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Nov 22nd 2019
#DevinNunes: follow the money. All the way to the Kremlin. Nunes’ Winery Moscow connections plus cocaine/underage sex workers party on a yacht, thread 👇🏼 #ImpeachmentHearings #ImpeachAndRemoveTrump #impeachment…
#Nunes only/main investment is in a Napa Valley winery that has the Kremlin-licensed Russian company, a major Russian hard liquor distributor, known for its long term official relationship with Putin's administration which receives loyalty from the Kremlin-branded product sales.
Alpha Omega Winery was embroiled in a scandal in 2016 when a former employee alleged in a lawsuit that 25 of the Napa Valley-based winery’s top investors were openly using what appeared to be cocaine and “drawing straws” for which sex worker to hire.…
Read 7 tweets
Feb 25th 2019
Trump: Day 765
-Seeks Self-Indulgent Rally July 4th
-Fawns Over Kim Ahead of Summit
-Pompeo Sz NK Still a Nuclear Threat
-Floats "Progress" in China Trade Talk
-50%+ Job Approval in Only 17 States
-Sen Cornyn Quotes Benito Mussolini
-"No Factual Basis" 4 Natl Emergency
Day 870 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 721 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 63 tweets
Dec 29th 2018
Remember when Trump shoved the Montenegrin PM, and Orban was giggling like a lil kid in the background? Manafort, was in talks w/Russia-backed opposition party in Montenegro, in Fall 2016. Think Trump didn’t know that?…
"According to three sources in this opposition movement, known in Montenegro as the Democratic Front, they were counting on help from an American lobbyist who had worked in their country before – and who happened to be fresh out of a job in Washington. His name was Paul Manafort"
"Having served for 3 months as Trump’s campaign, Manafort was forced to resign in mid-August after his links to RU interests in Ukraine became public. Still deep in debt, he reportedly went around pitching his services...from the Kurds in Iraq to the incoming pres of Ecuador."
Read 41 tweets

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