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Nov 24th 2022
Today’s #TTE 🇪🇺 Energy Council was not an easy one. But we did have a clear political support for several key measures to tackle the ongoing #energy crisis.

The ministers reached political agreement on five crucial issues. 1/5
First, for making joint purchases of gas a reality. We have a process in place that will allow us to pool our demand & buy 13.5bcm of gas together next year.

This prevents us from outbidding each other on the global market & helps to fill the storage. 2/5
Second, to give @EU_acer the task of developing a new LNG benchmark by the end of March.

The current most popular benchmark, #TTF, no longer reflects the situation on the EU gas market & a complimentary instrument is needed. 3/5
Read 5 tweets
Nov 23rd 2022
#CLP JOSÉ TORRES MARTÍNEZ, #heroíco mengibareño, primer caído en combate en #SidiIfni, posesión entonces #Española, situada en territorio africano. Nació en #Mengíbar (Jaén), el 20 de #Agosto de 1934, en una familia humilde, honrada y numerosa. Su Madre, se queda viuda en...
1935, con 9 hijos. De niño, José asistió a la #EscuelaParroquial de D. Federico Anguita Palacios, donde aprendió los #conocimientos básicos y elementales, yendo a una segunda donde completó su formación. Cuando tuvo edad de trabajar, lo hizo en el campo, con el propietario...
Pertenecía al #reemplazo de 1955, siendo destinado para el servicio militar a #Canarias, donde se alistó como voluntario, en la II #Bandera de Paracaidistas "Roger de Lauria". Cuando #España necesitó de sus servicios, no se atemorizó dando su vida por la #Patria #TalDiComoHoy
Read 6 tweets
Sep 30th 2022
⚡️ #TTE Energy | DEAL!👏 Ministers reached a political agreement on measures to mitigate high electricity prices: mandatory electricity demand reduction, cap on market revenues from inframarginal electricity producers and solidarity contribution from fossil fuels producers.
⚡️ #TTE Energetika | DOHODA!👏 Ministři dosáhli politické dohody ohledně opatření ke snížení vysokých cen elektřiny: povinné snížení poptávky po elektřině, zastropování zisků producentů vyrábějících z inframarginálních zdrojů a solidární příspěvek výrobců z fosilních paliv.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 14th 2022

300 invited talks
Nearly 200 oral abstracts
>1000 posters
Here we review some of trials and presentation from Main Events at #ISC22
#ISC22 Highlights
EVT for acute LVO with #large ischemic #Core

NIHSS>6, #ASPECT 3-5 , CT or MRI (~85%)
<6hr, or DWI/FLAIR mismatch <24hr
🚶mRS 0-3 at 90d: 31 vs 12.8%, RR 2.43🩸sICH,<48hr: 9 vs 4.9% NS
⚫️Death: 18 vs 23.5%, NS…
#ISC22 Highlights
#Rescue-BT EVT with or w/o #tirofiban in LVO stroke
GPIIb/IIIa-R inhibitor could ⏬reocclusion after MT
55🏥in🇨🇳AIS<24hr, no IVT, ASPECT≥6
🚶mRS at 90d: 3 vs 3
🩸sICH: 9.7 vs 6.4%, NS
⚫️Death: 18.1 vs 16.9%
Treatment effect modification in LAA subgroup
Read 12 tweets
Nov 13th 2021
1/24 This month’s #EHJCaseReports #tweetorial focuses on percutaneous left atrial appendage occlusion.

Is #LAAO the exact solution for preventing stroke & embolism in #AF pts who can’t tolerate #OAC?
Or, a new problem while seeking a solution?…
🎯 The rationale of #LAAO
🔸 In non-valvular #AF patients, 90% of thrombus is located in the #LAA
🔸 These thrombi embolise to the 🧠 & cause #stroke
🎯 Don't miss the ‘#EHRA_ESC #EAPCI expert consensus document on catheter-based #LAAO –an update’…
#LAA closure devices should be safe, efficent and easy to deploy.

📌 Currently available catheter-based devices for #LAAO have different principles.

A- Plug ➡️ Watchman
B- Pacifier ➡️ Amplatzer Amulet
C- Ligation ➡️ Lariat…
Read 25 tweets
Dec 8th 2018
1/Tweetorial on #TMVR for #ASEchoJC 12/11 8 pm

transcatheter mitral valve replacement #TMVR for failed valve & ⬆️ #STS risk

#VHD 2017 update reoperation➡️ reintervention

🎈expandable SAPIEN S3 only @FDA bioprosthesis for implant
2/#Transeptal developed @MayoClinicCV 48 pts

After 🇨🇦 initial experience with #transapical 2009

sick patients with ⬇️ EF #transeptal preserves EF better avoids apical purse string suture

Currently #TMVR registry
>50 % are transeptal & in house mortality 7%
3/#EchoFirst #TTE
#PLAX & off-axis( inflow can be II to septum not apex/posteriorly & eccentric/coanda
👀 origin MR➡️#TMVR may 🚫resolve severe paravalvular MR
#CWD #MV proximal flow convergence location: on ventricular side in regurgitation & on atrial side in stenosis
Read 10 tweets
Oct 22nd 2018
1/#Tweetorial #papillary #fibroelastoma for
#ASEchoJC 10/23

🐙= #PFE 1975 named #papillary #fibroelastoma by #armed #forces #institute of #pathology

#papilloma 1973

#Collagen core with elastic fibers & matrix covered by endothelium sheath
Attached by stalk
multiple fronds
2/ What is the incidence of #PFE 🐙 compared to #myxoma (diagnosed in same time period)?

#PFE 511 vs. #myxoma 112

#PFE incidence ~1/1000

common “benign”primary ❤️tumor #modern #EchoFirst (Most common @MayoClinicCV)

#myxoma (autopsy based prevalence)
3/How to tell if a #PFE🐙by #echofirst ?
(Vs.Atypical myxoma,SBE,
small mobile mass attached #endocardial surface frondlike extensions #independent motion stippled border
Usually on atrial surface of AV valves or either side of semilunar valves,🚫interfere valve Fxn
Read 10 tweets
Sep 3rd 2018
Curious about how #POCUS is taught? This #Tweetorial is for U
#Preview for #ASEchoJC 🔜9/4 8pm EST

Point-of-Care Cardiac Ultrasound POCUS: State-of-the-Art in Medical School Education by @amerjohri

#POCUS not 🐇🎩, not short #TTE
2/ Current #goals #Cardiac #POCUS #MedEd

(1) introduce concepts of ultrasound- common imaging views, correlate with anatomy, & physical examination skills

(2) develop scanning techniques➡️ basic competence

(3) recognize & differentiate b/w normal anatomy & basic pathology
3/ When Do We Start? Prerequisite knowledge for #POCUS teaching

"priming effect" of preclinical education

Big machine 1st over handheld Martinez et al @UMMC

Start 1st year @Hoppmann et al @UofSCSOM
Read 10 tweets

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