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#Russia's state TV shows a clip of an opposition activist abroad discussing protests & the possibility of Russia falling apart in the future. Host and experts cry out: "He is advocating the overthrow of the gov’t!" "Treason! Give him 20 yrs in prison!" "Jail him for those words!"
RT’s Margarita Simonyan derides Russian opposition activist, exclaiming: “Who is that fat-faced guy? That freak should have no freedom, no citizenship—nothing!" "Before he loses weight in prison, I want him to worry every night about which countries his plane is flying over!”
RT’s Margarita Simonyan: “Bastards like that [opposition activist] or like #Protasevich should be taken off planes, or—like our boss [Putin] said—wiped out in the outhouse. No big deal... I’m all for that.”
Read 4 tweets
Dem in Minsk verhafteten „Regimekritiker“ #Protasewitsch wurde schon lange eine Nähe zu ukrainischen Nazis nachgesagt. Lange blieb es bei Gerüchten. Nun wurden sie bestätigt.
u.A. vom Kommandeur des Nazi-Bataillons "Azov" höchstpersönlich.
Thread mit Fotos, Interview etc👇
Fangen wir mit dem "Harmlosesten" an.
Die "Karriere" von #Protasewitsch begann auf dem Maidan in Kiew im Jahr 2014.
Eigenständig veröffentlichte er ein entsprechendes Foto auf seinem Kanal.
Zu sehen ist, wie er auf dem Maidan vor einem zertrümmerten Lenin-Kopf posiert.
Das Foto ist recht aussagekräftig.
Protasewitsch posiert hier nicht mit einer EU-Flagge, um für eine West-Ausrichtung der Ukraine zu demonstrieren.
Nein, er posiert mit der belaruss. "Alternativflagge" vor einer zertrümmerten Lenin-Statue.
Nix mit "Friedlicher Protest".
Read 20 tweets
Yeah, #Azov is like deliberately making fun of those propaganda "experts" who want us to believe "Azov is a regular unit of the National Guard" and "even if #Protasevich served in Azov, so what?"
Is "Kim", the Belarusian volunteer in #Azov, expressed far-right views in the interview for Radio Svoboda? Not touching whether he and #Protasevich are the same person, there are pros and cons. But, yes, his views are far-right.
He responds to a very generic question about his and other Belarusians' in "Pahonia" squad political views. First thing, he says we are all nationalists. Then he prefers limited democracy. Then about gays, then about migration, then about democracy without "some absurdities".
Read 5 tweets
It is striking & reminiscent of Maidan that many Western politicians, journalists & self-proclaimed experts omit, dismiss & deny by means of fakes & attacks on scholars of far right in Ukraine overwhelming evidence that #Protasevich served in neo-Nazi-led Azov battalion in Donbas
His opposition to undemocratic regime in #Belarus does not make arrested #Belarusian blogger, who served in neo-Nazi-led Azov battalion in #Ukraine & wore t-shirt with swastikas & never repudiated this, liberal democrat & human rights proponent.
Experience of #Ukraine shows that when similar people with far-right background, like Parubii, Chornovol, etc, along with oligarchic & far right politicians came to power they were involved or supported major human rights violations & illiberal & undemocratic policies & actions
Read 6 tweets
Causa #Protasevich ist wohl geklärt. Neben zahlreichen Fotobeweisen hat jetzt #Azov-Kommandant Biletsky bestätigt, dass der angebliche dort "als Journalist tätige" mit dem Neonazi-Bataillon gekämpft hat: "Roman hat zusammen mit Asow(...)gegen die Besetzung der Ukraine gekämpft."
In voller Kampfmontur des rechtsradikalen #Azov-Bataillons, Knarre inklusive, ist wohl nochmal ein ganz neues Level von "embedded journalism"...
PS: Die Fotos stammen alle direkt von der VK-Seite von Asow bzw. aus SocialMedia-Kanälen von Freunden #Protassewitsch's.
Auf dem Foto trägt der vom Westen gehypte "Oppositionelle" #Protasewitsch mal locker flockig ein T-Shirt der Neo-Nazi-Marke SvaStone: "SvaStone bedeutet im ukrainischen Szeneslang Hakenkreuz"
erklärt @bpb_de dazu. Ob er das nur als Mode-Accessoire trägt?…
Read 5 tweets
Further evidence that #Protasevich could be not just a journalist in Donbass and could be close not simply to #Azov but to Ukrainian neo-Nazis
A much clearer picture of #Protasevich at the Azov parade in Mariupol in 2015. The account is a bot but here's the original from Azov Vkontakte

