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Mar 26th 2021
@PeteSouza 1. @GovKemp My parents brought my sister & I to this country so that we could have a better life bc #Salazar, the #PortugalsDictator limited what we #Peasants could do to improve our lives. And we also lived in fear of being arrested at any moment by the #SecretPolice, #PIDE....
@PeteSouza @GovKemp 2. It seems to me that you & the @GOP are depriving #Poor #AmericanCitizens their #RightToVote. A #TruePatriot would make it easier for ALL Americans to vote; not just the privileged! But then we know that Americans are tired of how the @GOP governs & we don't approve.....
@PeteSouza @GovKemp @GOP 3. of the #GOP's agenda & your #ConspiracyTheories! You can bet that this #EuropeanAmerican who remembers what it felt like to live in fear in a #PoliceState will do everything in her power to assure that the @GOP #VoterSuppression laws fail! My parents made many sacrifices....
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