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Oct 10th 2021
1/14. A thread on India/China. A rumored but likely authentic notice of #Walmart moving it's "Supplier Enablement Team" from #China to #India has been circulating on Chinese social media. Is this the beginning of business decoupling? A few pointers.
2. First, my understanding is Supplier Enablement team is to help suppliers getting their business efficiently so Walmart has efficiency in its own part of business. It is likely tied to Walmart commitment to source $10 Billion of India-Made Goods Each Year by 2027.
3. But is this a leading event in a significant shift of international businesses moving from China to India? It remains to be seen & an active area of attention. Southeast Asia are the common denominator in many of these supply decisions on the ground.
Read 19 tweets
Jun 6th 2020
I did some digging into this topic, it really got me thinking. How could these tracked product lines being sold in @vechainofficial’s partner stores, not have any connection to #VeChain itself? Is that possible? Yes, Definitely! Hence, the true power and brilliance of #ToolChain.
Let’s take #Tyson for example, since we have been seeing it pop up. Their product is being tracked on #VeChain and is certainly responsible for burning $VTHO, yet they may not even realize that fact. In this scenario, it is more likely that the following takes place.
#SamsClub says to #Tyson, “Hey, we want to continue to buy and carry your product, but moving forward, we need you to roll with the punches and include all this other information about it, by means of this new app (ToolChain). Tyson agrees, though they may not know about $VET
Read 8 tweets

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