Read 8 tweets
There are no mea culpas so far from self-proclaimed experts who denounced me with fake claims in response to my scholarly research-based tweets about past service of arrested #Belarusian opposition blogger #Protasevich with neo-Nazi-led Azov battalion during war in #Donbas
And no mea culpas from these self-proclaimed experts who denounced me with fake claims in response to my scholarly research-based tweets about past service of arrested #Belarusian opposition blogger #Protasevich with neo-Nazi-led Azov battalion in #Donbas
No mea culpa from this self-proclaimed expert. He denounced me with fake claims for my tweets about #Protasevich service with neo-Nazi-led Azov. My Maidan massacre studies are corroborated by 500+ witnesses, snipers & absolut majority of wounded protesters
Read 9 tweets
So, the case is solved. Azov's commander Biletsky confirmed #Protasevich's fighting together with #Azov and not necessarily only as a journalist as various other sources suggest.
For two days, I've been attacked by anon nationalist propaganda accounts with dumb denialist arguments and ad hominem misinterpretation of the mounting evidence, my political position, and my intentions for tweeting about my own research interests.
Read 3 tweets
🤥At #Putin’s administration, the actions of Belarusian air traffic controllers, who landed a plane with opposition journalist Roman #Protasevich, are considered justified. Vladimir Putin's spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, does not see a threat to Russian passengers in this incident.
Morever, Peskov called the accusations of 🇷🇺 involvement in the landing of the #Ryanair plane a manifestation of the “Russophobic obsession”. Suсh suspicions were voiced by many, e.g. the British Foreign Secretary: he said it was difficult to believe that Russia was not involved.
Accusations of Russophobia are one of the main tactics of #Russian propaganda used in defense against the international condemnation of the #Putin regime’s illegal actions. We explored this tactic and several more, often used in combination, in this video:
Read 3 tweets
The #EU 🇪🇺 has imposed sanctions on #Belarus 🇧🇾, including banning airlines from using its airspace and airports, amid fury over the diversion of a plane to arrest an opposition journalist.

