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Jan 9th 2023

This thread is intended to capture all of the different terms that are being generated to define all parts of the experience while on Twitter (Or any other social platform for that matter)

Please send terms as you find!
1/ #gaslighting #defineGaslighting

A form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser attempts to sow self-doubt and confusion in their victim's mind.

2/ #blackPilling #defineBlackPilling

When you believe there is no way out of a problem.…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 2nd 2018
1/ Im seeing a lot of bad takes and empty counter signalling on the alt-media twitter side regarding the #IranProtests
This thread will clarify the situation within a framework that we have successfully used to analyze western politics (deep state, overton window, demographics)
2/ To understand the #IranProtests you have to understand the roots of the Iranian Regime. The ‘79 revolution was a broad popular uprising by many factions against royal rule that was hijacked by Shia clerics who successfully sidelined socialists,liberals and took full power
3/ The Regime that the Mullahs instituted was called an Islamic Republic. This was a compromise solution where the liberal radical demands of the Revolution could be satisfied while simultaneously the Shia Islamism of Khomeini could reign.
Read 25 tweets

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