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1/ I'm supporting @exit266 documenting the Black Sea Grain Initiative #BSGI #BlackSeaGrainInitiative providing marine wx impacting transit & inspection operations. This🧵is a bit off-topic, analyzing weather impact on @CarnivalCruise Sunshine cruise, 21-27 May 2023.
2/ On the evening of 26 May 2023 through mid-day 27 May 2023, the @CarnivalCruise ship #Sunshine experienced high winds and waves on its final leg of 21-27 May 2023 cruise from Charleston, South Carolina to The Bahamas Islands. Cite: @flyerscaptain @CrewCenter @CruiseHive @CNN Image
3/ First... some terms and definitions for the landlubbers ImageImage
Read 26 tweets
Insane winds on #longspeak . Incredible sunrise 🌅. #sun #sunshine #rmnp…
Read 4 tweets
It’s #SunshineWeek! Throughout the week, we will talk about #FOIA and transparency.

We also want to highlight what other transparency organizations are doing this week. Here’s a few events we’re excited about.
Today, @NARA will host a conversation about the importance of open government between Archivist of the United States David S. Ferriero and Librarian of Congress Dr. Carla Hayden.
Tuesday at 1 PM ET, @POGOwatchdog is hosting a #SunshineWeek Twitter Spaces discussion about #FOIA and whistleblowers. We’ll be joining moderator @Melissa_Wasser for a great conversation.
Read 5 tweets
I think it's the human touch that I miss. Not just a hand stroking fur...I'm starved for the skin-to-skin sensation, for a woman's body not under my paws, but my hands.

#vss365 starve
For the next song the lead guitarist of her band joins Elliana for a duet. Matching the lyrics, they play two people in love, or is that not just playing? She threw me a kiss for everyone to see. So this guy can't be her boyfriend, can he?

#vss365 #duet
The next song is a jazzy cover version of "Ain't no Sunshine". It makes me think of Ida. That's how she must feel right now. She's certainly waiting for me impatiently, and will be very happy when I'm back. I MUST KEEP THIS IN MIND.

#vss365 #sunshine
Read 4 tweets
TONIGHT 5:30pm: I am observing the #SanFrancisco #Police Commission for @lwvsf on this thread. 📢Big Change to the agenda: PUBLIC COMMENT will now open the meeting! How to join:… Round image. Top two thirds red. Bottom two thirds white. Lo
The meeting hasn’t started yet, but it looks like all are present in Webex: President @MaliaCohen, VP Cindy Elias, @DJYBG, @HamasakiLaw, Petra Dejesus. Also present are @SFPDChief Scott & @SF_DPA Department of Police Accountability Executive Director @PaulHendersonSF.
While we’re waiting, here’s the agenda:… and the supporting documents:….
Read 80 tweets
Aprovechando que parece que estamos viendo la luz al final del tĂşnel del #confinamiento, voy a recomendar PELĂŤCULAS que se desarrollan (casi) por completo en un #ĂšnicoEscenario y dĂłnde poder verlas. Abro #HILO.

Pd.: Hay más encerraditos de los que pensáis 👇 Image
#ĂšltimaLlamada de Joel Schumacher.

Disponible en @MovistarPlus.

Infravalorada por muchos pese a ser de las últimas grandes de su director. Podéis aprender muchos detalles de ella en el @aquihaydragones #10 de la mano de @rodrigocortes 👇 Image
Hablando de @rodrigocortes, no puede faltar la obra maestra #Buried (#Enterrado).

Aplaudida en #Sundance, ganadora de 3 Goya y disponible en @MovistarPlus, quizá fuese la peli más valiente del 2010.

Os dejo un @Cinemascopazo, en la que la analizaron 👇

Read 50 tweets
I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
Read 1104 tweets
Abrimos hilo sobre #VFX, donde muestro planos de películas antes y después del trabajo de efectos visuales, y os enseño el proceso por pasos en #GIFs animados. ¿Va?
Empezamos con esta escena de #DoctorStrange. Aquí podéis ver qué es real y qué es digital.
#DelSetALaPantalla #cine
Seguimos con #TheMartian. Podéis ver que se rodó en un set bastante completo y que digitalmente se añadieron el paisaje marciano del fondo, los efectos atmosféricos y la corrección de color. Aquí por pasos y capas.
#DelSetALaPantalla #cine #VFX #EfectosVisuales #GIFs
Continuamos con varios planos de #AliceInWonderland (2010) de Tim Burton. Como veis en ocasiones hay sets de rodaje, pero en otras lo único que se conserva del plate rodado es a las actrices y poco más.
#DelSetALaPantalla #cine #VFX #EfectosVisuales #GIFs
Read 114 tweets
#ThreeInOne exercise:

1. #Barefoot on grasses or sand or conductive surface

2. Embracing the #AMSunlight

3. #ZhanZhuang (Standing like a tree)

"In the silence and the void,
Standing alone and unchanging,
Ever present and in motion."

- Tao Te Ching, Laozi
Read 17 tweets
“The Committee is holding this hearing on transparency under the Trump Administration during Sunshine Week. #Sunshine Week is the time each year when we focus on the need for greater transparency in our government.” – Chairman @RepCummings
“In 1966, Congress enacted the Freedom of Information Act #FOIA so the American people could better understand the decisions being made by their government. It is critical to understanding who is influencing those decisions and how those decisions will affect their daily lives.”
“In 2013, when I was the Ranking Member of this Committee, I worked with our Republican Chairman at the time, Representative Darrell Issa, to introduce a #FOIA reform bill.”
Read 8 tweets

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