As @LukeShrago reports, EU leaders also demanded the release of #RamanPratasevich ⤵️
@LukeShrago 🇧🇾🇪🇺 "This is a threat against the safety of international civil aviation, which is why the 27 heads of government and state agreed very quickly, not only to condemn but also demand for the immediate release of #RomanProtasevich," said @eucopresident ⤵️
@LukeShrago @eucopresident 🇧🇾🇪🇺✈️ "#Belarus used its control over its airspace in order to perpetuate a state #hijacking, therefore the safety and security of flights through Belarus airspace can no longer be trusted," said @vonderleyen ⤵️
Read 6 tweets
I think a proper stance on #Protasevich should accept the following:
1) Whataboutism is wrong.
2) He must be released, even though he is a propagandist, his Telegram Nexta provoked hate and violence, and he apparently spent some time with the far-right Ukrainian regiment Azov.
3) Ban on flights and sanctions beyond personal hurt primarily Belarusian (and Ukrainian) people, not Lukashenka.
Read 7 tweets
Although it's really difficult to feel personal sympathies to #Protasevich, not only because he served in Azov but also for the provocative role his Telegram Nexta played in Belarusian protests, I don't think his far-right links have any significance in this case.
Really fun to see a wave of similar comments questioning the confirmation of Protasevich's link to Azov by one of the oldest reputable Ukrainian newspapers.…
The Times:
"In 2014 Protasevich is reported to have travelled to eastern Ukraine, where he joined the Azov Battalion, a far-right group that fought Russian-backed separatists."…
Read 7 tweets
Google searches show no references in Western media to past service in neo-Nazi-led Azov battalion in #Ukraine of #Belarusian opposition blogger, who was arrested by Belarus KGB after it diverted #Irish #Ryanair passenger #plane that was flying over #Belarus
#Ukrainian media reports that #Protasevich served in the press-service of the neo-Nazi-led Azov battalion in #Ukraine during the war in #Donbas: "... украинскую страницу в биографии Протасевича: белорус одно время работал в пресс-службе «Азова»."…
Zelensky bans Ukrainian flights to #Belarus & over Belarus. Ukrainian secret services last year planned to divert Belarusian passenger #plane flying over #Ukraine to Turkey to arrest lured in false flag op #Russian mercenaries, who fought in #Donbas war.…
Read 16 tweets
Minsk zwingt eine #Ryanair -Maschine zur Landung, um einen "Regimekritiker" festzunehmen.
Der Vorgang ist zu kritisieren, klar.
Die Empörung der EU-Politelite in dem aktuellen Ausmaß ist allerdings Heuchelei pur.
Solche "Zwangslandungen" gab es in 2012, 2013, 2016.
Jahr 2012.
Türk. Kampfjets zwingen eine syrische Passagiermaschine zur Landung in Ankara.
Offizielle Begründung: der Passagierjet habe womöglich Waffen an Bord.
Die Version ist unglaubwürdig, wahrscheinlicher ist, dass türk.Geheimdienste konkrete Passagiere abfangen wollten
Jahr 2013.
In einer koordinierten Aktion schließen mehrere EU-Staaten den Luftraum für die Maschine vom boliv. Präsidenten Evo Morales und zwingen ihn so zur Landung in Wien.
Der Grund: An Bord wurde Edward Snowden vermutet.
Read 7 tweets
🇩🇪Medien & Politiker schreien unisono "Staatsterrorismus" & fordern Sanktionen: #Protasevich. 2016 gab es ähnlichen Fall. Da schwiegen sie alle. Damals erzwang 🇺🇦 1 🇧🇾Maschine zur Landung in Kiew & holte regierungskritischen Journalisten Martirosyan raus:…
#Servicetweet: Auf die enorme #Doppelmoral hinzuweisen, dass #NATO-Länder + Verbündete schon mehrmals Passagierflugzeuge zur Landung zwangen, um missliebigen Personen habhaft zu werden - ohne Ruf nach Sanktionen - impliziert nicht, dass man gestriges Vorgehen per se gutheißt...
Und ja, 🇩🇪Medien müssen sich daran messen lassen, dass sie, als 1 Präsidentenmaschine mit der entsprechenden Immunität & besonderem völkerrechtlichen Schutz auf Druck der #USA zur Landung gezwungen wurde, dies locker flockig als "diplomatischen Zwischenfall" abtaten - mehr nicht: Image
Read 4 tweets
❗️A Ryanair plane en route from Athens to Vilnius was forcibly landed in Minsk yesterday to detain Roman #Protasevich, Belarusian opposition journalist and former editor of the NEXTA Telegram channel.

Photo: Roman Protasevich’s Facebook
According to the sources of @nau_belarus, the representative body of #Belarusian opposition, the Belarusian side threatened to shoot down the plane through air traffic control if it did not perform an emergency landing in Minsk.
Furthermore, a MiG-29 fighter aircraft was employed to escort and land the plane, as confirmed by #Minsk.
Read 6 tweets
Weil sich gerade alle Welt über Lukaschenko und die Umleitung eines Flugzeuges über dem belarussischen Luftraum erregt, möchte ich gerne an diesen Vorfall erinnern.

