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Jun 10th 2020

1. St Landry (Landericus) of Paris was a bishop of Paris. He built a hospital dedicated to St Christopher, which later became the Hotel-Dieu de Paris. He died in 661.

The following are excerpts about St Landry from the book
#StLandry #Christianity Image
2."The Golden Legend or Lives of the Saints" by Jacobus de Voragine, Archbishop of Genoa, 1275, originally in #Latin, which apparently was the most widely read book (after the Bible) during the late Middle Ages:
#Bible #CatholicChurch #Christian #MiddleAges #medievaltwitter #book
3. St Landry was right glorious bishop of Paris. God that guided him brought him to Paris and there he was the first bishop, and there he ordained clerks and officers to serve the church. He was the twenty-seventh bishop after St Denis. He sat in the chair of the church
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