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Oct 30th 2022
As it turns out no ships were delivered today so the rest of the charts stayed the same.
But because I like to be thorough, here’s the rest of the charts.
As has become a weekend tradition, here’s the breakdown by continent.
Read 9 tweets
Oct 6th 2021
Each morning I come onto @Twitter I pray there is some kind of @Hopeforjustice for #AmbroseGGBall.

But instead to witness @DavidLammy posting the most #sadistic #Facebook post to date knowing how he has treated the mother of murdered @forambrose1984 leaving her with a body in
@haringeycouncil without a single word from @NCLCCG_Haringey or #AndrewWalker since last June 2020.

Toni aka Ruth Lovell has been telling @GREATBritain how she has been treated by @metpoliceuk @MPSBarnet @MPSHaringey @MPSEnfield @CPSUK @IOPC_Help #CindyButts, @VpoDr
#bernardhoganhowe who has told the world how much we trust the #PoliceState, well 80% I do believe he quoted, to then be allowed to walk off
Read 26 tweets
Oct 10th 2019
#TRUTHBOMB: Let's be clear.

Ken Vogel and the NYTimes ABSOLUTELY bought everything Giuliani and then-compromised Ukrainian prosecutor Lutsenko were peddling.

Two weeks ago, Ken Vogel claimed there was "more to the story," only to admit there wasn't any evidence, two days later.
#FTR: I have *NOT* favored a single democratic primary candidate in any of my tweets.

But the facts are clear...Ken Vogel and the NYTimes first reported the Biden-Ukraine "conspiracy," as if it were true.

I called out Vogel respectfully a few weeks ago.

#PS: I do NOT agree with the Biden Campaign's every move.

I called out their tone-deaf decision to tell networks not to book Giuliani.

But, despite most reporters' auto-defense of other reporters when criticized, the Biden Campaign is RIGHT in this case.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 6th 2018
#TRUTHBOMB: You've heard it a million times.

"There was No Collusion except with the Democrats and Russia!"

It's an often-repeated right-wing counter-narrative pointing to the FusionGPS commissioned #SteeleDossier.

Here's why they're full of it and how to counter it.

#FLAG: Trump defenders say if it's illegal to get "opposition research" from a foreign national...

...then the Democrats are guilty of it, because they commissioned Christopher Steele, a former British spy and UK national, to gather intel that became the #SteeleDossier.

#FLAG: Let's look at the specific law...

52 USC 30121 - It's illegal to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution (opposition research) or donation of money or other thing of value from a foreign national in connection with an election.

But the fact is. STEELE WAS PAID.

Read 9 tweets
Apr 22nd 2018

The following thread is a TIMELINE featuring some of Trump's actions that directly led to the appointment of a Special Counsel.
May 3 - Comey testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

He refuses to answer if there’s any evidence of collusion. This triggers Trump's fury and his decision to fire Comey.…
May 6 - Trump and Stephen Miller draft a letter to fire Comey at his golf club in NJ.

The first line in this original letter mentions the Russia investigation, as the reason for his firing. The letter is never sent.

Mueller has that original draft...…
Read 12 tweets

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