Wer mag, kann mir ja mal den Unterschied erklären.…
Für den Fall, dass an dieser Stelle Unklarheiten aufkommen, sei noch einmal auf die Webseite verwiesen.
Read 4 tweets
Die erzwungene Landung kommt einer staatlichen Entführung eines Passagierflugzeuges gleich, um einen Regimekritiker festzunehmen. Wir fordern die sofortige Freilassung von #Protasevich. Er muss umgehend und sicher ausreisen können. Genau wie die anderen politischen Gefangenen.1/3
Diese beispiellose Eskalation, Bedrohung unserer Freiheit in Europa und massive Gefährdung der europäischen zivilen Luffahrt kann die Europäische Union nicht hinnehmen. 2/3
Es braucht ein neues Sanktionspaket der EU, mit dem auch belarusische Staatsunternehmen sanktioniert werden, die Lukaschenkos Rückgrat bilden und die bereits von den USA auf ihre Sanktionsliste genommen wurden. 3/3
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Wie es aussieht, konnte der weißruss. Geheimdienst in einer koordinierten Operation einen "Regime-Kritiker" festnehmen, der seit Langem in der EU im Exil lebte.
Sein Flug von Athen nach Vilnius wurde quasi abgefangen, als er sich über weißruss. Territorium befand.
Thread 👇
Was passierte:
Der bel."Regime-Kritiker" und Ex-Mitbetreiber der oppositionellen Internetplattform "NEXTA" Protasevitsch war in einem #Ryanair -Flug von Athen nach Vilnius.
Als sich der Flieger über dem Territorium von Belarus befand, musste der Kapitän die Landung antreten
Es kam nämlich eine Meldung, dass an Bord sich angeblich eine Bombe befinden würde.
Der Passagierflieger wurde nach Minsk umgeleitet und musste landen.
Ein weißrussischer MiG-Kampfjet hob ab, um den Flieger nach Minsk zu begleiten.
Dort wurde #Protasevich festgenommen.
Read 7 tweets
#Belarus Scrambles Jet to Force Down Plane Carrying #Dissident

‘The dissident, Roman #Protasevich, co-founded a Telegram channel that is a popular opposition outlet in Belarus. The plane was flying from Athens to Lithuania when it was forced down.’…
#Pratasevich is the founder of the Telegram channel #Nexta which was broadly used to organize anti- government #protests, and another similar channel critical of the government, both of which are classified as extremist in #Belarus.”…
“… #Pratasevich is also on a government wanted list for terrorism. There are differing reports as to why the budget airline Ryanair plane was forced to land.”

Read 31 tweets
La #Bielorussia ha costretto all'atterraggio con i #mig21 il volo #FR4978 Atene-Vilnius della @Ryanair, mentre sorvola il suo spazio aereo. Sul volo il giornalista e oppositore #RamanPratasevich che viene prelevato dalle autorità all'aeroporto di Minsk.…
ufficialmente le autorità sono intervenute per un allarme bomba sul volo, all'aeroporto erano schierate unità dei pompieri e dei soccorsi pronte ad intervenire
il volo #FR4978 aveva quasi raggiunto il confine Lituano quando ha dovuto virare e rientrare su Minsk (che si trovava più lontano di Vilnius stessa)
Read 18 tweets
Len Blavatnik's (Access Ind) N761LE 5/11-5/12/21 London-Miami
Blavatnik's N600EB 5/11/21 London-HPN-Stewart Int

"British Telecom is in talks to sell a stake or all of its sports-broadcast division. Potential bidders include Len Blavatnik-backed DAZN"… ImageImageImage
Len Blavatnik's (Access Ind) N761LE 5/14/21 Miami-LA
Bkavatnik's N600EB 5/13-5/14/21 Stewart Int-HPN-LA

"A Soviet-Born Billionaire Is Buying Influence at US Institutions. Anti-Corruption Activists Are Worried."…
Stephen Schwarzman's (Blackstone/Trump/RDIF) N113CS 5/14-5/15/21 West Palm Beach-Nantucket (~2h 30m)-WPB

Read 252 tweets
USAF 09-0625 MC-12W Liberty BNCR61 4/15/21 ISR mission over Baghdad, Iraq, LIVE

Something's up in Baghdad. Normally 09-0625 flies missions near Ramadi, NW of Baghdad, and at Syrian border. Image
Tom Barrack's (Chair of Trump's inaugural cmte) N284CC 4/11-4/12/21 LA-Paris 4/13/21 Paris-Nice (~20m)-Beirut 4/14/21 Beirut-Pisa

Probably stopped in Pisa to see his friend Flavio Briatore

ICYMI: Barrack and Manafort had vacation with Briatore Aug 2016
Alexander Mashkevich's M-AAAL 4/14/21 West Palm Beach-Punta Cana

M-AAAL's second visit to WPB in five weeks

"Trump, Russia & a Shadowy Business Partnership. Bayrock/Sater/Arif/Mashkevich/Trump"…
Read 255 tweets

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