"There was No Collusion except with the Democrats and Russia!"
It's an often-repeated right-wing counter-narrative pointing to the FusionGPS commissioned #SteeleDossier.
Here's why they're full of it and how to counter it.

...then the Democrats are guilty of it, because they commissioned Christopher Steele, a former British spy and UK national, to gather intel that became the #SteeleDossier.
52 USC 30121 - It's illegal to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution (opposition research) or donation of money or other thing of value from a foreign national in connection with an election.
But the fact is. STEELE WAS PAID.

The DNC/Clinton Campaign hired FusionGPS for opposition research into Trump and Russia, after the primaries.
They commissioned Steele. NOT a donation or contribution.
Republicans have tried to connect the money trail from Democrats to Russia — to make it appear more shady AND to discredit Steele and the info. They claim sources lied b/c they were paid.
At a minimum, Don Jr. and the Trump Campaign solicited a contribution from a foreign government — in the form of "dirt," a thing of value (they call opposition research).
P.S. - It's in the context of a Quid Pro Quo. Dirt in exchange for lifted Magnitsky Sanctions.