOP super PACs affiliated with Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy in June.

@ProjectLincoln was right about Schwab. $SCHW

"The Lincoln Project, a group of anti-Trump conservatives, had featured Schwab in a recent campaign highlighting companies that donated to President Trump or the election objectors in Congress."

Chuck Schwab is still donating to GOP groups. $SCHW…
Charles R. Schwab is chairman of @CharlesSchwab. He still owns about 7% of its stock. He is "the single biggest contributor so far this cycle to the McCarthy Victory Fund, a PAC supporting McCarthy. He donated more than $366,000 in March"

Boycott $SCHW… Image
Read 9 tweets
Aug 17th 2022
Here's a look at an assortment of six interesting Twitter accounts with GAN-generated faces. #TuesdayShenaniGANs

(GAN = "generative adversarial network", the AI technology used by to produce fake faces)

cc: @ZellaQuixote
First up is @FarteenHu, an #ULTRAMAGA account with a GAN-generated face, a flatulence joke for a display name, and a bad habit of falsely claiming that COVID vaccines have killed over a million Americans. Note the unrealistic background, clothing, and headgear on the "face" pic.
Next, we have @atouchofsnark, an automated account with a GAN-generated profile pic that apparently intends to vote for Hillary Clinton, who is not currently running for office. This account's tweets are highly repetitive and posted via a custom app called "A Touch Of Snark".
Read 12 tweets
Jul 30th 2022
I joined @Twitter in 2009. I grew to have friends in many different places. Common interests. It was Respectful then. Now Twitter used as an anti conservative tool. Banning Conservatives. Allows Derogatory Tweets about Mrs. Trump. Banned 45th President of the United States 🤦‍♀️
I don’t expect for everyone to Agree on everything.
That would be boring, wouldn’t it?
Equality is Not: one side play nice or be silenced &
One side to be rude, disrespectful, spiteful liars.
@elonmusk must’ve seen enough to realize how tainted Twitter is. #Section230 violations
Speaks for themselves…
Read 4 tweets
Jul 14th 2022
Real-time tracking of #Republican progression:

First, they immediately questioned and denied the reports of a 10 y/o child in Ohio being raped and traveling to Indiana for an abortion. They immediately claimed it was a Democrat fomented lie. 1/⏬
Ohio AG Yost (@DaveYostOH) and Jim Jordan (@Jim_Jordan) immediately came out swinging, not only casting doubt on the story--but also aspersions on every media source, every discussion, and every Democrat.

Irony that these two are Ohioans. Shocking, Yost is even the Ohio AG! 2/⏬
RWNJ media (e.g. Breitbart) still has the Yost story that states his office doesn't have any record or knowledge of such a victim. Despite some couching, this shows how shoddy Ohio's law enforcement is at the highest echelon.

Brietbart hasn't (even today) amended the story. 3/⏬
Read 16 tweets
Jun 26th 2022
News Flash 🎇
June 24, 2022
Earth 🌎
Supreme Court of USA 🇺🇸 @SCOTUSblog
In Protected Custody of US Federal Police 👮‍♀️👮🏽👮🏿‍♀️💂🏻🫃🏼
#RoeVsWade actually #JaneDoeVsWade found in conflict with our #ConstitutionalRights.
How many Protesters Violated laws & Tried to Influence Judges?
News Flash ⚡️2
Cover Who Leaked #SCOTUS Draft Opinion?
I will. @FoxNews will and we both will be vilified by President Biden, along with #MAGA #SuperMAGA #UltraMAGA Half the Country.
War on Conservatives has officially begun.
My followers are free to comment on my opinions. Be nice.
@elonmusk if I get banned or doxxed or otherwise lose my right to Free Speech, consider it a violation of #Section230.
Are employees of Twitter & Google affecting information sharing & public opinion? @rafshmatko
Read 4 tweets
Jun 13th 2022
The #January6thCommitteeHearings started on 6/9/22 evening with witness testimony & video footage surrounding the riot on the Capitol on #J6. The televised hearing is the 1st in a series that is expected to last through July.
I will ask the questions not being asked & quote many. Image
In all of the video shown on Prime TV by the #January6thCommitteeHearings, I didn't see a single frame w/ Ray Epps as he is seen in multiple videos on Jan 5 & #J6.

Why was Ray Epps encouraging people to go "into" the Capitol building?

Did the FBI hire Ray Epps?
Who is #RayEpps? Image
@BennieGThompson @RepLizCheney & @RepKinzinger
Does the FBI now, or has it ever, maintained a formal or informal relationship or point of contact w/ Ray Epps, whether directly or indirectly, including through intermediaries?
Who is #RayEpps
#January6thCommitteeHearings Image
Read 126 tweets
May 14th 2022
@TheOfficerTatum @Kathy4Truth 13 months ago she declared her run for Senate, not 100% sure but I believe even earlier than McCormick and Dr Oz whom were the front runners.

@TheOfficerTatum @Kathy4Truth March 2022

The 5 candidates from 50,000 feet all look and sound decent. People have been distracted by COVID, Fauci, Biden, lockdowns, masks, Rona stuff, Ukraine, Inflation etc.

McCormick leads.
@TheOfficerTatum @Kathy4Truth McCormick gets backing by Ted Cruz, Pompeo, Sean Parnell others.

As a businessman and Military Veteran pretty solid.
Read 57 tweets
May 14th 2022
Full list of Republicans who have continued to vote against aiding #Ukraine in their fight against Russia. They are Russian ASSETS. You can call them whatever you want. But end the end these members of the @GOP are #SoftOnRussia.
Please R/T /1
1. Jodey Arrington of Texas
2. Brian Babin of Texas
3. Jim Banks of Indiana
4. Andy Biggs of Arizona
5. Gus Bilirakis of Florida
6. Dan Bishop of North Carolina
👆I'm running against this guy!
7. Lauren Boebert of Colorado
8. Ken Buck of Colorado
9. Tim Burchett of Tennessee
10. Kat Cammack of Florida
11. Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina
@JayCareyNC 👆is running against him
12. Michael Cloud of Texas
13. Andrew Clyde of Georgia
14. James Comer of Kentucky
15. Warren Davidson of Ohio
Read 11 tweets

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