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Oct 5th 2022
A beginner's guide to long-distance consistent running

I had no sports background & had never run before. Started #running 2 years back (6 Nov 20) at age 49. Ran 5454 km in 2021, and 3604 in 2022 until today. 9058 km in 643 days (Av 14.1 km/d). Includes 591 10k+ runs and 106 HM
Running resulted in several benefits- 22 kg #weightloss (95kg before to 73kg now). HbA1C: 4.8; normal cholesterol & BP, resting HR 45/min. Physically active and mostly pain-free despite having #ankylosingspondylitis Not on any medications.
I wish to answer some common queries, mostly based on my personal experiences (and some based on my medical knowledge)
1. Can everyone run long distances? Yes, if there is no significant medical illness, anyone can run. If you have a health issue, get clearance from your doctor.
Read 15 tweets
Jul 3rd 2021
We live in a world where walking barefoot is avoided. The modern world believes that walking barefoot is not appropriate, but our ancestors were in favour of walking barefoot. Do you know the reason behind it?
Going barefoot also signifies respect for the earth upon which people
walk. The foot is the body part that touches the earth – the sacred mother of all. The earth is imbued with generative powers and the foot is thought of as the conduit through which the vital energy of the earth travels through humans unto the cosmos.
The fact that ‘We are electrical beings’ was long understood by our ancestors. Hence the traditional lifestyle hinged around connecting with the earth by either walking barefoot within the house, sleeping on ground, eating while sitting on ground and even kids playing barefoot
Read 9 tweets
Jun 16th 2019
#ThreeInOne exercise:

1. #Barefoot on grasses or sand or conductive surface

2. Embracing the #AMSunlight

3. #ZhanZhuang (Standing like a tree)

"In the silence and the void,
Standing alone and unchanging,
Ever present and in motion."

- Tao Te Ching, Laozi
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