#ASEchoJC 10/23
🐙= #PFE 1975 named #papillary #fibroelastoma by #armed #forces #institute of #pathology
#papilloma 1973
#Collagen core with elastic fibers & matrix covered by endothelium sheath
Attached by stalk
multiple fronds

#PFE 511 vs. #myxoma 112
#PFE incidence ~1/1000
common “benign”primary ❤️tumor #modern #EchoFirst (Most common @MayoClinicCV)
#myxoma (autopsy based prevalence)

(Vs.Atypical myxoma,SBE,
small mobile mass attached #endocardial surface frondlike extensions #independent motion stippled border
Usually on atrial surface of AV valves or either side of semilunar valves,🚫interfere valve Fxn
#PFEs 👀speckled with echolucencies
characteristic stippled edge, with shimmer or vibration at tumor–blood interface notable in larger tumors & finger-like projections = fronds #pathology ➡️ “sea anemone”

Aortic most common
routine #TTE for other indications likely misses a sizeable proportion of asymptomatic #PFE 🐙 not linked to neurological/embolic events
Also 👀 company it keeps...

patients who are surgical candidates ➡️”expert surgical center” for ✂️
Patients who not surgical candidates/ increased risks treated with antiplatelet agents 💊
#data has #bias #selection #referral #verification
no randomized multicenter trials

median f/u 1.6 years, ~2/3 of ✂️ patients had f/u #echofirst & evidence of recurrent #PFE🐙 in 3 patients 1.6%
0 % prior series bit.ly/2CvSEzf
@mirvatalasnag @joemaleszewski 📸

☄️Embolization: either tumor or thrombus causing
– Stroke/TIA
– MI
– Sudden death
– Syncope
– Peripheral ischemia
Pulmonary embolism
Follow #ASEchoJC for cases tomorrow 8pm