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Jul 29th 2022
The news about declared emergencies on #monkeypox shouldn't alarm, but they should remind us that we know better so we have to DO better.

Here's why... (thread)
First, let's talk about why #monkeypox is a bigger deal. (And no, it's not because it's deadly.) It's a big deal because this is a virus of inconvenience and frankly, while the human race can do amazing things, we haven't yet figured out how to deal with inconvenience...
Deadly viruses gain more attention. Viruses of inconvenience struggle with their messaging. "You'll be down for a week" is far less worrisome than, "you'll probably die and everyone will mourn you."

And we've never been good at preparing for worrisome viruses. (Ahem, #HPV.)
Read 9 tweets
Mar 2nd 2021
As an ER doc, here's why the #AmericanRescuePlan must be passed right away: I’ve seen 2 of my sickest #COVID19 patients ever in the last 2 weeks. It's great that 3 safe, effective vaccines are available, but we MUST get shots in arms ASAP. Without this plan, we can’t do that.
I know #Pandemicfatigue is impacting the most ardent supporters of public health. But getting 70-90% of Americans vaccinated is the light at the end of the long tunnel through which we’ve travelled over a year. The final % needed is time sensitive. We haven’t a moment to waste.
If we don't distribute these vaccines effectively & quickly, I know I’ll keep seeing more & more patients unnecessarily suffering. To that end, not passing @joebiden's rescue plan is tantamount to withholding care and treatment that can save lives.
Read 10 tweets
Jan 23rd 2021
I’m hearing folks saying #ZeroCovid is unattainable. We're tired of lockdowns they say. We have #PandemicFatigue!

Can I let you in on a secret? #PandemicFatigue isn’t real. It’s a bogeyman made up by politicians to shift blame for their missteps onto us, the public. 1/
How do I know it isn’t real? First, it’s based on “ego depletion”-the idea that self-control is a muscle that becomes fatigued. But ego depletion was recently debunked in a huge study led by one of its proponents. Turns out ego depletion is not a thing. 2/…
Second, let’s look at compliance with restrictions. The @roinnslainte/@AmarachResearch weekly survey (…) shows that mask compliance is at 94%. It has been ≥90% since last September. 3/
Read 9 tweets

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