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Jun 3rd 2021
#Belarus state TV airs interview w/ arrested opposition journalist #RamanPratasevich in which he admits pleading guilty to calling for protests & names coordinators. And bizarrely implicates @Tsihanouskaya team in Ryanair incident. Remember, he fears for his life
🚨During interview w/ arrested dissident journalist #RamanPratasevich, #Belarus state TV runs ticker w/ what look like his msgs. This says: "ATTENTION: Rob stores & gas stations. Start making molotov cocktails in large quantities"
#Terrorism charges mean death. #FreeProtasevich
A true Soviet-era horror show. #RamanPratasevich—w/ visible bruises on wrists—confesses on state propaganda TV, implicating opposition head @Tsihanouskaya. This pic mirrors witness descriptions of his distress on the flight, realizing torture & execution awaited him in #Belarus.
Read 4 tweets
May 25th 2021
The #EU 🇪🇺 has imposed sanctions on #Belarus 🇧🇾, including banning airlines from using its airspace and airports, amid fury over the diversion of a plane to arrest an opposition journalist.

As @LukeShrago reports, EU leaders also demanded the release of #RamanPratasevich ⤵️
@LukeShrago 🇧🇾🇪🇺 "This is a threat against the safety of international civil aviation, which is why the 27 heads of government and state agreed very quickly, not only to condemn but also demand for the immediate release of #RomanProtasevich," said @eucopresident ⤵️
@LukeShrago @eucopresident 🇧🇾🇪🇺✈️ "#Belarus used its control over its airspace in order to perpetuate a state #hijacking, therefore the safety and security of flights through Belarus airspace can no longer be trusted," said @vonderleyen ⤵️
Read 6 tweets
May 23rd 2021
La #Bielorussia ha costretto all'atterraggio con i #mig21 il volo #FR4978 Atene-Vilnius della @Ryanair, mentre sorvola il suo spazio aereo. Sul volo il giornalista e oppositore #RamanPratasevich che viene prelevato dalle autorità all'aeroporto di Minsk.…
ufficialmente le autorità sono intervenute per un allarme bomba sul volo, all'aeroporto erano schierate unità dei pompieri e dei soccorsi pronte ad intervenire
il volo #FR4978 aveva quasi raggiunto il confine Lituano quando ha dovuto virare e rientrare su Minsk (che si trovava più lontano di Vilnius stessa)
Read 18 tweets

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